Informationen über FITbyCaro Personal Training

Mömpelgarder Weg 15
72072, Tübingen
+49 174 9407738


  • Montag: 07:30–20:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 07:30–20:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 07:30–20:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 07:30–20:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 07:30–20:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: Geschlossen
  • Sonntag: Geschlossen

Fitbycaro Frauenfitness bestehend aus: Boot Camp for girls ✔ Mutter-Kind Kurs ✔ Group-Fitness ✔ Online-Kurse ✔ Firmenfitness - Jetzt Termine sichern!

Ob im Gym, Oudoor oder bei dir daheim! Ich unterstütze dich als Personal Trainerin mit meinem know-how und zeige dir, wie du deine persönlichen Ziele erreichen und langfristig halten kannst. NEU: Online Personal Coaching - Hier erwartet dich, ein auf dich zugeschnittenes, digitales Gesamtpaket!

Ein Training für den ganzen Körper & nur für Frauen. Es ist egal, welches sportliche Level du hast. Du bist herzlich Willkommen! Starte heute noch mit meinem Boot Camp durch. WEITER

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Viele Frauen haben mich gefragt, weshalb ich hauptsächlich Frauenfitness anbiete. Meine Entscheidung hat mehrere Gründe, die ich euch im folgenden aufgelistet habe.

Anmachsprüche und Blicke sind in Fitnessstudios keine Seltenheit! Besonders auf weibliche Neueinsteiger kann das schnell abschreckend wirken. Ich möchte jeder Frau die Möglichkeit anbieten, ungestört bei meinen Frauenfitness Kursen teilzunehmen und ungestört zu trainieren.

Es fühlt sich gut an, ein gemeinsames Ziel zu verfolgen. Mehr Motivation, Spaß und Energie sind die Folge! Zudem trifft man auf andere Frauen, mit denen man sich bei Bedarf austauschen kann. Frauenfitness verbindet!

Wie in Punkt 2 schon erwähnt, bietet sich die Möglichkeit an, sich mit einem Trainingspartner zusammenzuschließen, um sich gegenseitig noch mehr zu pushen! Speziell bei reinen Frauenkursen findet man schnell Gemeinsamkeiten!

Mit meinem Frauenfitness Programm in Tübingen und Umgebung ziele ich auf das eigene Körpergewicht ab. Da wir fast ausschließlich mit unserem Körper arbeiten, findest du bei meinen Kursen lediglich Utensilien wie: Seile, Hüte, Gummibänder.

Meine Anfänge hatte ich im Jahr 2016 mit meinem Boot Camp für Frauen. Das war reich an positiven Erlebnissen, weshalb ich meinen Fokus überwiegend auf die Frauenfitness gelegt habe. Mittlerweile biete ich Kurse wie meinen Mutter-Kind Kurs, Personal Training und Ernährungscoaching, sowie regelmäßige Firmenfitness und Gesundheitstage an.

Für viele Menschen ist es eine Hürde, mit dem Sport zu beginnen und regelmäßige Trainingseinheiten kontinuierlich einzuhalten. Dabei gibt es jede Menge Gründe noch heute damit zu beginnen! Was macht Sport so lohnenswert und wie profitieren wir von regelmäßigen Workouts?

Sport hilft uns dabei, unser Wohlgefühl zu steigern. Glücksgefühle und Stressreduzierung sind eines der positiven Eigenschaften, die mit Sport einhergehen. 4x Workouts mit jeweils 20-30 Minuten sind bereits ausreichend und nur zu empfehlen.

Sport peppelt den Körper ordentlich auf! Grund dafür sind Endorphine im Körper, die uns einen ordentlich Push geben. Doch auch auf Dauer fördert dies die körperliche und geistige Fitness

Paradoxerweise können Workouts gegen Bluthochdruck helfen. Der Grund: während wir Sport treiben, sorgt der erhöhte Herzschlag dafür, dass die Gefäße mittels Druck "erweitert" werden, mit dem Ziel, schneller Blut durch den Körper zu pumpen. Kommt es anschließend zur Ruhephase, sinkt dieser Druck und es kann, Dank der ausgeweiteten Gefäße, zu einer Blutdrucksenkung führen.

