Informationen über Well Vita Brilon

Almerfeldweg 35
59929, Brilon
+49 2961 50572


  • Montag: 08:30–22:30 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 08:30–22:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 15:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 08:30–22:30 Uhr
  • Freitag: 08:30–22:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: 13:30–19:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 09:30–14:30 Uhr

Premiumfitness, gesundheitsorientiertes Muskeltraining, einen professionellen Kursbereich und exklusiven Wellnessbereich, all das gibt es im Well Vita in Brilon.

Wir bieten modernste Ausstattung im gehobenen Wohlfühl-Ambiente. Sicheres Training dank Hochleistungs-Lüftung mit 4-fachem Luftaustausch pro Stunde. Sie entscheiden, wie Sie trainieren möchten: o   schnelle Erfolge an elektronischen Hightech-Geräten wie dem digitalen BIOCIRCUIT von Technogym o   klassisches Muskelaufbautraining auf der Empore im separaten Kraftraum o   in 138 Kursen pro Monat und im weltweit erfolgreichen LesMills Kursprogramm o   oder in den erprobten Gesundheitskursen wie BEST FORM Abnehmkurs oder Rücken Erfolgstraining

Ganzheitliche Betreuung Bei uns werden Sie durch qualifizierte Mitarbeiter betreut und zu Ihren Zielen geführt. Sie erhalten einen digitalen Trainingsschlüssel mit Ihrem persönlichen Trainingsplan. Dazu eine Start Betreuung mit vier aufeinanderfolgenden Trainingsterminen, bis Sie sich sicher sein können Ihr Training selbstständig durchzuführen. Qualität steht bei uns an erster Stelle.

Individuelle Angebote Entscheiden Sie selbst, wie Sie Ihr Programm gestalten möchten, alle Leistungen sind frei kombinier- und wählbar. So werden Sie nur das bezahlen, was Sie auch wirklich nutzen möchten.

Seit 28. Dezember 2021 ist der Zutritt ins Well Vita nur mit „2G+“ möglich: Geimpft oder genesen plus tagesaktueller negativer Schnelltest (gültig für maximal 24 Stunden).

Seit 13. Januar 2022 entfällt der tagesaktuelle negative Schnelltest für Personen, die zusätzlich zur vollständigen Grundimmunisierung geboostert oder in den letzten drei Monaten von einer Infektion genesen sind.

Schüler bis Ende ihres 15. Lebensjahres brauchen keinen Testnachweis. Wenn kein Schulbetrieb ist, benötigen alle Schüler bis 15 Jahre einen tagesaktuellen negativen Schnelltest, den sie direkt im Well Vita Testzentrum durchführen können. Ab 16 Jahren gilt die „2G+“-Regel. Ein ärztliches Attest für eine Nicht-Impfung darf maximal 6 Wochen alt sein und benötigt zudem einen maximal 6 Stunden alten Corona Schnelltest eines Testzentrums.

Sie können die Trainingsflächen ohne Termin nutzen. Ebenso sind die Umkleiden, Duschen, Sauna und Kursangebot nutzbar. In der Vita Lounge genießen Sie Getränke und Kaffee Spezialitäten, alles wie früher.

Ich bin bei Petra im Bestform Kurs und bin einfach nur begeistert. Ernährungsberatung und Training ergänzen sich wunderbar und lassen die Pfunde schmelzen. Man bekommt so viele gute und wichtige Tipps. Getoppt wird das Ganze nur noch von dem wunderbaren Personal. Ich bin so froh hier „gelandet“ zu sein und freue mich auf den weiteren Weg.

Nach 7 Monaten haben wir nun gemeinsam jeder über 15 Kilo Körperfett im Studio gelassen. Das Well Vita ist ein gut organisiertes Fitnessstudio mit wirklich angenehmer Atmosphäre, einer ausgewogenen Klientel und aktuellen Trainingsgeräten und einem großen Freihantelbereich. Hier trainiert der Chef noch selbst ?

Bin seit Ende 2016 bei Well Vita. Hat mir von Anfang an gut gefallen. Betreuung ist sehr professionell und freundlich. Das Kursangebot ist sehr gut. Zusammen mit den Geräten kann man im Well Vita sehr abwechslungsreich trainieren.

Vor 6 Wochen war der Start für den neuen Abnehmkurs bei Petra. Ich gebe zu, dass ich anfangs skeptisch war. Die Unterlagen, die wir Woche für Woche erhalten, erklären alles sehr anschaulich und gut. Man erfährt viel Erstaunliches und es wird einen dadurch bewusst, was man in der Ernährung falsch macht. Ich habe in 5 Wochen 5 Kilo abgenommen….reines Körperfett. Die Ernährungsumstellung ist mir leichtgefallen. Natürlich trainiere ich zusätzlich mindestens 3x in der Woche. Ich kann den Kurs und das Studio wärmstens empfehlen.

