Informationen über EASYFITNESS Lübeck Dänischburg

Dänischburger Landstraße 81
23569, Lübeck
+49 451 70749929


  • Montag: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: 10:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 10:00–20:00 Uhr

Dein Fitnessstudio in Lübeck Dänischburg ➤ 19,90 € pro Monat✓ Lifestyle✓ Fitness✓ Functional✓ Wellness & Kurse✓ Getränke✓ per. Trainingsplan✓ Probetraining✓

Die Vertragslaufzeit der Mitgliedsverträge mit einer Mindestvertragslaufzeit von 12 Monate verlängern sich jeweils um weitere 12 Monate, wenn der „Mitgliedsvertrag“ nicht vom Mitglied oder von EASYFITNESS unter Einhaltung einer Kündigungsfrist von mindestens 3 Monate vor dem jeweiligen Vertragsende gekündigt wird.

Bei Abschluss einer Mitgliedschaft mit einer Erstlaufzeit von12 Monaten gilt ein monatlicher Beitrag i.H.v. 0 € in den letztenbeiden Monaten, bei einem Normaltarif von 25,90€ zzgl. einer einmaligen Start-Up in Höhe von 99,90€ und einer Transpondergebühr von 20,00 €. Zusatzleistungen sind optional gegen Aufpreis erhältlich. Die Vertragslaufzeit verlängert sich um weitere 12 Monate, wenn die „Mitgliedschaft“ nicht vom Mitglied oder von EASYFITNESS unter Einhaltung einer Kündigungsfrist von mindestens 3 Monate vor dem jeweiligen Vertragsende gekündigt wird. Ein Angebot der S&H Fitness GmbH, Geschäftsführer: Julia Stricker und Thorben Hennig

*Monatlicher Beitrag in Höhe von 35,80 € bei Abschluss einer Mitgliedschaft mit einer Erstlaufzeit von 12 Monaten zzgl. einmaliger Start-Up-Gebühr in Höhe von 0,00 € anstatt 99,90 € und 20 € Tranponderkauf.

Die Vertragslaufzeit der Mitgliedsverträge mit einer Mindestvertragslaufzeit von 12 Monate verlängern sich jeweils um weitere 12 Monate, wenn der „Mitgliedsvertrag“ nicht vom Mitglied oder von EASYFITNESS unter Einhaltung einer Kündigungsfrist von mindestens 3 Monate vor dem jeweiligen Vertragsende gekündigt wird.

Mit der Philosophie „lifestyle and sport“ bietet EASYFITNESS euch Inspiration für ein aktives Leben und die Möglichkeit, aktiv zu sein, dabei Freunde zu treffen und Kontakte zu knüpfen. EASYFITNESS ist ein Ort, an dem Ihr eine Steigerung eurer Lebensqualität erfährt.

Bei EASYFITNESS müsst Ihr euch auch nicht zwischen einem günstigen Preis, einem hochwertigen Trainingsangebot oder einem stylishen Studioambiente wählen. Bei EASYFITNESS genießt Ihr alles!

Das Fitnessstudio Lübeck-Dänischburg befindet sich in der Dänischburger Landstraße 81 in 23569 Lübeck. Du findest uns im LUV Shopping Center in Lübeck-Dänischburg, direkt neben IKEA und in unmittelbarer Nähe der A 226 und der A1.

Egal, wie du ins Fitnessstudio Lübeck-Dänischburg kommst - unser Studio ist dank seiner Top-Lage gut erreichbar. Mit dem Auto erreichst du uns über die A 1 oder die A 226. Beide liegen fast direkt vor der Haustür. Nimm dazu die Ausfahrt nach Dänischburg. Du kannst dein Auto kostenlos bei uns parken, während du Sport machst. Du bist mit Bahn oder Bus unterwegs? Die Buslinien 10 und 33 bringen dich zu uns. Steige an der Haltestellte IKEA LUV Shopping aus. Auch eine Bahnstation befindet sich in unmittelbarer Nähe unseres Fitnessstudios in Lübeck: Die Haltestelle Lübeck-Dänischburg IKEA ist direkt am Shopping-Center gelegen.

Parksorgen brauchst du dir beim Weg zum Sport nicht zu machen - in unserem Fitnessstudio in Lübeck bieten wir dir fast 3000 Parkplätze, die du als Kunde kostenlos nutzen kannst. Auch acht Elektroladeplätze stehen dir zur Verfügung.