Regelmäßige Sporteinheiten sind gut für den Schlaf! Grund dafür ist der Abbau von Cortisol, ein langanhaltendes Stresshormon das die Produktion von Melatonin hemmt. Zu wenig Melatonin sorgt für unruhigen Schlaf, den wir jedoch dringend benötigen.

Du denkst über etwas nach und kommst nicht weiter? Hier ein kleiner Tipp: Wenn du gedanklich vor einem Problem stehen solltest, kann es durchaus hilfreich sein, eine Runde laufen zu gehen. Versuche es!

War das hilfreich? Dann schau doch mal auf meinem Blog vorbei! Hier erwarten dich regelmäßige Beiträge, die für dich Interessant, ratsam oder einfach nur Unterhaltsam sein könnten.

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FITbyCaro Personal Training hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

FITbyCaro Personal Training: Stellungnahmen

5/5 (51 Stellungnahmen)
Lea 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The courses are totally motivating and ensure that I have fun every time despite the effort! Super varied!

sahe_universe 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I'm really happy to have registered in the virtual studio. Caro has built a great team with great trainers and there is a large selection of courses, so there is something for everyone :)

Tammy B. 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The offer in the virtual studio is diverse and suitable for all levels. From strength training and barbell courses to Pilates and yoga, everything is included! It's really fun to train. Caro has really created something incredibly great!

Sabrina Basha 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I love the varied workouts, Caro and her team are just great! I can only recommend it to you, you will see that you really enjoy the sport, love it :-)

Marie-Christin Meyer 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I love Caro's online studio. She is such a warm and genuine person. I'm more motivated to exercise than ever before. Thank you dear Carol

Pauline Mehne 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been training in Caro's virtual studio for 2 years and I'm so satisfied. It motivates me again and again and the offer is now so diverse. Can really only recommend it!

Anna-Leah 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super motivating and above all all exercises and alternatives are explained in detail. I haven't found anything like this anywhere else. You can just tell how much heart and passion is behind it!

Annika Oldenburger 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I'm glad I signed up for the virtual studio. The courses are great fun and there is something for every fitness level. New ideas and concepts are constantly being developed to serve every need. The trainers are all super competent and despite the online format, you always feel well looked after if you have any questions. For me it is now a real alternative to the classic gym! Just great - keep it up! :-)

Julia Riedlinger 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been training with Caro and her team in the virtual studio for over a year. Everyone puts in an incredible amount of effort and has a lot of fun and motivation.

Christian Kneis 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio, great varied workouts. Absolutely motivating! I've been there since the beginning and can recommend Caro and her team 100%.

Viktoria S. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been a member for over half a year and absolutely love it. Very friendly team and great, varied courses. Everyone can really enjoy sport here!

Miss Sophie 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: It was the best decision that I signed up with Caro! The workouts are super good, it's a lot of fun and Caro motivates me a lot. You can tell she is very competent. The price-performance ratio is totally right, because there is a large selection of courses (strength, strength+endurance, tabata, fascia training, Latin dance, yoga, back courses...) and you can call up everything on demand but - and that's it the great! - Participate in all courses live and give feedback or ask questions via chat at the end! Sport has finally become my routine again and it's just so much fun to train with Caro and her team, THANK YOU! :)

Elena Mitzel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been training with Caro in the virtual studio for 1 1/2 years and I think it's sooo great. My body has changed a lot and for the first time in my life I actually enjoy sport and I can no longer imagine everyday life without it. All trainers are amazing and great personalities! It's much cheaper than signing up for a gym (I would never have thought of that either). A very big recommendation! Thank you Caro for letting me train with you every day! ❤️

Lena Müller 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I did the online training course at Caro. She explains very well and you can tell that she knows her way around really well. I saw successes very quickly thanks to the course! I can only recommend it

Manuels Schreiner 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The virtual studio is so varied due to the different courses. Caro puts so much love and motivation into every single workout, regardless of whether it is a simple, tough or strenuous one. You can really see how the whole team puts a lot of love and motivation into the courses. The price-performance ratio is more than perfect, as I don't know a gym near me where it is offered for such a good price to train for a month or a year or more. Nobody has ever got me as enthusiastic about sports as the love Caro and her team. At this point, a big THANK YOU from me to you and stay the way you have been and carry on like this.

