Informationen über Woman Pur GmbH

Kronenstraße 3
70173, Stuttgart
+49 711 22022733


  • Montag: 09:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 07:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 09:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 07:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 09:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: 10:00–19:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 10:00–19:00 Uhr

Herzlich willkommen bei Woman Pur in Stuttgart -> DEM FITNESS- UND WELLNESSCLUB FÜR ANSPRUCHSVOLLE FRAUEN

2x Impfung (gültig: + 14 Tage)2x Impfung Johnson & Johnson (gültig: +14 Tage)3x Impfung (gültig: Tag der Impfung)1x Impfung & Genesen (gültig: +28 Tage)Genesen & 1x Impfung (gültig: +14 Tage)Antikörpertest & 1x Impfung (gültig: Tag der Impfung)

Personen, für die es keine Impfempfehlung der STIKO gibt=> negativer Antigen-Schnelltest erforderlichAttest-Träger (keine Impfung möglich)=> negativer Antigen-Schnelltest erforderlich

Safety first!Wir freuen uns über jeden Antigen-Schnelltest vor dem Training! Das Team lässt sich regelmäßig für Euch und für die eigene Sicherheit vor Arbeitsbeginn testen!Wir danken für Euer Verständnis! Bleibt gesund und fit

Liebe Mütter,die hohe Inzidenz bei Kindern nimmt leider weiterhin zu. Wir sehen uns in der Verantwortung, die Pausierung der Kinderbetreuung bis vorerst 28.02.2022 zu verlängern.Vielen Dank für Euer Verständnis!Wir werden die kleinen Gäste sehr vermissen und freuen uns sehr sie ganz Bald wiederzusehen.Euer Woman Pur Team

Fatburner mit Maja:Bewegungsabläufe und Schrittmuster aus dem Aerobic, Kraft-training und HIIT in einer mittleren bis hohen Belastungsintensität, Intervalle aus Kraft- und Ausdauer. Die Fettverbrennung wird aktiviert, d. h. der Fettstoffwechsel wird erhöht. Senkung des Körperfett und Körperstraffung!

Zirkeltraining - ‚Sequenztraining‘ mit Maja:Eine effektive Methode, um Kraft und Ausdauer (Herz-Kreislauf-System) zu steigern. An den verschiedenen Stationen (vorgegebenen Reihenfolge) werden unterschiedliche Übungen absolviert. Ein effektives Ganzkörpertraining, bei dem alle Muskelgruppen angesprochen werden.

Body & Mind mit MajaDer Kurs enthält Elemente aus: Back (Rücken), Flow (fließen, strömen) und Relax (Entspannung). Back: Rückenschmerzen vorbeugen, Körperhaltung verbessern, Tiefenmuskulatur stärken und stabilisieren. Flow: Stoffwechsel anregen, Energie gewinnen, Faszien dehnen, Bewegungsradius vergrößern, Koordination steigern.Relax: Ruhe und mentale Entspannung erhalten. Verspannungen und Blockaden lösen– stressfrei!

die hohe Inzidenz bei Kindern nimmt weiter zu. Diese Entwicklung müssen wir berücksichtigen und sehen uns in der Verantwortung, ab Montag, 29.11. bis voraussichtlich Ende Januar die Kinderbetreuung zu pausieren.

Gerne stellen wir Euch auch eine Bescheinigung aus. Diese kann dann z.B. für den Besuch im Restaurant, Kino, etc. verwendet werden (Gültigkeit 24h).

Liebe Mitglieder,in den letzten Wochen haben wir für Euch Trainingsvideos auf YouTube veröffentlicht. Dies macht uns unheimlich viel Spaß und gibt uns das Gefühl, Euch nahe zu sein .

Schweren Herzens werden wir, aus Rücksichtnahme auf das gesamte Team, die Videoproduktion erst einmal pausieren. Die noch immer sehr hohen Infektionszahlen erfordern von uns allen ein noch verantwortungsbewussteres Handeln. Mit der Pause der Videoaufnahmen können wir dem gesamten Team sowie anderen Menschen den höchst möglichen Schutz gewähren.

Das heißt aber nicht, dass Ihr nun auf das Training zu Hause verzichten müsst.Mit WOMAN PUR AT HOME habt Ihr Zugriff auf mehr als 1.000 Kurse sowie 30 Programme aus über 20 Sportarten. Die Kurse sind für jedes Level geeignet und können individuell oder auch nach Plan „abtrainiert“ werden

Damit weder die Quarantänepfunde noch die Weihnachtspfunde eine Chance haben, steht Euch dieses Online-Angebot bis 31.05.2021 kostenfrei zur Verfügung .

