Informationen über smile BEST Fitness Saarbrücken

Koßmannstraße 23
66119, Saarbrücken
+49 681 94738920


  • Montag: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: 08:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 08:00–20:00 Uhr

Premium Fitness ab 6,99 € in Saarbrücken: Effektives Training mit Komfort ✅ Echte Trainer ✅ Echte Kurse ✅ Fitness ohne Limit ➔ Teste uns jetzt

Einzigartiges Angebot in Saarbrücken: Bei smile BEST Fitness Saarbrücken gibt es die vollen 100% Fitness, Kurse & Wellness zum halben Preis - schmale 50% Wochenbeiträge in den ersten 6 Monaten. Jetzt Angebot sichern, kostenlos testen und erst danach entscheiden. Wie das geht? Erstelle jetzt ganz einfach Deinen persönlichen Gutschein – kostenlos und unverbindlich.

Damit Du weiterhin aktiv bleiben kannst unterstützen wir Dich mit unserem Online-Fitnessretter-Portal. Das Fitnessretter-Portal ist kostenlos für Dich. Nach der Registrierung mit Deiner Mail-Adresse hast Du Zugang zu über 100 Kursen on Demand, abwechslungsreichen Work-Outs und interessanten Tipps für Deine Ernährung. Die Virtuelle Kochschule ist inklusive. Viel Spaß dabei!

„Ich liebe die riesige Auswahl an Geräten und Trainingsmöglichkeiten bei smile BEST. So kann ich immer neue Trainingsreize setzen und mich weiter verbessern. Klasse!“

„Nur junge Leute hier? Quatsch! Zu alt für Fitness? Das Alter ist total egal! Für Fitnesstraining ist es nie zu spät. Ich bin fit und fröhlich dank der Kurse im smile BEST...und viel jünger als mein richtiges Alter.“

„Bei smile BEST ist der Name Programm. Hier fühle ich mich total wohl und bin mega motiviert. Ich liebe die Kurse und trainiere auch gerne auf der Trainingsfläche. Mein Training wird nie langweilig und macht mir immer total Spaß.“

„Vor smile BEST habe ich nur an Geräten trainiert. Die smile BEST Kurse haben mich geflasht! Die Musik und die Choreos begeistern mich und die Trainer geben mir so viel Motivation. Kurse von smile BEST machen mir riesigen Spaß.“

„10 kg weniger sind klasse aber nur der erste Schritt auf meinem Weg. Ich bin voll motiviert weiter zu machen und weiß ich schaffe es mit smile BEST.“

„Massive Muskeln sind mein Ziel. Das STÄRKER-Programm von smile BEST und die Trainer vor Ort haben mir dabei geholfen. Perfekte Trainingsbedingungen und top Trainer, das ist smile BEST für mich.“

„Wir lieben Vibrationstraining und BODYPUMP. Diese Kombination macht schlank und straff… ohne viel Zeitaufwand aber mit richtig viel Spaß. Deshalb trainieren wir bei smile BEST.“

Katja: „Bei smile BEST kann ich meinen Körper so trainieren wie ich es mag und mich total auspowern.“ Dominik: „Ich trainiere so hart wie möglich, verliere mein Ziel nie aus den Augen und bin selbst mein härtester Gegner. Alles was ich dazu brauche,…

„Bei smile BEST finde ich alles, um optimal zu trainieren. Der smile ROXX Bereich ist mein neues zu Hause. Perfekt, wenn Du echt hart trainierst.“

„Dank smile BEST habe ich meine Freude an Sport und Bewegung wieder entdeckt und den richtigen Weg zu meinem Ziel eingeschlagen. Bisher habe ich in kurzer Zeit und dank der tollen Motivation schon 8 kg abgenommen.“

„Mit meinem Training bei smile BEST bin ich 2014 Süddeutsche Meisterin und Vize Deutsche Meisterin geworden. Das geht nur mit eisernem Willen und weil smile BEST ein super Fitnessclub ist.“

„Früher habe ich in einem reinen Kursstudio trainiert. Dann habe ich in einem reinen Gerätestudio trainiert. Bei smile BEST habe ich beides und habe mit der Kombi aus Kursen, Geräten und Ernährungsberatung in 9 Monaten 12 kg abtrainiert. Top…