Natalie M 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: So far I have not seen such great changes in any workouts as in Caros workouts. She explains all the exercises really well and motivates you every day anew. I can only recommend it to everyone! :-)

Anka K. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Die Mädels vom Onlinekurs geben sich so viel Mühe und stecken so viel Liebe rein, es macht richtig Spaß teil davon zu sein und jede Woche an unterschiedlichen Workouts, Yoga etc mit zu machen ???? richtig tolle Arbeit ????

Verena Pny 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been training with Caro in the virtual studio since March 2020, it is an absolute asset to my everyday life! Due to her motivating and incredibly personable nature, the daily workouts are incredibly fun. I can recommend it to everybody!

Maria C. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The best fitness workouts I've done so far. Short and sweet and easy to integrate into everyday life. Caro does it with total joy and every time there are new units. You can tell that she just lives and loves it. Please keep it up!

Jasmin A. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro is super personable, I am extremely satisfied with her online gym! She has thus created a wonderful opportunity to integrate sport into everyday life. I've been taking part in the online workouts for six months and I'm still absolutely thrilled. Caro is motivating, competent and also authentic. It definitely deserves 5 stars! <3

Viktoria Luise 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been doing Caros live courses for a month now. The courses are always varied and exhausting. She explains a lot and pays attention to good execution. You can tell that she loves what she does - that's great

Madeleine Elbert 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been a big fan of the live workouts for a long time, so it was clear that I would do the online post-training course with dear Caro from The course was great fun! I now feel fit enough to log back into the workouts.

Lea Volk 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The training in the virtual studio is versatile and professionally done; suitable for everyone and with many great people simply a great way to do sports from home. It's just fun and I'm always looking forward to the next workout.

JW 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super Workouts!

Katharina Gary 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: For me, Caro is and remains the best that is currently available in German-language online fitness. So authentic, so lovely, so motivating and above all so feminine. No trainer who is a beanstalk where you think you can never achieve that anyway.

Ramona Stein 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The workouts with Caro are great fun! Your positive nature is very motivating. I've done a lot of strength training before, but the workouts still challenge me, even without heavy weight and equipment at home. Thank you for the great opportunity to combine sport and everyday life!

Jenny 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been part of the live workouts for two weeks now and I'm thrilled. I have never really enjoyed sports and have always been lazy. But Caro always manages to motivate you with her varied workouts. There are always easier alternatives for beginners. I can already see success, have lost some weight, and with some exercises I notice that it is easier than 2 weeks ago. I can only recommend it to everyone and will also register for the next round. Thank you Caro for your effort

Lene 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great trainer. The workouts are well thought out and the difficulty can be varied. I think it's great how inclusive she designs everything. Whether physical restrictions, pregnancy, etc., everything is taken care of and everyone can participate. Every beginner is taken along and motivated to try it out. We recommend. Especially the live workouts. In my opinion, you get an all-round package with tips for sports, nutrition, stretching, etc.

Jacqueline Eff 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: What do I like about Caro? EVERYTHING. I never would have thought that a person could give me so much fun in everyday life with sport. She managed to make me no longer consider my day to be complete if I haven't done a live workout with her yet. The concept, bomb! The traings, great! And the motivation, 1000 percent!

Louisa Drössel 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been part of the live workout for over 3 months now, MEGA! The first time I didn't really believe in pulling it out but Caro is so motivating and the workouts are so varied that you can't lose your desire at all. And even if you have a not so good day, the workout with her is simply good

Avo Caro 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Training at Caro is highly recommended! She is a super motivating and positive person. Her workouts are varied and she is constantly working on further optimizing them and integrating the feedback from her customers.