Fordere gleich hier Deinen persönlichen Code an: und registriere Dich. Schon kann es losgehen und Du kannst direkt mit dem Training starten.Solltest Du Fragen haben oder wir Dich unterstützen können, zögere nicht und sende uns eine kurze Mail an: [email protected].

Woman Pur ist der Fitness- und Wellnessclub für anspruchsvolle Frauen in Stuttgart. Unser Studio befindet sich in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhof (5 Min zu Fuß) und bietet Ihnen auf 2.000 qm modernste Geräte und effektive Trainingsmethoden, bei ausgezeichneter und individueller Betreuung.

Regelmäßige Sonderveranstaltungen, wie beispielsweise mehrstündige Step- oder ZUMBA Specials, Meditation oder Selbstverteidigungskurse für Frauen ergänzen unser reguläres Kurs-Angebot.

In unserem Wellnessbereich, mit Saunalandschaft und umfangreichem Massageangebot, finden auch Sie das passende Entspannungsprogramm nach Ihrem Workout oder einem anstrengend Tag. Hier können Sie nach Herzenslust die Seele baumeln lassen, sich verwöhnen und neue Kraft tanken.

von den vielseitigen Angeboten und der angenehmen Atmosphäre bei Woman Pur. Unser Team freut sich, Sie individuell über unsere Leistungen zu beraten und Ihre Fragen zu beantworten. Vereinbaren Sie noch heute Ihren persönlichen Beratungstermin.


Woman Pur GmbH hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Woman Pur GmbH: Stellungnahmen

4.5/5 (36 Stellungnahmen)
Sylvia Lachmann 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Positive: Professionalism

cat 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I always like to go there. Top support, modern equipment, a pleasant atmosphere - what more could you want?

Nic 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: For me the best women's gym. Qualified staff is always available with advice. I was able to reach my goal quickly thanks to the support

Marie Lang 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Gehe immer wieder gerne hin. Top Betreuung, moderne Geräte, angenehme Atmosphäre - was will man mehr?

Carmen Wagner 2 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: Well, the staff is quite rude

Tanja Lang 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Everything perfect! The trainers and the manager of the studio are all very competent and know what they are talking about. I'm happy to be able to train there. I can really only recommend it!

Paula F 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Wow! I am delighted with how great this studio is. The staff are all very helpful and the manager is very personable. The price-performance ratio is mega. A wide variety of courses are offered. The atmosphere is very good for training and the studio is easily accessible and has a central location. When I train, I just feel good.

Petra rehaag 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio, professional advice, great atmosphere. 1a trainers. The Bewei Lounge is also excellent. Even the sauna and massages leave nothing to be desired. The average age is between 35-80 years. Great ambience. Keep it up!!!

Ruth Madonna 2 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: Positive: Quality

Ramona Müller 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio, qualified and very nice staff. Studio management competent and always available. Particularly in these times very carefully and well organized! Overall, a nice atmosphere - I always enjoy coming to train.

Sandra Ewiada 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been a happy member of Woman pur since yesterday. I had already tested a week before and this convinced me to start here. I particularly like the wide range of courses and the large sauna after training. You have a lot of space here and you feel right at home right from the start.

Sandra Haas 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I felt very well advised and looked after. Very nice and competent trainers. Everything you need for a women's gym, both fitness (equipment, endurance, courses ...) and massage and wellness. A good all-round concept. Hygiene very good. Very friendly staff with good communication.

Clara S. 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: It's a great atmosphere. The trainers are very nice and extremely competent. They take time for each and every one of them and appreciate their customers. The course offers are great. A great overall package as there is a fitness area with equipment, a sauna and much more. You get good advice and the owner is super cool and understands what she's doing. Everything is clean and very hygienic. The location is also very convenient as the fitness studio is at the main train station. But there is also an underground car park from which it is only a few steps to the fitness studio. The price-performance ratio is great. I can only recommend it. If I could I would have given it 10 stars.

Laura Goll 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am very satisfied, spacious premises and a top fitness offer. In addition, a really pleasant atmosphere.

Janina H 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Find the gym great. Looks beautiful. Everything great .. people are nice. Great courses.

Annika Urban 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great coaches!

Eva Kozak 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Top Studio! Here everything is right: service, hygiene, courses, equipment, etc. Staff are very friendly and helpful, you feel right at home here.