„Ich habe zwei künstliche Hüftgelenke. Das merkt niemand und mir geht es wunderbar, weil mir smile BEST die besten Möglichkeiten für mein Training bietet und ich diese konsequent nutze.“

„Soffwechsel angekurbelt und 13 KG abgenommen…dank smile BEST. Körper gestrafft, Muskeln gestärkt, weniger Gelenkschmerzen… dank smile BEST. Viel jünger als mein alter… dank smile BEST.“

„Ich habe schon lange an Geräten trainiert. Im smile BEST habe ich zum ersten Mal BODYPUMP besucht. Ich bin total begeistert von den Kursen im smile BEST und der Motivation durch die Trainer. So ist das Training abwechslungsreich und macht super viel…

„Mit meinem Training wirke ich dem Muskelabbau im Alter entgegen. Ich trainiere am liebsten im smile ROXX Bereich. Hier gibt es einfach alles, was ich mir für mein Training wünsche. Smile BEST macht mein Leben schöner und hält mich in Form.“

„Mir macht das Training im smile BEST einfach riesigen Spaß. Ich trainiere hier täglich und erreiche meine Ziele. Mein nächstes Ziel ist es einen Marathon zu laufen…das schaffe ich … keine Frage!“

„Bei smile BEST habe ich in kurzer Zeit enorme Fortschritte gemacht. Know how zahlt sich aus. Hier hilft mir ein kompetentes und freundliches Team.“

*Nur in Verbindung mit smile BEST Basic & Wellness Abo, Laufzeit 24 Monate, zzgl. einmaliger Startgebühr und halbjährlicher Trainerpauschale von je 29,90€

SAARBRÜCKENS BEST GROUP FITNESS steht für ausgebildete, lizenzierte Instruktoren, zwei Event-Kursräume, über 100 Kurse im Monat & eine starke Community. Modernste Effektbeleuchtung  & echter Premium-Sound mit Bose-Equipment plus High Performance Ausstattung von Les Mills, Tomahawk und Jumping ® sind inklusive. Mit Jumping, Spinning, Pilates, Yoga, Tabata, Rückenfit (in Kürze auch Rehasport), physiologischen Faszienkursen und den Les Mills Programmen Bodypump, Bodycombat, Core, Tone, Bodybalance, Bodyjam, RPM, Sprint und Grit hast Du die maximale Auswahl. FITNESSBEGEISTERT. GARANTIERT.

smile BEST steht für Fitness mit einer riesigen Auswahl der besten Fitnessgeräte, abwechslungsreiche Trainingsmöglichkeiten und ausgebildete Fachtrainer, die für Dich da sind und Dir helfen Deine Ziele zu erreichen. Damit Du noch erfolgreicher trainieren kannst, stehen Dir in Deinem smile BEST Fitnessstudio Saarbrücken vier Trainingsbereiche mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten zur Verfügung:

Impressum: WE ARE 1 SB GmbH • Koßmannstraße 23, 66119 Saarbrücken • Telefon: 0681 94738920 • E-Mail: [email protected] • Geschäftsführer: Christian Müller • Registergericht: Amtsgericht Saarbrücken• Registernummer: HRB 106626 • Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 332793291


smile BEST Fitness Saarbrücken hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

smile BEST Fitness Saarbrücken: Stellungnahmen

5/5 (50 Stellungnahmen)
Keanou Dupper 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very good advice, anyway very nice members and trainers. Above all, try Niko, who gave me very good advice. ;)

Nik 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really nice studio! Super friendly, nice trainers, very good equipment, great saunas - great value for money! I'm really looking forward to the next training sessions!!

Marie 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best studio in Saarbrücken. Personnel, equipment, interior design, cleanliness all in one just TOP! The team is very warm and competent. Greatest feel-good place simply.

Marie B. 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio! I've been there for about 3 months now and I'm super excited. Nice staff and good equipment. In particular, I would like to highlight the course room positively, as it is equipped with great equipment. The range of courses is very diverse and so there is something for everyone (Bodycombat is my favorite course, I can recommend it to everyone). Unfortunately, I haven't been able to try the sauna yet, but I will do so soon.