Natürlich findest du bei uns auch Stellplätze, an denen du dein Fahrrad sicher abstellen kannst. Sogar eine Reparaturstation für Fahrräder kannst du nutzen, falls du mal einen Platten hast oder dein Rad ein anderes Wehwehchen hat.

Das EASYFITNESS-Studio im Lübecker Stadtteil Dänischburg ist mehr als 1000 Quadratmeter groß. Hier findest du alle Geräte und genügend Platz, um deine Fitness zu verbessern und deine Muskeln zu trainieren. Dank unserer hochwertigen Ausstattung kannst du im Fitnessstudio Lübeck-Dänischburg nach Herzenslust trainieren - egal, ob es dir darum geht, Gewicht zu verlieren, Muskeln aufzubauen oder etwas für deine Gesundheit zu tun.

In unserem modernen Fitnessstudio Lübeck-Dänischburg wartet ein umfassendes Angebot an Fitnessgeräten und Trainingsmöglichkeiten auf dich. Du kannst an unserem beliebten Fit-22-Zirkel deinen ganzen Körper trainieren, TRX-Training oder Power-Plate-Training machen oder dich auf Functional-Fitness konzentrieren. Natürlich bieten wir dir in unserem Studio in Lübeck auch diverse Plate-Loaded-Geräte für dein Krafttraining, einen Freihantelbereich und die passende Ausstattung für dein Cardio-Training. Wenn du eine individuelle Betreuung bevorzugst, kannst du einen Personal Trainer nutzen.

Als Mitglied von EASYFITNESS in Lübeck kannst du eine kostenlose Getränkeflatrate nutzen. Nach dem Training kannst du dich im Solarium bräunen. Oder wie wäre es mit einer entspannenden Wassermassage zum Ausklang?

Besonders praktisch ist die gute Anbindung von unserem EASYFITNESS-Fitnesstudio Lübeck-Dänischburg. Es gibt eigene Bus- und Bahnstationen direkt vor der Tür. Wenn du mit dem Auto kommst, brauchst du nicht lange nach einem Parkplatz zu suchen. Unser Studio ist über einen eigenen Eingang hinter dem Center zu erreichen. Es hat 365 Tage im Jahr für dich geöffnet.

Eine weitere Besonderheit unseres Dänischburger Fitnessstudios: Hier kannst du deine Kinder betreuen lassen, während du trainierst. Das macht es noch einfacher, die Fitness in deinen Alltag zu integrieren. Du hast Fragen? Am besten erreichst du uns vor Ort oder per Telefon.

S & H Fitness GmbHGeschäftsführer: Julia Stricker & Thorben HennigDänischburger Landstraße 81 – 23569 LübeckE-Mail: [email protected]: 045170749929

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EASYFITNESS Lübeck Dänischburg hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

EASYFITNESS Lübeck Dänischburg: Stellungnahmen

5/5 (50 Stellungnahmen)
Herr Sch 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: We spontaneously checked out Easy Fitness in January. There we were welcomed very nicely by Fabienne and the studio was introduced to us. We felt comfortable right from the start and regularly go to the studio twice a week. The whole studio is furnished in a modern style. Changing rooms, showers, etc. are always in perfect condition. We would also award more points. Many thanks to Fabienne, she convinced us back in January.

Petra Thießen 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Advice and training from Justin was perfect. Super nice!!!!

Tatjana Schwabauer 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The studio is large and very clean, the equipment is new and all functional, there is plenty of space in the showers. For me it is the perfect place to spend the most important moment of the day, dedicated to oneself, the care of the body and the well-being of the soul.

Frank Roloff 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: HELLO, I've been a member for about two months and would like to begin by thanking you for the nice welcome and introduction. Special thanks to Fabiennne who ordered the Fitness Primer 2.0 for me. I would also like to mention that many older people keep fit here and not just professionals. So trust yourself

Alina L. 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Clean and clear fitness studio with very friendly and motivated employees who are always happy to give tips and assistance. It's definitely worth stopping by!

Sonja Augustin 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A new, very nicely furnished and above all clean studio with a very nice, competent team. I feel really good and in good hands. From young to old everything is represented. Training plans are created individually. Special praise to Fabienne, who is there with a lot of commitment, fun and professionalism. I am happy that I decided to train with you. Keep it up!

Lara Lamprecht 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I signed up recently and was welcomed very kindly. Everything was specifically explained and introduced to me. I was also briefly shown the different areas and was very satisfied! Also really nice people who work there. I'm looking forward to training there!

katharina bendfeldt 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: great studio, Had a super nice train fabienne Mega

Silent_Killer __ 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Unlike in other large chains, emphasis is placed on personality. The staff is super friendly and always helpful. Large variety of courses and training opportunities. The massage table is just awesome after training.