Mascha 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro goes to great lengths with the live workouts. She responds to feedback, regularly asks for feedback, takes a lot of effort to explain everything and to deal with ambiguities so that everyone comes along. It gives you the feeling that you don't have to be a professional to participate and gives variants for different exercises for different levels of performance. Overall, she is totally personable and is characterized by her contagious motivation.

S G 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro has a really charming studio here in Tübingen, where great courses are offered every day! She has reawakened my passion for sport and thanks to her I am also keeping up with her online courses! Really recommendable! It gives great added value for all women in a good price-performance ratio. I can only recommend it to you!

Ann-Christine Ebert 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am currently participating in the online live workouts and am absolutely thrilled. The workouts are super varied and always tailored to the target group. In addition, Caro always gives tips on how the exercises for beginners or advanced can be varied. I feel very comfortable with the workouts.

Loreen B. 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro is just great. I discovered their live workouts for me during the Corona period and became much more athletic through them. It motivates me to get exercise every day and sport has taken on a whole new role in my life. It's really a lot of fun to train with her and I can only recommend it to everyone :)

Chayenne Bo. 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I took part in her online 4-week course at Caro and I am absolutely thrilled. Caro is such a love that wants to respond to everyone and takes the time to explain the correct execution of the exercises 5 times if necessary. The variety in the exercises and training units is great, so training is always fun and very motivating! I will definitely book the course again!

JK B 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro has a great offer - she puts me in a good mood, motivates me tremendously and always pushes me to my limits! I have been training with her for 4 months and have never been so far in the last 26 years that I really did it. Thanks Caro! In addition, at Caro there is not only good exercises and fun, but also concentrated expertise, also in the nutritional direction. Thank you!!

Kathi Huber 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro's online workouts are incredibly good. So far, nobody has been able to get me excited about regular sports (I've been here for almost 3 months now)! Caro is always open to questions, suggestions and constructive criticism and helps with her specialist knowledge. The workouts are for beginners as well as for advanced users and can be made up if you can't make it out live. Highly recommended! :)

Vanessa Ricca 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro is a super personable person with whom sport is really fun. Your studio is nice and very clean. Especially recommended for people who like to do sports in groups. I did my retraining course with her and was really good. She explains everything very precisely, which I find very important and you are really there to do sports or to find your way back in slowly. I am now 10 months PP fitter like before pregnancy, since I have been participating in her live workouts for almost 8 weeks now. 5x a week sport, always between 20-40 min., Exactly what you need as a mom - short crisp workouts. So I can definitely recommend her. Thanks Caro, you are just great.

Christine Bustamante 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro's training is just awesome. It's fun, motivates SUSTAINABLY and is simply incredibly effective. She gives so many little tips and ideas on the side, a trainer with a lot of heart who really goes to great lengths ... I have been training with her since mid-April and have noticed significant changes in my body. TOP

Verena Adams 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been participating in the live workouts on Instagram since the beginning of May. The workouts are extremely varied and requests, questions and suggestions are taken very seriously by Caro and answered or implemented. For example, there are always exercises for beginners / pregnant women / mothers and also for advanced users, so that there is something for everyone. The explanations for the correct execution are easy to understand and nevertheless Caro always likes to explain the exercises again and again if you have difficulties. So that everyone has the time to train live, the workouts take place every weekday, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes in the evening. Each workout is saved for at least 24 hours so that you can catch up on it. After that, most of them are deleted, which motivates me incredibly personally, as I don't want to miss the workout and am therefore forced to do it immediately. In fact, it doesn't take much time of the day, most workouts last between 15-25 minutes, sometimes a little longer, but a workout always takes less than an hour including warm-up and stretching afterwards with every workout. If you don't have that much time, particularly good workouts of the week are saved in the feed forever, so that you can always do a short workout. Caro's way of doing things is totally motivating, so that you can still hold out a little, even if you really can't do it anymore. In the beginning it is sometimes difficult to keep up with the beginner exercises, but you will notice significant improvements after a few training sessions. For example, I can now hold Plank for 2 minutes or 15 real push-ups and then continue with push-ups on my knees ... before that, maybe a total of just 2 ^^ So I can really recommend fitbycaro's live workouts to everyone, give it a try. :)

