Informationen über the42 e.K. - Inh. Felix Kaffke

Esterholzer Str. 7
29525, Uelzen
+49 581 22549690


  • Montag: 13:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 09:00–14:00 Uhr, 16:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 13:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: Geschlossen
  • Freitag: 09:00–14:00 Uhr, 16:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: 09:00–13:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: Geschlossen

Wir  trainieren in kleinen Gruppen  von bis zu 8 Personen, die gemeinsam der Energie des Workouts folgen. Dabei  helfen und unterstützen sich alle gegenseitig ! Jedes Training wird  von einem Personaltrainer begleitet . Du bist niemals auf dich allein gestellt. Falsche Ausführungen gehören der Vergangenheit an.

Keine Ausreden mehr! Wir machen  2x pro Woche einen Termin  mit dir. So helfen wir dir, deinen inneren Schweinehund zu besiegen und  dein Training wird von Erfolg gekrönt  sein!

Unsere the42-Familie ist  eine Gemeinschaft, die dich bei deinem Training unterstützt . Keiner wird verspottet oder fallen gelassen! Wir machen alle  MITEINANDER  Sport, nicht gegeneinander.  Zusammenhalt und Spaß werden bei uns großgeschrieben .

Wir sind transparent! Wir versuchen dir nicht hinterrücks etwas zu verkaufen.  Bei uns wird klar kommuniziert!

Beim hoch intensiven Intervalltraining wechselt sich immer ein Aktiv-Slot mit einer kurzen Erholungsphase ab. Ein Intervall entspricht einer Belastungseinheit und einer Pause.  2x pro Woche für 30 Minuten  dieses Powertraining  reichen, um  deine Fitness nachhaltig  zu verbessern!

Cross-Training kombiniert Elemente aus verschiedenen Sportarten wie dem Gewichtheben, dem Turnen und der Leichtathletik. Dadurch wird das Training sehr  abwechslungsreich, intensiv und vor allem erfolgreich !

Wir nutzen für unser Training wenige Geräte, sondern arbeiten vor allem mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht.  Funktionelles Training hat unzählige Vorteile.  Überzeuge dich selbst davon!

Ob  Körperfett,   Muskulatur oder deine schiere Leistung , wir können  alles messen  und dir deinen genauen Ist-Zustand ermitteln. So können wir  klare Ziele definieren ! Wenn du dazu noch Infos braucht, dann kannst du  hier mehr erfahren.



Durch funktionelles, intensives Ganzkörpertraining wird der Stoffwechsel angeregt und langfristig durch einen ganzheitlichen, natürlichen Muskelaufbau verstärkt.

Regelmäßiges funktionelles Training wird dich nicht nur beweglicher machen, sondern deine Koordination stärken und dich in jeglicher Bewegung stärker machen.

Mit erhöhter Mobilität wirst du muskuläre Verspannungen lösen können und so deinem Körper die Chance geben, seine natürliche Haltung einzunehmen.


Rückenschmerzen lassen sich meistens auf eine Fehlhaltung oder eine zu schwache Rückenmuskulatur zurückführen. Durch einfaches, regelmäßiges Training kann man diese aufbauen und viele Probleme beheben.

Durch den vollen Bewegungsumfang, der bei jeder Übung ausgeführt wird, verbessert sich nicht nur die Form, sondern auch die Funktionalität deiner Muskeln.

zeitsparend H.I.I.T. bedeutet in kurzer Zeit viel zu tun. Dies nutzen wir, um selbst beim Krafttraining stets auch das Herz-Kreislauf-System zu trainieren.

frei Kein Stepper! Bewegt man seinen Körper durch funktionelle Übungen, fördert dies nicht nur Koordination, Kraft und Schnelligkeit, sondern ebenfalls Ausdauer. Deine Kondition verbessert sich.


präventiv Durch ständig variierende Trainingsreize muss sich dein Körper immer wieder neu anpassen. Dein Körper wird dir falsche Belastungen im Alltag eher verzeihen, da er optimal vorbereitet ist.

Ja!  Und zwar völlig unverbindlich. Melde dich einfach bei uns und probiere unser Training bei ein bis  zwei Probetrainings  aus. Ohne Vertragsbindung. Ohne wenn und aber. Dann kannst du entscheiden, ob du mit oder ohne Vertrag weiter trainieren möchtest. 

Wir sind immer dabei. Du trainierst in Kleingruppen  immer mit einem Trainer.  Viele behaupten dich persönlich zu betreuen. Wir machen das wirklich!

Nein. Du kannst bei uns auch völlig unverbindlich trainieren. Allerdings sind die Kosten deutlich geringer, wenn du einen Vertrag abschließt. Also teste uns gerne mit Einzel- oder Zehnerkarten und dann entscheide selbst.

Ja, das tut er... Allerdings nicht, wie bei einigen Wettbewerbern "heimlich" wenn du Zusatzleistungen buchst... Wir sind fair, transparent und eindeutig in unserer Kommunikation. 

Im Moment bleibt das innovative the42-Fitnesskonzept ausschließlich Kunden in und um Uelzen vorbehalten. Allerdings planen wir gerade den Aufbau weiterer Standorte.


the42 e.K. - Inh. Felix Kaffke hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

the42 e.K. - Inh. Felix Kaffke: Stellungnahmen

4.9/5 (19 Stellungnahmen)
Margot Gaenicke-Kaffke 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Always good because every workout is different. This variety brings a lot of fun and almost always a new little sore muscle.

Tatjana Schütte 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been there right from the start and I've never been as satisfied in any other studio as with the guys. Just the fact that you always have your trainer with you and therefore always exceed your own limits, has thrilled me from the start. Since Mischa has been on board, you have different approaches in training, which is great can be combined I like the family atmosphere and the fact that a lot can be achieved with your own body weight.