Ein positives Körpergefühl ist viel wichtiger als jedes verlorene Kilo. Spaß am Sport, mitreißende Kurse und jede Menge Action machen Muskelaufbau und Fett verlieren zum Kinderspiel. Jeder kleine Erfolg ist wichtig und bringt mich näher zu meinem Ziel mich 100 Prozent wohl zu fühlen.

3-4 mal wöchentlich absolviere ich mein Krafttraining und habe dadurch bis jetzt 12 Kilo Muskelmasse aufgebaut. Durch den Sport bin ich auch im Alltag viel disziplinierter geworden. Der Erfolg motiviert mich total weiter zu machen. Ich fühle mich im Well Vita pudelwohl, quasi wie zuhause. Großes Lob an die tollen Mitarbeiter.


Well Vita Brilon hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Well Vita Brilon: Stellungnahmen

5/5 (53 Stellungnahmen)
Kathrin Zimmermann 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been going to well vita since 2018 and come home happy every time. A nice gym with great trainers who help, support and motivate you at any time

Leanne Droste 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been going to the Well Vita for a few weeks and I really like it. The employees are all super friendly and make a very competent impression. The cozy atmosphere immediately made me feel very comfortable and welcome. The employees are always available if you have questions or need help and always have a smile on their faces. I would choose the Well Vita again at any time.

Gisela Witteler 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: mein Mann und ich haben bei Petra den Best Form Kurs mitgemacht. Die Theorie war wurde anschaulich und humorvoll von Petra rübergebracht und auch das Training war super. Wir haben schon einige Pfunde abgenommen und werden nach Abschluss des Kurses viel mit in den Alltag nehmen. Vielen Dank Petra

Lydia Schönfisch 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been a customer at Well Vita for a number of years. Thanks to the great service team and the good support, I feel that I am in good hands in this studio. The offer is very extensive and of high quality. At the beginning of the year I took part in the Best Form course and lost 5 kg in 8 weeks by changing my diet. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to lose weight in a healthy, long-term manner.

Alexander Brüggemann 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: One of the best studios around. But why? Starting on the outside, it offers free and sometimes even monitored parking. From the inside, it scores with its warm ambience and a well thought-out room layout. Changing rooms and training equipment are well maintained and have no maintenance backlog. From the solarium to the sauna, there is something for everyone. The course offerings are as extensive as the drinks and snacks. And the most important thing, the staff, is consistently friendly and qualified, which is reflected in top-notch care.

Cornelia Kraft 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been going to Well Vita for (rehab) training for a few weeks now and I'm also taking advantage of a few courses. All employees are always very nice, friendly and very competent. Since I've been training according to the training plan specially tailored to me by Petra, I've felt a very clear improvement. I not only have more strength again, but also no more pain. With the help of the high-tech electronics available in the studio, you can also get by on your own. Nevertheless, the trainers always keep a watchful eye. I'm glad I signed up here and highly recommend this studio to everyone! Everything is also very tastefully furnished and of high quality and super clean!

Liesa Sachweh 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really great gym Pure oasis of well-being

Nina W. 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: My boyfriend and I train 2-3 times a week at Well Vita. We attended the Best Form weight loss course together and have already lost a few kilos! We are very enthusiastic about the nutritional concept and our trainer Petra, who runs the Best Form course. We can definitely recommend the gym. The whole team is very friendly, cordial and always helpful.

Alexandra Krause 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been training at Well Vita for half a year and feel very comfortable, welcome and always well advised. Thanks to Petra's best form course, I was able to learn a lot about my body and successfully lose weight. With this course and Petra's rousing nature, anyone can manage to find the right path to a feel-good weight and to live a healthy life in the long term. I look forward to my next visit :-)

Björn Falck 2 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: Nette Trainer und schönes Ambiente.

Jarl Sphinxfall 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Everything is great, always happy:]

Björn Weidhüner 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio with everything you could want and very good support. :)

M ali 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been training at Well Vita since 2018. The studio is modern and comfortably furnished and very clean. I particularly like the family atmosphere. The team is always available, open, nice and helpful. The wide range of courses and equipment on offer gives me the opportunity to diversify my training. So I feel very comfortable there and in good hands.