Eleonora Catanu 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Because a family member has just joined the Easyfitness Club, I was able to take part in an Easy Free-day with my son. We were looked after in a very friendly and courteous manner, were allowed to try out everything we wanted and our very personal needs were taken into account. The studio is well equipped, we felt really good (even as normal, sporty, average people) and can only recommend it to everyone!

Meike Lohmann 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been a member for a few weeks. In the meantime I got a varied training plan from Fabienne which is also fun. The exercises my physiotherapist did for the back were also included. Top!

Andy Peters 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A modern studio with a very pleasant atmosphere. The studio has a top connection with numerous free parking spaces. Excellent and an A+ with an asterisk is the staff! I did my trial training and my training plan with Fabienne, absolutely competent... I said what I had in mind and what my goals were and she tailored the training plan exactly to that. Changing rooms and showers are absolutely clean and spacious. So if you are looking for a studio with great trainers and top equipment, you have come to the right place

Philipp Ait Mokhtar 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Also ganz im Ernst. Ich hatte schon vor dem heutigen Probetraining vor mich hier anzumelden, auf Grund der Top Bewertungen hier über die Trainer. Also war es eigentlich nur noch zur eigenen Selbstbestätigung. Bin dann beim Probetraining auf die hier so oft genannte Fabienne getroffen, wenn Motivationsausstrahlung einen Namen hätte, würden wir sie sicher im Duden als Definition finden. Nach sovielen Jahren mal wieder was für seinen Körper zu tun fühlt sich echt gut an. Hab mich natürlich auch direkt dem Anmeldeprozedere unterzogen. Einzig und alleine zu bemängeln wäre, dass sie absolut keine Barzahlung akzeptieren. Ich spüre jetzt schon, wo ich morgen Muskelkater haben werde .

Davide Sessolo 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice and modern studio. The staff is very nice and makes you feel like you are in good hands. The atmosphere is very pleasant. I can only recommend it! :)

Michaela Haase 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Simply brilliant I feel really comfortable there. Super nice staff. I wonder...why didn't I try this sooner. I can really recommend it to you, just give it a try.L.G.from me to the entire team

Schnipsel wandert !!! 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: EASYFITNESS.CLUB LÜBECK-DÄNISCHBURG is a super modern studio!!! Great equipment and even a punching bag. I can only recommend this studio!!! I've thought long and hard about rejoining a gym in order to achieve and strengthen all of my transformational goals. Just kept thinking about it because other studios have disappointed you in the past. Either you were just a paying customer or you weren't taken seriously and were constantly stared at as being overweight. I've definitely been comparing many studios since November of last year and I've always stuck with EasyFitness because I liked a lot of the equipment and because many friends and acquaintances were already registered in the studio. And last Friday it finally happened. I finally dared and had my first trial lesson. I had the lesson with coach Umut. Thank you very much for the trial training. It was super cool. He took the time for me, showed me everything and we went through my fitness, wishes and goals. Then he showed me a few more exercises. I don't think I would have signed up that day without him. Great trainer!!! Thanks for that too!!! Two days later I had my training plan creation appointment with Fabienne. It was a super cool workout!!! Great personal training plan and also a super good trainer. She gave me a lot of tips. I'm often there now and I feel very comfortable. And I'm super motivated. I also noticed during the days how many nice and helpful trainers work there. SORRY for the long text, but I really wanted to get rid of that and say thank you for the first time. THANK YOU THANK YOU LG YOUR Timo (snippet)

Diana Ebersbach 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: My son had won a VIP day voucher for me during a campaign , so that I had an all-inclusive day to try out and test it. The studio is clear and informal, but still very well equipped. In the upper area there is a #cardiofront with a view of the LUV, a small lounge corner, a small free weights area, as well as #massager & #solarium (both used and found to be really good ). On the ground floor there is still a small but sufficient #crossfit area to let off steam. Due devices are from Matrix . Courses are also offered (e.g. yoga or Latin dance). The employees are super nice, friendly and competent. Since the studio is located in the LUV, two nice things can be combined very easily: fitness & shopping .... if you prefer to live according to the motto #allegutendingesinddrei, you can combine good food with a mega workout and cardio shopping afterwards

Magdalena Dyka 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Professionalism and friendliness come first here. Fabienne offered us a first-class trial session. Here you are definitely in good hands and immediately feel comfortable. Thanks very much

Anja Beyer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The trainer was super nice and explained and showed everything fantastically. Everyone does their thing & concentrates on themselves. It was just really really cool.