Anna Günther 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am active for many years and always very satisfied! I particularly appreciate the variety of course offerings 7 days a week with very good coaches throughout the year. The studio management and all staff are friendly and always helpful. There are always innovations, so that is provided for variety. I also enjoy the wellness area and the spacious sauna area. You can train here quite anonymously - if you want - or meet a lot of nice people. Last but not least, the studio is centrally located right next to the main station.

Nyleve Meier 4 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: I'm looking for a fitness that offers early morning classes. A normal working day is from 9 to 17 o'clock. The courses offered in the morning are at 9 and 10 o'clock. Seems to be common in Stuttgart. Spin classes and Body Combat also do not seem to be on offer. Too bad. I would have liked the fitness otherwise. The search continues.

Genevieve Rehberg 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice and friendly staff. Here I like to go back. All very nice and also talk with one. Feels like a family schon on the first day

Claudia Schölkopf 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Absolutely beautiful studio with very good facilities and super nice staff. Here you just feel good and always like to go to training.

Julian Clar 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Always a warm welcome, great members and a lot of fun in the courses - many thanks to the host and the staff :)

Lini Hirsch 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nice coaches and great staff

Katharina S. 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very good women gym! I was a member of WomanPur for over 3 years. I can only honestly recommend this studio. The team is very friendly and helpful and the studio is equipped with top equipment. I personally enjoyed attending the courses. If you consider that at WomanPur you can attend all kinds of courses, starting with yoga, Zumba and Bodypump up to boxing, this studio also has a very good price-performance ratio. Unfortunately, I had to leave the studio because I had to move to Vienna for work. Finding a studio that has such a wide range and is in this price range is almost impossible in Vienna. Therefore, I recommend every woman who would like to train in a pleasant atmosphere for a slightly higher but still reasonable price to go to WomanPur. Regardless of whether you are just about to start your journey and want to lose a little more pounds, or are already training at a very high level. At WomanPur every woman is treated warmly and can feel good. Best regards from Vienna. Catherine

Farah Ghamlouch 5 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: I've been a member for 5 years. Top very nice fitness was very very satisfied even with child care was very good. It hurts me that I can no longer do sports too bad i am not allowed to do any sport now because of my back pain i wanted to quit for health reasons. But would not be accepted What can I do if I suddenly can't anymore ?? I'd rather let my lawyer clarify it, it's a shame that has come to this

Florine Ziegele 6 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: The girls are very nice but unfortunately it is somehow very expensive.

mrinna kay 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am brand new to the studio and I am already enthusiastic about everything. The studio offers everything you need and is also a great oasis of wellbeing !! All employees are super friendly and extremely competent. The owner was very open, helpful and friendly. Although the studio was very expensive to me at the beginning, the variety and the studio convinced me as well as the openness and flexibility of the owner. I played with open cards and told from the beginning what I need / want (here above all that I might move at short notice, etc.) and the owner was totally understanding, adjusted the contract accordingly. I look forward to spending time with you :) LG Marina Kessler

Jana S. 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great atmosphere and always a cheerful trainer with questions round off the overall picture. I find the price reasonable for this service. Wrong training is almost impossible here and health should always come first. Keep it up!

Sandra Hock 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super trainer and everything you need to exercise and relax!

Ioana Constantin 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I went there after trying many fitness studios in Stuttgart. From all the ones I've tried, I like this one the best because of its selection of machines, wellness area and facilities. The stuff are super friendly and helpful. There is no problem if your German skills are not the best, they will take good care of you.

Doris Herrmann 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been in pure woman for about 2.5 years. I felt very comfortable from the start. You are greeted friendly at the check in and always hear a nice word. There are many different courses, so there is something for everyone. I don't take part myself, but I am always well booked. The current new GF is very responsive to customers and takes time when you have a problem. She has a lot of innovative ideas and brings fresh, modern wind into the studio. When working on the equipment, the trainers always have an eye to the customers to correct or motivate them. The wellness options are excellent and can be used by everyone: Waterbed, massage beds, sauna ...... the ideal studio for me, because everything is right!

Evelyn Gander 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been a member for a year. The courses offered, such as bodypump or deep work, are very good and the trainers are also top.

Stephanie Schulze 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been with woman Pur for about 13 years. For me, the Woman Pur is still the best women's studio in Stuttgart. In between I looked around again and again and stayed here. I am super satisfied. Uncomplicated members and a great course program.

Ольга Чувашина 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Fantastic! There is just everything you want! So many different courses, devices of all kinds, wellness area is great! The staff is very friendly, which is not unimportant :) The overall atmosphere is also very pleasant. I personally think the courses are great. That is the greatest motivation for me to go because it is so much fun and because there is enough choice for every mood :) Every time I feel like after the holiday :) So I can only recommend it!

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