Klaus Grünstift 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've finally found a club here where I feel good. Very good advice and always on-site staff. Very clean. Very large sauna and wellness area. You reward yourself with it right after training.

By D 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Smile Best is The Best

Raushan Kafli 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Top!

Sabine Jung 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I signed up for this studio 4 weeks ago. Fitness was actually not my passion so far, but as the saying goes: "what has to, what has to". After having been able to test this studio for a while, I can only say that I am really super enthusiastic and satisfied. The atmosphere is very pleasant and the trainers are very competent and manage to motivate (themselves) myself to go to sport on a regular basis. This support is very important and valuable, especially for me as a fitness beginner. Even if I haven't been able to achieve my goals after these first four weeks, I'm still happy to have taken this step. What particularly convinced me is the possibility of using the e-gym equipment. At the beginning everything was set up together with a trainer and from now on I can always train according to my fitness skills. I was also able to take advantage of a course opportunity and can only recommend it. The course trainer even managed to motivate me, despite a little sag, to hold on to the end. So far I have only attended the "Bodybalance" course, but I will certainly try one or the other other course. I have not yet tried offers that go beyond the fitness area (sauna, massage parlor, solarium), but I will certainly use them in the future. All in all, I can recommend this gym with a clear conscience and would register there again at any time.

Holger Gundlach 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A very modern studio with only new equipment. Technogym and Gym80, three saunas.

M. O. 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I absolutely disagree with the critics! Certainly there is still one or the other thing that needs to be done or renewed. However, everyone who is currently dealing with craftsmen or similar companies should know that this is mega difficult at the moment and takes their time. Nonetheless, you can easily see that something is happening and being renewed on a regular basis. The new changing rooms in the basement are just a dream. So much space and very stylishly furnished. Also the devices in the basement. Top modern and everything your heart desires. I can only recommend everyone to just get an idea for themselves :-)

Fabs Ingr 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Crazy what was made of the club! Value for money is unbeatable for me. Large selection of training options on site and great range of courses :) - After the training you can reward yourself with a sauna session: P - Many thanks also to the team for the warm support!

Laura Kallenborn 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Greatest studio in all of Saarbrücken! I've never seen such a beautiful facility in a gym, you can only feel good! Everything that is needed is also represented on devices. I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks again to the staff who welcomed and looked after me so lovingly, I have never seen it in a studio like this! You really are Saarbrücken's BEST fitness!

Jana Stahl 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I highly recommend it!! A fitness studio with an atmosphere to feel good, everything very clean and well-kept. The staff was friendly and very personable from the first second and you can rely on support with a lot of competence and professionalism.

Kevin Schaus 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Top Studio am satisfied with everything. The trainers are all super nice and courteous. All in all, a great studio with the latest equipment and a great sauna area to simply switch off. Keep it up SmileBest Fitness

Demian Markenstein 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Training war super, Sofie hat uns super durch das Training begleitet, super weitergeholfen und uns klasse in die Geräte eingewiesen. Sie hat uns beim Vertragsabschluss super beraten und war sehr freundlich.

Dieter Schaum 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very friendly staff, the equipment is new and modern. The prices are very clear, absolutely fair and appropriate.

Marvin Görgel 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Had my first trial session today and everything was great. I immediately signed the contract. Sofie gave us great advice and accompanied us through the training full of euphoria.

Evelin Weidmann 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I'm brand new and totally excited. The staff very friendly and accommodating. Even a second trial without ifs and buts agreed. I put it through my paces, there is no comparable studio! Studio manager is great motivating not boring and always makes a new challenge. Back school at its finest, every participant is more than satisfied. From dancing to stretching, trainer Bruno keeps an eye on everyone. The sauna is very nice tasteful and spacious. The most important thing is that you feel well looked after in this feel-good atmosphere. I hope the employees stay with me for a long time. You could take a star, but the air conditioning is missing, but it's on the agenda ‍♀️

Steven Leber 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I can only recommend the studio to everyone. Very friendly uncomplicated team that really takes the time for the customers. Furnishings and equipment are just as modern and in top condition!