Ilona Schilling 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Actually, I got into the best form course by chance in the Well Vita and, due to so many attempts to lose weight, I had no great expectations. Despite cheating on my part, the concept actually worked. I haven't had the shape I have now for years. I think without Petra Wilke, who leads the course, and without the nice group and without the lens, I would not have made it. Cheers to the lens.

René Sebastian Kaup 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Minus the corona lockdown, I train for about a year in Well Vita. This is also the first gym I have ever been to. So I can't say much about what makes Well Vita better than others, but I can tell you why I keep going back to Well Vita. The nice and competent team manages to create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable and motivated, regardless of their personal fitness level. The trainers take their time for the briefing and are always available for questions. You are always happy to come back to the Well Vita and to be greeted by name. The courses are structured and you can tell that the trainers are competent and know what they are doing and what they are talking about. I personally can also absolutely recommend Petra's weight loss course. I lost over 10kg in 2 months. Well Vita’s philosophy can best be summed up with a quote from Kenneth H. Cooper: “Fitness is a journey, not a destination; You must continue for the rest of your life. ”And in Well Vita you will find the best Sherpas for this journey, no matter where your journey begins.

Harvey Specter 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best vallah, I became a real edge because of the Mukkibude Parking spaces for BMW are always there Community showers best vallah you can watch yarrack now and then

Elvi Bock 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been training at Well Vita for a number of years and feel that I am in very good hands there. I miss the training in the pleasant atmosphere in the studio due to the current lockdown, but our Well Vita team trains with us in online live courses and offers a lot of courses in the media library. I am particularly looking forward to the live courses because after the training there is still time for a nice chat with participants and trainers.

Charlotte 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A great, motivating team that is always there to help! I love it at Well Vita and don't want to miss my training there anymore!

L. P. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I signed up for the top form course in September to lose a few pounds of body weight. The next lockdown came relatively soon, which made sporting together impossible because the studios had to close. Nevertheless, Petra continued to take good care of us in the group and she always gave us additional tips on how we can continue to reduce weight on our own and stay motivated. Losing 12% body weight in 6 months was the goal and we did it!

Manuel Peucker 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Good gym! I managed to lose 30 kilos there in about 10 months.

mariella bartsch 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Hello, my name is Daniela and I am 45 years old. I decided for the Well Vita to fight my back problems and my excess weight. In the meantime I have hardly any back pain and have lost 12 kilos in 7 months thanks to the “Best Form” course at Petra.

Steffen Schmidt 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: After 7 months and almost exactly 50 visits (would have been more with Corona ... ;-)) we wanted to leave a more detailed feedback. We started in January 2020 after the New Year's resolutions in recent years never worked out as we planned, so this time with a gym - maybe it will help! At the start we registered with Petra for the "Best Form" course because we wanted to change our diet for training. During the first few weeks it was quite a pain to get into training and then to change your diet at the same time. But once you got through the first low, it went better every time, and today after 7 months you miss the training if you don't make it to the Well Vita 3 times a week as usual. Training on machines is a lot of fun, even if you have to crawl home every time. In return, you usually feel all the fitter the next day. For newcomers, we also recommend the course with Petra, especially if you haven't dealt with nutrition in too much detail. There are so many topics that can be approached the wrong way, a little start-up help helps a lot if you are motivated to do it. After 7 months we each left> 15 kg of body fat in the studio, so it definitely worked better this year with the intent filling. With 50 visits, 300 grams less per person came home ... ;-) And the year is still long - we are still there 3 times a week if our schedule allows. What should be clear to everyone: Of course, you do not automatically have any visible success in Well Vita - only the registration (as everywhere else) only makes the account easier. But if you make it there regularly, you will find a well-organized fitness studio with a really pleasant atmosphere, a balanced clientele and up-to-date training equipment and a large free weight area. Here the boss still trains himself ... ;-) As a suggestion for the future, the shower area might need to be designed a little differently. Unfortunately, there are no individual shower cubicles with shelves here. On the whole, not really problematic and probably also common in many studios, but group showers for short-sighted people who only use buttons to orient themselves without glasses are sometimes more of a kind of contact exchange, which you have to feel like ... :-)

Anna Neufeld 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great and nice team and a large and varied range of different courses and training equipment. The nutrition course at Petra was exciting and informative. Here you get really good tips on how to lose weight and stay healthy. In general, the atmosphere at Well Vita is very pleasant and you always get tips and help with using the equipment or performing exercises.