Bel Ro 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice and well equipped studio, competent and very friendly team, I am very satisfied and can only recommend it.

Dennis Schmidt 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio with very new equipment. You feel very well cared for right from the start. Fabienne explained the equipment to me in a great way and created a training plan tailored to my needs. Thanks for that! The atmosphere in this studio is awesome. I can only recommend everyone to try this studio once.

Kim D. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Had my first appointment with dear Fabienne today :) She was super sweet and it was really a lot of fun! (the time flew by!) I felt very comfortable. And she showed me exercises and devices that I feel comfortable with and are also suitable for my herniated disc ! To the studio: everything clean and tidy! I felt right at home! I look forward to coming here regularly :) ❤️❤️❤️

Gabriela Johann 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Fabienne was really great today, explained everything to us and took her time. I was really pleasantly surprised, I wasn't expecting that. Looking forward to training as a new member

Kathrin Pieper 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: It's just fun and the people are very nice there, and the coaches know what they're talking about. I feel taken seriously and very comfortable there.

Jörg Gatzke 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great team, thank you very much for the great introduction. I'm already looking forward to the next training session. Price performance is super good. I've only been there for a short time and I feel very well received. I can only recommend Easy Fitness. Dare to come and just drop by.

Annette Schult 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I won a trial training session through a promo on the windward side ... It was great that someone had called on Saturday to explain how I can get to the studio on Sunday, since the Luv is closed. The training with Fabienne was really great. She showed me a little tour as well as a few devices in question / explained after the basic data was queried (who am I, what do I want etc). The studio was clean, the furnishings / equipment modern and consistent. Nothing was too overloaded and from the first impression it was not a typical "Mucki-Bude". The other people (guests) were also friendly and I immediately felt that I belonged to them. Suggestions for improvement: 1. There are hardly any bike parking spaces near the back of the windward side, here you would have to connect the bike at the front. There is a handrail, but after a few meters you will see "No parking for bicycles" - signs. 2. A sign pointing to the entrance to the studio, directly on the windward side would also be helpful (on the parking lot near the windward side with an arrow or something) - I hadn't seen any. I drove around a little lost in the huge parking lot before I found the right way. Overall, however, I was thrilled!

Lasse Barklage 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very modern and mega beautiful studio. Not the biggest, but still more than enough for a good workout. Very nice staff. Great parking situation due to the location in the shopping center. Would recommend everyone who lives nearby or is visiting Lübeck to train there

Matthias Krüger 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Hi, I just wanted to say you are a super competent team. Training is a lot of fun for you, if you have any questions you are always available and give good tips. So my family is blown away by you and we look forward to training with you for a long time.

Marlis Lechner 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A really great studio with the latest equipment. Right from the start, you feel very well cared for here. It should really be emphasized that there is excellent support here. Fabienne explained the devices to me very well and developed a training plan tailored to my needs. The atmosphere in this studio is great. I can only recommend everyone to give this studio a try.

Björn Engel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very clean studio with modern equipment and a good atmosphere. The staff is competent, helpful and friendly. I had my briefing with Saskia. She was personable, responded to me personally and gave me a few good tips. The tour through the studio was really fun. Thanks!

Manuela Wendt 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been there for almost 5 months now and yes, I like to go there. The atmosphere is great. The entire staff is also FANTASTIC. Regardless of whether you have a question about a device or a recommendation for correct handling, you can always speak to someone. A wide range of courses, massage table, sun bed, shower, changing room ...... everything neat and clean. Keep it up!!!!

Mikado LuvJunior 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Thank you, dear Fabienne, for the first very personal and, above all, very professional impression of your studio! You showed me that even at 55 there was definitely "still something going on" and totally encouraged me in my plan to train with you in the future! Your hygiene measures are TOP, the equipment is very extensive, changing rooms, showers, etc. PRIMA! Opening times and monthly fees are ABSOLUTELY in order! I look forward to regularly maintaining or improving my health with you soon! ... "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." -Jim Rohn- If not here and now ... then when?

Carsten Detjen 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: My wife and I were recently on vacation at Timmendorfer Strand. The studio is easily accessible from there. As members of Easy Fitness Bremen, we were welcomed in a very friendly manner and were able to use everything without any problems. The studio is well equipped and offers a great atmosphere. We'll be back next year.

