Informationen über Urban Sports Club

Michaelkirchstraße 20
10179, Berlin


  • Montag: 10:00–16:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 10:00–16:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 10:00–16:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 10:00–16:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 10:00–16:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: Geschlossen
  • Sonntag: Geschlossen

Entdecke unbegrenzt Fitness, Yoga, Schwimmen, Bouldern, Wellness und mehr in einer monatlichen Mitgliedschaft. Outdoor, vor Ort oder Online. Probiere es ab €29/ Monat.

Gleich geht's los! Vor-Ort-Aktivitäten oder Outdoor-Kurse? Checke mit der App ein. Live Online-Kurse? Checke mit deiner App oder über die Webseite ein.

Gleich geht's los! Vor-Ort-Aktivitäten oder Outdoor-Kurse? Checke mit der App ein. Live Online-Kurse? Checke mit deiner App oder über die Webseite ein.

Die Mitgliedschaft bei Urban Sport Club ist digital. Das bedeutet, du brauchst eine App, um zu Kursen und dem freien Training einchecken zu können. Diese kannst du dir im Google Play Store oder App Store kostenlos herunterladen. Voraussetzung ist eine Android- oder IOS-Software auf deinem Smartphone sowie eine funktionierende Internetverbindung.

Du suchst auf der Website nach einem Kurs oder freiem Training. Vor Ort checkst du dann ein, indem du den QR-Code scannst. Einige Aktivitäten (bestimmte Kurse oder Teamsport) erfordern eine Buchung vorab auf dem jeweiligen Partnerprofil auf unserer Homepage.

Du kannst deine Mitgliedschaft jederzeit zum nächsten Mitgliedschaftsmonat pausieren. Unsere M-, L- und XL-Mitgliedschaften haben eine einmonatige Kündigungsfrist. Das bedeutet, du kannst deinen Vertrag immer zum Ende deines nächsten Mitgliedschaftsmonat kündigen. Bei der S-Mitgliedschaft beträgt die Kündigungsfrist drei Monate.

Die Mitgliedschaft bei Urban Sport Club ist digital. Das bedeutet, du brauchst eine App, um zu Kursen und dem freien Training einchecken zu können. Diese kannst du dir im Google Play Store oder App Store kostenlos herunterladen. Voraussetzung ist eine Android- oder IOS-Software auf deinem Smartphone sowie eine funktionierende Internetverbindung.

Du suchst auf der Website nach einem Kurs oder freiem Training. Vor Ort checkst du dann ein, indem du den QR-Code scannst. Einige Aktivitäten (bestimmte Kurse oder Teamsport) erfordern eine Buchung vorab auf dem jeweiligen Partnerprofil auf unserer Homepage.

Du kannst deine Mitgliedschaft jederzeit zum nächsten Mitgliedschaftsmonat pausieren. Unsere M-, L- und XL-Mitgliedschaften haben eine einmonatige Kündigungsfrist. Das bedeutet, du kannst deinen Vertrag immer zum Ende deines nächsten Mitgliedschaftsmonat kündigen. Bei der S-Mitgliedschaft beträgt die Kündigungsfrist drei Monate.

Urban Sports Club bietet Ihnen einen innovativen und preisgekrönten Ansatz, durch Firmen- und Betriebssport die Gesundheit Ihrer Mitarbeiter zu fördern.

Neue Standorte, neue Sportarten, Events und exklusive Angebote – mit unserem wöchentlichen Newsletter verpasst du keine Updates bei Urban Sports Club!

Ab dem 1. November, musst du dich in deine gebuchten Kurse einchecken. Um deine Teilnahme zu bestätigen, scanne einfach den Urban Sports Club QR code bei unserem Partner mit der App!


Urban Sports Club hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Urban Sports Club: Stellungnahmen

4.9/5 (55 Stellungnahmen)
Rafael Sandoval 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very good app, which allows me to try many different sports around Germany. My friends and I are members of USC and we often meet to try boulder, volley and some cardio trainings. Great experience so far.

Eugeñita Z 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I use this app everyday. Variety of sports and my favourite gyms like Holmes place and Har Studio

Rocio Morin 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great option if you want to workout and try different sports. Very happy with the app :)

Green Channel 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Urban Sports is enabling Green Yoga to get more people doing yoga while planting trees. Thank you

Patrizia 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been a member since 2018 and I have never been happier! I have flexibility and sports diversity. I train with friends who are also member, we try new sports together and it gives us the chance to spend time together outside of a bar or a club! :D

Hanna Stelmakh 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Like the idea behind Urban Sports Club. Good variety of venues

Nirvick 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great value for money.