Volko Weyler 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been registered in the WellVita studio for about 5 years now and come to exercise twice a week. The care is perfect, be it with the sport itself or with the service. I was always helped and I was always given an open ear for all my concerns. I found the protective measures before the LockDown to be more than sufficient. I miss the training a lot. Now I wish the whole team a Merry Christmas and a hopefully healthy and successful year 2021.

ariane jarosz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nice, modern and clean studio in which you feel in good hands. Great offers, a large selection of courses and always a contact at your side. Before Corona I was there at least 3 times a week. I currently use the online courses via Zoom or in the media library, the selection is great and you stay fit despite the lock down. We recommend!

Nicolas 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I started at WellVita in September 2020 with the aim of losing a few pounds and getting a little fitter. During the first meeting, I was offered the opportunity to take part in the “Best Form” weight-loss and nutrition course at Petra. Weekly training units are completed here in a small group and tips / background information on healthy and balanced nutrition are given. Despite the initial skepticism, the course was a complete success in my opinion. As a result of the training within the group, your own motivation has increased steadily. In addition, there was the opportunity to take part in a weight loss competition. If you lose 12% body weight in 6 months, the next 6 months of training are free. Now, almost 7 months later, I have lost 22% (27 kilos) in weight and have more than clearly won the competition. Despite the shutdown and the restrictions due to the corona pandemic, people were repeatedly motivated to join in and continue with personal messages and online courses, so that the desire never went away. The team is consistently competent, friendly and always positive. The training area and the service area are equipped to a high standard and there is something for everyone in the range of courses. All in all, I can unreservedly recommend the WellVita.

Thomas Anstötz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I registered with Well Vita 5 weeks ago, my knee problems are much better, targeted training, great equipment, great staff. I feel right at home there, keep it up, I'll do it too.

Tobias Mandok 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Noblesse Studio mit allem Komfort und guter Betreuung.

Susanne Blaeser 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I feel very comfortable here. The trainers are competent and super nice. After my knee surgery I felt very well cared for and received great tips so that I know that I will get valuable help for the next upcoming surgery. I have been a member for 25 years, with interruptions Throughout the years you have always worked on yourself and have always been up to date. Hopefully not at least 25 years. Danke

Robert Vandraj 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very stylish and comfortable. All you need to eat. Well, girls run and inspire the best of any inergetik.

Brigitta Jacob 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been a member since March and feel very comfortable there. The Best Form course at Petra is great for anyone who wants to lose weight in a healthy way. You get great nutrition tips and the right training. The whole team is very friendly and helps whenever you need help. Just great

Andrea Hillebrand 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been an active member of Well Vita for 20 years and very satisfied. The studio is very clean, the team is very competent and friendly and there is a very good course offer.

Katharina Angielski 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been a member of the Well Vita since April 2019 and I have not doubted for a second not to go there anymore ... The team is very open to every single member. It is immediately helped or tips are given on how to improve what. I can recommend everyone who wants to work on themselves, their fitness and their body to register as a member of Well Vita and they will see that I am / was right. Through the nutritional course led by Petra and the sport you do, the kilos tumble and you feel like you've been changed ... The studio is clean, there are "reasonable" members walking around in the studio and the equipment is up to date. There are many courses with something for everyone, the staff is very nice as written and there is a family atmosphere. Which is totally important to me. It is worth doing a trial training, because then you can see directly how and what is going on in the studio .... Have fun. Oh yes, of course I thank the entire team for my success so far! Without you I would be 15 kilos heavier

Franz Nowak 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Thanks to a change in diet, coaching and individual training, I was able to gain 2.5 kg within 8 weeks, most of it even muscle! The constant accompaniment by Andreas provides security and important tips and tips on how to train properly. The studio is always clean and the entire staff is well trained and super friendly! A great atmosphere to train and switch off!

K K 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super cool release party! It was a lot of fun to work out with the competent Maik Wedel! In general, the modernization was very successful and you feel extremely comfortable in the modern ambience.

Tanja Schneymann 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am totally satisfied and feel very well cared for there. Since I currently have a pronounced back problem, I am always helped. The success is incredible. A very pleasant atmosphere there and an experienced trainer is always available. I took the best form course at Petra this year. A great course that brings visible success in a moderate period. A great change in diet. I can recommend it to everyone who has a little more on their ribs. Petra explains everything clearly and understandably ..

Lavdim Bislimi 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice team and a large and varied range of different courses. Petra's nutrition course was particularly exciting and helpful. Here you can get really good tips on how to lose weight and stay healthy. In 7 weeks you are definitely one step further on the way to your dream figure. In general, the atmosphere in the Well Vita is very pleasant and you always get tips and help when using the equipment or performing exercises.