Tobias P. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super gym! An individual plan with specially designed exercises was created for me to give me the best advice and get me fit. Special thanks go to trainer Angelique

Julia Schilde 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nice new studio - perfect for me due to its proximity to my office. The machines are new and great for training. I especially like the functional area. Since I'm an old hand in weight training, the variety and the change of scenery really do me. The staff are all super nice too. Only the mirrors are still missing, but I was told that they will still come;) There are also two towers with cables above and below. Are always in great demand :) I'm looking forward to the next training :)

Phil Zoch 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very friendly and personable people who give you a very good feeling from the first day of visiting the studio, to feel comfortable. A super nice and modern fitness studio, which can also be reached quickly through the almost direct motorway connection.

Senf Zugeben 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I discovered EasyFitness by chance when I was walking past the store in the LUV, which was under construction, and was approached in a friendly manner. After an extensive tour through the studio, we decided to become a member because of the convenient location and were looking forward to the studio opening. The exercise machines are all new and easy to use. Shower and changing room available but closed due to Chorona! So move at home. Free drinks machine with delicious varieties to choose from, just bring an empty drinking bottle. Toilet is available and usable. Solarium and hydromassage bed can also be used. The staff is friendly and helpful, you feel safe and in good hands. Free training plan and trainer, very awesome! Training on 2 floors and even when the LUV is closed, very awesome. There are disinfectants everywhere and everything is clean. Parking spaces behind the LUV when it is closed and in front also when it is open. So my money is in good hands.

Maddi Mi 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I'm really looking forward to training in the new studio. I caught a glimpse and wanted to get started right away. Easy to reach and super personable and competent employees. Thumbs up, the anticipation is huge!

Armin Baer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great team, top equipment and an inviting atmosphere. The trainers are very competent and help to implement your goal. With intuition and the right know-how. Progress guaranteed!

Milly Tanth 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Highly recommended. Studio is clean, the price is reasonable and super friendly and above all present! Trainer. It is corrected and assistance is given. The limited training time due to the current corona situation seems far too short. Thank you for your opening ...

Kristin Feierabend 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio, great equipment and great trainers! The trainers support you where they can and are always at your side. Personal tip: Training with Chris Riegel. (Instagram: the_real_riegel) Makes you sweat, pays attention to clean execution, is committed and motivates you to stay on the ball. Be yourself and do your thing.

Vici Meß 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Friendly, competent employees. Clean, well organized and well air conditioned. Complete hygiene concept and great companion app. Special features: opening times, can be canceled on a monthly basis and childcare is possible. Nice to have: incorporate positive feedback and build / expand the FAQ (arrival on a Sunday, what dress code etc. Conclusion: highly recommended, a great studio with some unique selling points

J. H. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very modern studio right in the LUV Center. In addition, a very personable and competent team! Thanks to my consultation appointment the day before yesterday, I was able to see the end product and was thrilled. I'm already looking forward to the opening next week and my first training session!

Lisa Sophia 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice and high quality furnished studio. Super great team, always friendly, helpful and very competent. Great course room, new high-quality equipment, great layout and furnished with a lot of heart, you feel right at home there and really enjoy training. Highly Recommended!!!

Saskia Schumann 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The decision is made, the bacon has to go. After various trial training sessions in other studios, I ended up at Easyfitness. Today I created my training plan with Julia and she gave me tips on how to best achieve my goals. Thanks, that was very motivating. In the studio on the windward side everything is new and very clean and the air is good. All of the employees I have met so far are very friendly and competent. I also think the circuit and the app in which the training plan is stored are great. As a reward, I get the massage table and solarium after training. I'm looking forward to the next training session.

Jaqueline Rieck 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The studio is modernly equipped. A super personable team, any questions are answered professionally. There is a relaxed atmosphere, I felt right at home. The offer of a hydromassage table and solarium is also great, perfect for relaxing after a workout. :-)

Lady Energy 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A great team and good besides actions with flat drinks, water massage loungers, sunbeds, things you need in the gym such as towels and a lock you can also buy there. Great atmosphere to get into a conversation with other members and very activating good music (very important when having fun during training), trainers who are very nice and pay attention to how you train as well as plans for your training goal and your diet with you do . :) You have the view of the mall and that is super chic ☀️❤️ I love it

Jette Vogt 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The staff were very friendly, the studio was clean and varied. I can only recommend a trial training session. Definitely worth the money.

Haiko Ellermann 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am really excited Since 1.4 and I'm already well fit. Thanks to the great advice and the great team. Very modern facility. The other customers are also very helpful. I can only recommend.

Andrea Ditz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Seen and approved at a LUV Center visit. I also registered directly because my way there is short and can be reached without a car. Good for me and the environment. Now it can start very, very happily. I'm really looking forward to the nice coaches.

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