MAJD Hmeidi 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have trial practice today. It was very interesting to see what the studio has to offer in terms of modern equipment. In any case, everything is clean and tiptop. There you have everything you need for ideal training. Very friendly and helpful staff. Many thanks to Carmen and Niko for the detailed tour of the studio. ☺️ Highly recommended ✌️

Jörg Zentes 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Pretty much the best sports studio in Saarland, formerly the Wellness Company, with a large unrivaled sauna area and the latest sports equipment, I feel very comfortable there, also because of the nice trainer.

Werner Lang 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nice clean studio. Nice audience and the trainers are very nice and always willing to help you. There are enough parking spaces. Drinking stadium always clean!!! Enjoy spending time there.

Michael Naab 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: As an experienced fitness athlete, I completed a trial session here today. This studio is highly recommended. A great atmosphere and excellent training opportunities. Everything super clean and well maintained. Training equipment, dumbbells, etc. everything you need is there. E-Gym and stretching area also available. Sauna and changing rooms great. Also worth mentioning, the two trainers Lena and Sophie, exemplary in friendliness and competence, made me feel very well looked after. It doesn't get any better.

Klaus-Peter Schlieben 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Hello dears, I gave you five stars because you are very simple, competent and friendly. The ambience speaks for itself, you just feel good. I would also like to thank the friendly cleaning staff. Thank you LG Peter

Sebastian Koch 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super gym very clean great atmosphere and super friendly staff. The equipment is new and in top condition, the training was extremely pleasant!

Lou Jost 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Were instructed in the gym in a very courteous and friendly manner and the first impression is really awesome, really nice, big, clean gym with all the equipment and areas you could wish for!

Irmgad Pelger 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The largely newly furnished fitness studio now has a very cozy atmosphere. You feel welcome as soon as you walk in. Very friendly, competent, helpful staff. Top devices that are fun. And everything is kept nice and clean. But what really convinced me is a fully equipped stretching room. There is nothing comparable in all of Saarbrücken. This room rounds off the whole sport concept. Physical activity and mobility are understood here.

Julie Kuntz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I had my trial training on Wednesday and took part in two courses and am more than enthusiastic. The studio offers state of the art equipment and has been beautifully renovated. Studio manager Nicklas' courses were very motivating and professional and made you want more!

Thomas Weller 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Been a member of other studios and honestly have to say this is the best I've seen/experienced so far! You can tell that I really put some thought into the setup and that I paid attention to detail. The equipment is absolutely top - there is the right (training) offer for all needs, the support is great and it doesn't matter whether you want to "work out" properly or you need something for your health and mobility (simply necessary from a certain age ) wants to do - rarely seen such a wide range!!! Plus point: the monitors in the endurance machines provide entertainment and motivate me to do longer endurance training (I'm not really the cardio type). And like I said before, I really like the style and the ambience. The wellness area is second to none! After all, "the eye also trains" :) In my opinion, the price-performance ratio is absolutely fair and everything is explained in the best possible way during the conversation. Full ***** recommendation!

Kai Schäfer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A clear and unambiguous recommendation: great studio, equipment and cleanliness top. In addition....rarely seen such a motivated and friendly team of trainers. Keep it up .....

David G. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I can 100% recommend this club. Beautiful, great facilities, super clean and really nice staff. This fake review by Peter Gies is so say the club doesn't match the pictures is ridiculous...the club is even better than the pictures. A real cheek! By the way, the prices are super clear and fair. Just see for yourself!

Jonas Maier 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Wow! What a studio. The employees and the team at Niklas are incredibly nice and competent. The studio presents itself with super cleanliness, great facilities and a very nice wellness area. Niklas in particular gave me great advice and wrote me a perfect training plan. The prices are very fair and the value for money is unbeatable. Pity for the studio are these FAKE one star ratings... unfortunately very unfair to the studio and all employees, because this is by far the MOST BEAUTIFUL and BEST studio I've ever been to and I can and will recommend it to everyone. A GREAT studio and you can tell how much work and time is in the studio!