Kerstin Scheller 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The new weight loss course at Petra started 6 weeks ago. I admit that I was skeptical at first. So without carbohydrates ?? The documents we receive every week explain everything very clearly and well. You experience a lot of amazing things. I lost 5 kilos in 5 weeks ... pure body fat. The change in diet was easy for me. Of course, I also train at least 3 times a week. I highly recommend the course and studio anyway.

Grünspecht 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Excellent gym I have been in this studio since October 2019 and was able to significantly improve my state of health, particularly through a nutritional change course at Petra. My wife and I feel very comfortable and in good hands in Well Vita. The course program is very diverse and there is a large selection of fitness equipment so that there is no boredom. The staff is extremely friendly and very well trained. The owner and his team have built a great studio that you should try.

Oliver Wieczorek 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been in Well Vita for over 31/2 years now. During this time I learned more about my body, my health and my diet than in the 27 modest years before. The nutrition course at Petra should be "obligatory";) for all athletes and those who want to give their body something good. How much this subsequently influenced my life positively (lost 18kg) I would not have dared to dream before. Back then I also had problems with my back due to hard physical work. Through gentle back training courses with Andreas, in which my muscles were brought back into shape, I have been taking part in intensive courses such as Bodypump and CrossFit for 3 years now. In conclusion, I can say that I quickly reached a muscle and endurance level that I had never known in 15 years of team sport . I feel super, healthy and top fit. I would highly recommend the Well Vita to everyone and would like to express my sincere thanks to the entire team.

Annemarie Hillebrand 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice and well trained trainers, great equipment, everything clean and modern. I always like to go there. Thanks Petra for the competent and warm care!

Caro Brüne 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very well equipped and clean studio. The employees are always friendly, motivated and help wherever they can. I was always in good hands and felt well advised. Highly recommended!

Norbert Rabeneck 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been going to Well Vita for 8 years now, with an interruption due to acute knee problems, which I can compensate for today with targeted training. The training, the training instructions, the helpfulness of the very competent and friendly staff are always a great pleasure. You will find a very relaxed atmosphere, which contributes to a good and goal-oriented training. The large number of training options leaves nothing to be desired. The ambience, which is always decorated with a lot of love, and the cleanliness contribute a lot to the feel-good factor. If the temperatures outside go above 30 degrees, the air conditioning ensures pleasant training conditions. Keep it up !!!

ON 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very friendly and helpful staff who are at your side during training. The studio is very clean and equipped with modern equipment. You feel really comfortable there and in good hands. p.s. Training with Petra is especially fun

Jana Hillebrand 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym, very clean and always friendly team! Continue so

Lisa Walbaum 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been back at Well Vita since November and I am very excited. My knee problems that I have developed in my job have become better through personal counseling and creating your own training program. The course offer is very diverse and offers the right thing for every sport type. The service team is super friendly and is always friendly with questions.

Sven S 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice staff. Always clean and tidy. The training rooms are top modern bright and friendly. You feel really well cared for. Many inclusive services such as sauna and varied course program ...

Jasmin Bedi 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am very happy to have registered in Well Vita. I was able to break down 4 kg of body fat in about 3 months and build up almost 3 kg of muscle mass. The courses motivate and make sure that you last until the last second! But also the normal equipment training is a lot of fun and you feel very well looked after by the fitness trainers.

Angela Burmann 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A super nice gym with very nice and very well trained staff. I am really excited and can only recommend to anyone to become a member here.

Sabrina 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nice people, great care. I always had back pain from my office job and from carrying my child. Due to the good individual care, I now have a strong back without pain. Many thanks to the Well Vita Team

Claudia 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym! Everything is nicely designed, the equipment is new and the coaches are always in a good mood :) The best for me: the back-ballance-course, which freed me from my constant pain!

Markus Bangert 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: My wife and I took part in the BestForm course (from April 2019) at Petra and can only recommend it to anyone who wants to change their diet and wants to do something good for their health. The course was very interesting and you really learned a lot. In addition to the intensive care of the first few weeks - many thanks to Petra, the entire team is always attentive and intervenes if necessary corrective in the trainees. The whole care in WellVita is just great, you feel in good hands, the atmosphere is great and all staff, coaches and boss are really friendly and great on it. ;-) Special thanks go to our trainer Petra, who always finds the right words, motivates and by adjusting the training also ensures that it goes on. We say "thank you" to the whole team again, we feel very comfortable and like to train with you. Love greetings Iris and Markus

Adrian Dransfeld 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very clean and atmospheric studio. Here not only the muscle building but also the sustainable health is in the foreground. The service staff are always friendly and helpful !!!

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