Pouya Forouzandeh 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The customer support team is very responsive and caring.

Berkay Yıldız 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great to have so many options.

Luisa Lorenz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Love it !

Pepa Manchón 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Finally I can practice different kinds of sports and keep up with my routine when travelling! <3 Amazing

Christian Rippel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: This app competely changed my life and made it better and me more healthy in so many ways. I'm grateful and can only warmly recommend it!

Nat Rl 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Awesome, so many places available !

Oliver Kanders 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Wow. The Spontaneity. The Freedom. The Companionship. I just extended my pause. It was effortless. I can breath. I already feel like I wanna stop the pause already and get back to play. Mmmmhhh. What an incredible gift you are, Urban Sports Club.

Max Bellison 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Happy overall! Simply loving the product USC offers. I’m no longer attached to one studio only.

Matias Mora 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been using USC for 2 months now and I have not any complaints about it!

popescu lavinia 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The concept is interesting, it offers you the opportunity to try out many sports and many sport clubs and trainers. No chance of getting bored. All you need is motivation, the rest is taken care of Urban Sports

Olga Fominych 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I’ve been a member of USC since 2017 and am absolutely happy that I discovered it back then! This service has changed the way I do sports - it gives countless opportunities to try out many different sports at absolutely fair price and as much as you wish. Sometimes I just look into the app, find the next possible course and go there - it gives me all the choice and flexibility I need to do sports regularly and to find time in the busy schedule. It's insane how many great fitness places I discovered in the last couple of years which I would have never ever discovered without USC because of missing contract flexibility and commitment to just one studio. Also, USC doesn’t push you to any obligations to stay at one specific fitness place for at lest 2 years as it is common at most German fitness studios with their long-term contracts. I have to admit, the response times of USC customer care during the pandemic have significantly increased but it’s totally understandable - Corona has heavily hit the fitness industry and USC is probably impacted too. But I’m still happy that it has survived through the pandemic and I can continue using this amazing service! And I hope it will stay this way many many years :-)

Melanie Löff-Bird 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: App can have some bugs at times but overall I have been super happy with the service and have always received prompt responses from the customer service!

Fly_Jessy_Fly 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Ich habe die M-Mitgliedschaft und bin sehr begeistert von der Auswahl. Das ich in jeder Stadt trainieren und Sauna machen kann, gibt mir ein großes Stück an Freiheit. Ich finde auch gut das man monatlich pausieren kann. JA51872 mit dem Code gibt es den dritten Monat zum halben Preis????

Gabi Heller 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Das Angebot ist perfekt und der Kundenservice super. Für mich die beste Idee zum Trainieren. Die Corona-Pause wurde unverzüglich umgesetzt, zu Gunsten der Kunden.

K N 2 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: Eine neu überarbeitung der www Homepage wäre Super! Da man leider sehr schwer die Städte anklicken kann. Zudem wäre es Super wenn man dem Kundenservice über ein Kontaktformular eine Email senden könnte oder per Anruf. Angebote sind Super. Allerdings ist nicht jede Stadt drin. Hagen finde ich nur unter Bochum / Bezirke

ARTESAN SHOWS 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best app to make lots of sport even if you are a traveler like me. I love USC! Thanks you for this amazing app! I support you 100%!

Michael Rellensmann 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Das Sportangebot ist großartig. Bei Problemen meldet sich ein Mensch z. B die ausgesprochen freundliche Tina vom Kundenservice und hat mein Problem mit Pausieren und Abbuchungen zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit gelöst und offene Fragen komplett geklärt. Sehr sehr gut. Vielen Dank Tina. Respekt und Lob auch an die Geschäftsführung und Gratulation zu dieser klassen Mitarbeiterin. Euch selber Anrufen zu können fände ich gut . Aber es hat alles funktioniert.