Lisa Wo 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I'm so proud of myself! I've actually been doing sports every day for two weeks - thanks to Caro! And that, although I "only" register for the Insta-Live workouts and am not in your studio live and in color at the "right" personal training. But it works! Caro motivated and the workouts are great. There is always a simpler version of the exercises for beginners and pregnant / fresh mums, so that everyone can train. The explanations are very precise and I have the feeling that I am finally doing some exercises correctly. I never thought the "breathing properly" thing was so important, but it makes a huge difference. The prices for the live sessions are also fair. € 25 for four weeks. I will definitely be in the next round again. :) Thank you Caro for the daily kick in the butt, the sweating laps and the good body feeling !!!

Stephanie Renk 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been part of the live workouts since the first round and I'm absolutely thrilled. I do sports almost every day with Caro, I'm so much more motivated and see extreme changes in my body. Caro manages to inspire me every day anew - her workouts are varied and always fun. She explains the exercises very well and manages to work out in just 20-30 minutes. Absolute recommendation !!

Daria Witt 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro's live workouts plus Group Fitness are the perfect mix for me. At Group Fitness you are looked after and Caro always looks for a correct execution, you also have a fixed appointment and the weaker self has no chance. I feel good all around and can only recommend it! And the live workouts offer the necessary flexibility.

Jasmin H 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Hello I take part in the live workouts online at Caro and I already believe that it is 3 times now :). It is really a lot of fun with Caro, she responds to feedback and even if you have any questions you will get an answer quickly :). I highly recommend their live workouts. And if the new round starts, I'm happy to be there again :). I think it's great that you can catch up on the 24 hour live workouts and the new option is great, because if you miss the 24 hour for whatever reason, there are still saved workouts that always stay in there. So you can train at any time, I like that very much :). I am very motivated by the live workouts because I can do them at home. I do sports regularly and feel fitter there. Thanks Caro :). A big recommendation, so if you don't live near your studio like me, you can join the live workouts. It is a lot of fun and joy for me and even if it is sweaty and sometimes hard after doing sports, you feel as good as it is worth it. A very big recommendation :). LG Mimi

Annika J. 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro did such a great job during Corona's time and set up daily online workouts. I'm really so grateful to her, since I've finally found out how great sport can be. It's so much fun to train with her and all the other girls together. Could imagine that the offers in her gym are just as great :) I can really only recommend her! :)

Jasmin Hofmann 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been training online with Caro for 8 weeks and have not missed a workout. She explains exercises very precisely, has a lot of specialist knowledge, gives options for increases or for beginners. I have already registered for the next 30 days and am looking forward to it. Very motivating

I. K. R. 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro's live workouts are just great. She motivates you every day, makes an incredible effort and is also super personable. I have been there from the start and will certainly continue to participate for a very long time. Thank you Caro for bringing the sport routine into all of our living quarters!

Leonie Wigger 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been part of the live workouts for over 3 months and I'm absolutely thrilled. I've never been so motivated and continuously involved in sports. It's just a lot of fun and Caro is super responsive to questions and always reminds us of the correct execution of the exercises.

Maria De Rubeis 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Caro is such a great person. Nothing and nobody ever motivated me to train regularly. The workouts are varied and suitable for everyone, whether beginners or advanced. Highly Recommended!

Thérèse Aue 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been part of the FitbyCaro Family for 3 months now and it has never been so easy to exercise regularly. Caro motivates me every day and pays attention to a healthy execution. The service is great and Caro is super personable. The price-performance level is perfect. It also conveys objective values ​​regarding weight loss. Everything just great. Participate! No matter if in your super nice studio or on Instagram where she gives a great live workout course.

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