Gerhard Seel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been a member since January 2021 and I'm very happy with the studio. The studio is completely renovated and furnished with great attention to detail. The changing areas and sauna are attractive and very clean. The fitness equipment is new and absolutely top, everything you need to train is there. The very friendly and helpful staff, including the studio manager Niklas, received an absolute "BEST" rating. I feel very comfortable and in good hands all round.

Max Mutzke 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: After years of torment in a chain, I switched studios a week ago. What can I say? Perfect start. Olga gave me incredibly good advice and the friendliness of the staff is second to none. The decor isn't pumper studio, but that's perfectly fine. Can only recommend...

Johannes Arweiler 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Member of the club for a week since today. Really super satisfied. Once everything you need to train perfectly. Great wellness area and very cheerful and nice staff. I like to spend my free time here.

Gudrun Müller 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great, clean studio with a nice atmosphere. The wellness and sauna area is simply great. The trainers are very friendly and always help you directly. I can heartily recommend this studio.

Sofie P 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio! Very nicely decorated and always very clean. All employees are very friendly and helpful. The equipment and the large wellness area leave nothing to be desired. You can only feel good here! Lovely wishes!

Hannah Theisel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: That's what I call Saarbrücken's BEST fitness! I have seldom seen such a stylish gym. Such beautiful new changing rooms, such a beautiful wellness area, you can only feel good here! Greetings to the team!

Michael A. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've tested many studios in the area, but none of them appealed to me as much as this studio. The equipment is great & you are very warmly looked after. Above all, I would like to thank Jakob for the great training plan. For me the best studio in Saarbrücken!

Joachim Kleer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: After a few weeks and first experiences, it seems to me that the people employed there are competent, can pass on their knowledge well and also have fun at work. This certainly contributes to your own training motivation in a beautifully equipped gym...

Janis Martin 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am very happy in this studio. Nice employees, good equipment and very clean. The new locker room on the ground floor is particularly awesome. You just feel comfortable and in good hands. I can only recommend it.

Manuel Kiefer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been a member for 4 months and I'm just thrilled with the studio. The devices are completely new and the studio is stylishly furnished. I particularly like the courses and the great staff. I'm not leaving here anytime soon. #smilebestteamsb

Alina B. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I like this place very much! It's very cozy and nice and modern. Here you find everything you need to get in shape. The people working here are very friendly and helpful. I highly recommend this gym!

Kung Lao 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio! Very good selection of devices, lots of space ... Price-performance ratio is 100 percent right here! And the sauna is simply the best I have ever seen in a fitty <3 short and almost 5 stars from me!

Linda Weiß 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The studio does what it says on the tin. I'm excited. Modern equipment, from the design of the studio to the devices. The large sauna and wellness area invites you to relax after training. In addition, all trainers are very motivated, friendly and helpful. The range of courses also leaves nothing to be desired. I like to train there and I feel very comfortable in the club.

Hans Jörg Gerhard 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am very satisfied with the fitness studio, I like going to the courses that motivate me a lot. My back problems are also helped a lot. The support is great and there is always someone there for me if I have any questions. Many thanks and best regards to the entire team!

Joerg Schneider 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The new team is motivated to work with great attention to detail. The studio was redesigned with a lot of passion and shines in modern splendor. Cleanliness and the feel-good factor have been given special priority, so that a modern and pleasant training atmosphere is created. It's really fun to train here again. Great work and greetings to the whole team

Olga Schmidt 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super great and clean studio with great new equipment. The trainers are always friendly and competent and were able to help me with my training. I also love the family atmosphere in the studio, just great. ☺️

Carmen H. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really a very nice studio! Large area, nicely furnished, large selection of devices. But above all, all course lovers can look forward to: Great course rooms, new equipment and competent and motivating trainers. When it comes to course selection, there really is something for everyone. And the course schedule will soon be expanded again. I'm looking forward to it and can really recommend it to anyone who loves courses!

Nicklas B. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Fantastic studio, huge selection of courses with the best equipment, new devices that leave nothing to be desired, the best sauna area in the whole of Saarland! Super friendly staff who are always happy to help. This is how a club should be.

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