Lilly Miner 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Awesome online live classes during quarantine! I’m loving Urban Sports Club right now, during theses crisis times, as they are offering such a big variety of online classes now! The livestreams make you feel like you are in a community and are more motivating than videos. I’ve also tried out a whole lot of different classes as it’s so much easier from the comfort of my home! Thanks for helping me stay sane with your sports classes :D

chiara mabilia 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I just want to say how well organized the club is! Especially during this particular period.. I really enjoyed the variaty of classes around the city before and I still enjoy the online classes today! Well done :) In the past I also needed some help for my contract and service center was fast and very helpful! Five stars :)

Evoléna de Wilde d'Estmael 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Amazing product! It’s the perfect deal for people who like to do a lot of different sports and don’t want to commit to only one studio or schedule. I can decide any time what I’m in the mood for. It’s genius. I would highly recommend it.

Giulia Ghezzi 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I'm very glad I joined the USC! I go to work with my sport bag and during the day I decide which sport to do on the evening, according to my mood. Nice! The App is also very stable. Well done guys!

Hendrik Jebsen 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best thing I have ever spent my money on. I am able to do way more than just lift weights at a gym which would have cost me a membership for more than 12 months. Through Urban Sports Club I am able to pause or cancel my membership whenever I need to. Seriously the best decision I‘ve ever made to sign up, to try new types of sport and to be able to go anywhere and not just one place. Recommendation goes out to anyone who seeks out the unknown and huge world of Sports. Thumbs up for the Urban Sports Club ❤️

Yaroslava Chernusenko 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Truly the BEST concept for anyone interested in active lifestyle and various sports any time and anywhere. Just genious - can visit all and any studios and gyms, the variety is huge, memberships are flexible, and especially theCustomer Service - golden!! They reply fast and really do solve your problems and answer questions quickly and efficiently! Any other gym model with endless memberships and just 1-3 locations is SO last century. THANK YOU USC, you are the greatest and best at what you do!!!

Fabio Falci 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Friendly and young workers gave me the welcome in their office in Berlin. I got lucky thanks the chance to visit them I appreciate a lot the work they are doing and that motivation of their projects. The best app I had for the best activity of the life : sport, sport and more sport! I recommend this app and wish you users of the web to get in contact with the USC team if like me you want do activity and sport daily. Fabio

Dario Rawert 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: So far I only had really good experiences with Urban Sports Clubs. I never had any problems with my Check-Ins or any technical issues. The customer service was super friendly and replying within a short time period. All in all super happy with it

Sara Codeco 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Absolutely in love with this!!! A great way to try new sports and keep your body in motion. Much better than going to the same boring gym. Super practical and fun! I had some trouble with the app though, right in the very beginning, it didn't look very user-friendly but besides that, everything is great including the customer service. Thank you USC!

Anne Gocht 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am SO happy to have found out about urban sports club through my employers. Where I live, in Berlin, the sport offer is huge. I now have access to many high-quality gyms, can do so much different kind of sports, go swimming and into the sauna whenever I want. The sport offer is huge and there is something for everyone. Also, I practice yoga and through urban sports club I have access to very neat, beautiful small yoga studios. Of course, not all yoga studios, some seem to be very full and I feel that the atmosphere can be quite distincg, but you really can find high-quality studios with great teachers! You just have to try yourself a bit. By the way, I love the corporation with the group fitness and for instance beat81. I'm so happy since I am a member of this club and for sport freaks like it is just perfect. May please more companies support memberships and I hope that smaller cities in German can also grow into the same variety of sport of as did Berlin. One only thing that I would like to criticise is that it would be super nice to actually see WHO is doing the training. I find that very important with, for instance, Yoga :)

S C 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really cool Idea!!! so many choices of venue where to go! so goof funtional and very kind people everywhere you go. LOVE IT! and more over each nonth you can quit if you dont want it anymore

Nancy Doerbi 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Have only been a member for a few days, but am very satisfied. The checkin is efficient and the schedule makes it easy to find classes. It would be great if there was a feature to send calendar invites from your schedule so that you don't have to manually add the classes into your personal calendar. UPDATE: I actually just saw someone post that you can add it to your personal calendar. I will give it a look!

Melissa Milinski 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I month in and I already love this app and the entire business concept. I hope USC expands to more countries and cities so I can participate in interesting sports activities when traveling for business or leisure.

Caroline d'Essen 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I use Urban Sports Club for more than an year now and have had only great experiences. Besides practicing the sports that I love, like beach volleyball and kickboxing, because of its model I allowed myself to try some new stuff like dancing, jumping fitness, trampolim and many others. The app has always worked for me and I find it very intuitive and easy to use!