Andrea Steinbeck 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been training with Felix personally for six months. I am always amazed at how varied each training session is. Apparently he never runs out of ideas . Thank you very much, it's a lot of fun.

Wolfgang,Dr. Löffler 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Last year, shortly before Corona came, I did trial training at the 42 and was immediately enthusiastic about the concept: in the gym I always felt lonely and on my own. With Felix and Mischa you are always under supervision: they watch out if you are doing everything correctly. It's fun to train, Felix always comes up with something great, whether intense or relaxed. Every wish is fulfilled, even music requests. I would recommend the 42 to anyone who is looking for something special, it is very individual, personal, nice, friendly. Like a family, I feel very well cared for there. Thank you guys.

Benjamin Bücker 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Good day, I've been with the 42 for 1.5 years and I'm more than enthusiastic. I was made aware of the 42 through friends and since I am not a fan of the classic gym because I always had the feeling of being one of many there, I decided to test the 42. At first I was skeptical because I was told that the trainers work without the usual fitness equipment and that the training groups consist of people with different levels of ability. After the first conversation with Felix (trainer), my skepticism was almost completely gone and after the first training I was just enthusiastic. In the first units, Felix found out where my performance level was and then based the training on it. The training is designed so that everyone is led to their personal performance limit, even if there are people with different levels of performance in the training group. The training, in which you mainly work with your own body weight, was a new experience for me and convinced me. In the course of the last year, Micha expanded the coaching team and that made things even better. Felix and Micha are a great team who both adapt to personal needs. In every training they show that your own limit is further away than you think and that the training allows you to redefine your personal limit again and again. Especially in times of Corona, the training was / is an absolute highlight of the week and due to the official requirements and restrictions, I had / have a private trainer for every training. Even if training with a private trainer is a lot of fun, I am looking forward to training in groups again. In conclusion, I just have to say that anyone who is interested in getting fit and not your typical bodybuilder has come to the right place with the 42.

Stefanie Barenschee 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Colleagues who have been training here for a long time have always talked enthusiastically about the 42, but I thought ... Nothing for me ... Much too strenuous for me unsporting ... In the lockdown, I noticed that I wasn't really doing much for myself and then not doing the right sport. I thought, I can give it a try ... Trial training is non-binding and I have nothing to lose ... I've been there for 10 weeks and I'm totally thrilled The training is individual for me, varied and really fun. Every time I am curious to see what Felix has come up with. I think it's great that half an hour of training is enough and that we can adjust the dates to my calendar. My back pain is much better, my stamina and flexibility have also improved and by the way my figure and weight have also changed ... and in such a short time I am glad that I dared and that Felix and Mischa locked myself in at the 42 Thank you for that

Nils Privat Schulze 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been training at the42 since it was founded and I can't imagine any other studio. Thanks to the training in small groups (or at the moment only subject to individual training), I have my personal contact person at every appointment who can answer my questions and correct the exercises directly if I do them incorrectly. I also love the body analysis because I can finally see results even though nothing happens on the scales. I will continue to train at the42 and can recommend it to anyone looking for a studio that will help you achieve your goals, whether losing weight, strengthening the body, achieving sporting success and and and!

Michel MaaS 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Ideal for people who want to develop, or have always had, a passion for sport. Felix always manages to motivate people and get them carried away, and the training is very individual. Would also give 6 stars if I could.

Kerstin Abernetty 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Every training session is a lot of fun and is different and individual every time and improves my fitness and stamina! Even my favorite song is turned up to the max to motivate me even more! Thank you The42, you are great! I'm looking forward to the next training ... Can't wait! :-)

G “syko” Striepe 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Simply great! You are not just a number that pays a contribution. Personal care comes first. An express recommendation for everyone with experience in the field of fitness up to the absolute beginner.

TheFranky 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I started training here two years ago to counteract my big belly. I felt comfortable here from the start. Thanks to the variety and professional guidance, the training is always fun and afterwards you sit together and chat a little more. And even in the Corona period, the two trainers make every effort to ensure that the training can continue despite the adverse circumstances. Thank you!

Sjuts Henner Heeren 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The training, both with Felix and with Mischa, is effective and goal-oriented. Both respond to the respective wishes and make the training varied. It's fun to train there.

Daniel Foth 2 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: Fitness studio with ACTUAL personal training taking place. Shreds. The trainers understand their craft and really deal with the desired goal or actively help to combat ailments such as the back. One star deduction for the price. But who is worth it ...

Kerstin Siegel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great little studio with very individual functional training in a nice, family atmosphere. The trainers always cater to your needs or wishes and there is no shortage of fun! I feel very well taken care of!

Jessica Feldmann 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The 42: Endless Motivation. Adapted training. Family / friendly atmosphere. Professional and super nice trainers. Simply a place to feel good and to achieve goals. When I go home after a sports session, I look forward to the next training session. Thanks to both of you. You actually deserve 10 stars.

Holger Sche 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A great little studio with highly motivated and good-humored trainers. The training is individually adapted and is regularly loosened up with playful elements. It's a lot of fun and the training progress contributes to it again.

Anjela Ille 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: What can I say ...... super great team. Personal advice and with every training. Individual training units. Very valuable. thanks

Petra Leunert 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been training at the42 since March and have achieved great success since then. The trainers are competent and always there, which creates a family atmosphere. I feel very well taken care of. Keep it up!

kischi kasch 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really cool, personal care, everything very familiar and constantly changing training ... And defenitely 30 minutes are enough to reach his personal limits ..

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