Georgina Russell 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: This app is amazing for a fit lifestyle!! So many options to participate in classes or free training! Swimming, climbing, yoga, Pilates, gym, cycling, CrossFit! Way more value then just a gym membership! Defiantly worth it!

Hanna 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: the best thing to have happened to the fitness world since richard simmons :P no really, i find out more niches in the city from dancing to chanting, TRX and swimming then I would have not known about prior to the app. i am so happy Urban Sports Club exists!!!

Dmitry Lebedev 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: After joining Urban Sports Club I started to really care more about my health condition and do more for my body. I can try new activities and different venues in Berlin. But most of all I like indoor cycling. Thanks a lot for your work, guys!

Asia Martin Lopez 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: awesome concept! perfect for people who want to try different sports and be flexible. also customer service was always super nice and helpful - thanks!

Ju Roth 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super App, I am very happy and excited about the offer. There is a lot of choice throughout the city plus the opportunitiy to use the membership in different cities. Definitely worth it if you wish to be flexible and don't want to be stuck to one sport, but try all that's out there. :)

Samuel Greenwald 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The people who rate Urban Sports Club under 4 stars (actually under 5 stars, but ok...nobody is perfect) are nothing short of self entitled morons who don't read the super transparent terms and conditions USC lays out. I rarely rate things, but as this has a 3.5 rating on google, i felt compelled to educate people about how unbelievable this service is. For a paltry 59 euro a month, you basically have access to an incredible amount of classes and activities in Berlin. Personally I do yoga 5 times a week, sauna, and bouldering. You tell me where in the world I could pay that price for these things. 3.5 my ass. people are idiots. Also, the app works perfectly. Jesus christ....IDIOTS i tell you.

Ben Rieckmann 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: So, after 1 1/2 months of Urban Sports Membership I simply have to say: Great! I took notice of the app at a Berlin Yoga Studio (I was just curious why another course participant was scanning a QR code at the entrance counter). The L-membership has proven to be a good way to integrate sport into my everyday life. Imho there is a lot of potential in the concept. I'm looking forward to the stuff that keeps coming up, for example more and more cities in germany and a growing community side to the membership. Keep at it!

Bartek Dziamski 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I couldn't ask for a better service. All the rules for each place are stated clearly and I have had no issues so far. It is a great membership for people who want to mix it up a bit and not go to the same places all the time. A+++

Franziska Tackmann 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Absolutely amazing concept. Loving the big variety of sports venues, the flexibility and the great service. Really happy to explore the city by joining all those cool classes. Thanks a lot guys!

Mario Schoepe 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great company. I am a member for over a year now and am very satisfied. I always wanted something that gives me the flexibility to go to different gyms and to be able to cancel whenever needed.

Sebastian Roes 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Incredibly good customer care team and friendly staff. Love the opportunity to do sport wherever I go in different cities. Very cost-effective for bouldering and yoga lovers. Tried EMS too, but its not for me ;)

Viktor G. 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I'm very happy with the great number of sport activities and the flexibility, when it comes to cancelling or pausing my contract. Now I can do sports across Germany and try new venues and new activities, I wouldn't have tried before. Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to new exciting sport venues.

Maja Rosko 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great idea and realization. Every sport is included, enormous number of locations and also a lot of courses to attend. Very professional. You can check in at the different locations using USC app which is always working without any errors/bugs. Completely reliable.

Nena Ka 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: It's really all you need when being active and love to do different kinds of sports...even wellness! I like the fact that I can add courses to my own schedule that is connected with my private calendar! And what I like the most: I am free to choose when to pause. There is no contract I know that would fit better to a flexible lifestyle! So I'm enjoying it to the fullest ;-)

Mitchell New 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Fantastic service. I got tired of visiting the one gym over and over again and being locked into a 12-month contract. Going with Urban Sports Club gave me the chance to do many sports at many different sports providers, all with flexibility to cancel when I want. Now I can do Yoga, Bouldering, Spinning, Swimming and Squash all within the 1 membership!! Highly recommend to those who want to try out new sports and new venues without the need to commit to a long-term contract.

Graham Pope 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Wow, amazing. Love what these guys have done. Every sport under the sun, available for a monthly fee. Super flexible with breaks and leaving. A legend of an idea.

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