Informationen über Movement Area

Schwieberdinger Str. 104
71636, Ludwigsburg
+49 7141 4738928


  • Montag: 06:45–09:15 Uhr, 16:45–21:30 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 06:45–08:15 Uhr, 18:00–21:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 16:45–21:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 06:45–09:15 Uhr, 16:45–20:30 Uhr
  • Freitag: 07:45–09:15 Uhr, 15:45–19:30 Uhr
  • Samstag: 09:00–12:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 09:00–12:00 Uhr

Du bekommst eine nachhaltige Betreuung von deinem Movement Area Coach, der sportwissenschaftlich auf dem aktuellen Stand ist und dich auf deinem Weg persönlich begleitet.Zu Beginn erarbeiten wir gemeinsam in einem Bewegungsscreen zur Analyse muskulärer Dysbalancen und Einschränkungen, individuelle Übungen für dich – ganz nach dem Motto „Erst qualitativ gut bewegen, bevor man sich oft bewegt“.

Aus Gründen unseren Qualitätsansprüchen ist die maximale Teilnehmerzahl auf 8 Personen begrenzt, was gleichzeitig ein Training unter familiärer Atmosphäre mit Teamgeist und Spaß für dich bedeutet. Unsere Leidenschaft ist dein Training!

In beiden Gyms arbeiten wir mit Spaβ und Motivation auf der Basis eines ganzheitlichen, individuellen und genau auf dich abgestimmten Trainingskonzepts für deinen persönlichen Erfolg.

An der Movement Area überzeugt mich in erster Linie die gut ausgebildeten Trainer, die je nach Fitnesszustand ihrer Kunden auf diese eingehen und sie bei ihrem Weg zum Ziel gemeinsam begleiten. Außerdem schätze ich es, dass sich die Trainer stetig weiterbilden und somit immer neue Impulse mit ins Training einbringen.

Ich trainiere jetzt schon seit über 2 Jahren mit den Movement Area Coaches. Nach einer gründlichen Anamnese haben wir losgelegt. Da ich seit Jahren starke Rückenprobleme habe, war die Ausrichtung klar. Die Auswahl der Übungen überzeugen mich, ich fühle mich seitdem einfach wohler und vor allem fit. Toll finde ich auch das sensible Einfühlungsvermögen. Je nachdem, wie man sich am Trainingstag fühlt, wird das Training so angepasst, dass man sportlich gefordert wird, sich aber nicht überfordert fühlt. Ich kann euch die Movement Area nur ans Herz legen, wenn ihr euch fit und gesund fühlen möchtet.

Seit einem Jahr sind wir jeden Mittwoch morgen in der Movement Area zum Firmentraining, um nicht nur etwas für unsere Gesundheit zu tun, sondern zusammen als Team in den Tag zu starten. Im Arbeitsalltag kommt es selten vor, dass das komplette Team beisammen ist. So hilft uns die Movement Area nicht nur gesund zu bleiben, sondern auch den sozialen Zusammenhalt zu stärken. Danke für das tolle Training und die ständige Flexibilität.

Eine tolle Location und mit den Weltbesten Trainerin, die mit Freude und Kompetenz jeden ihrer Mitglieder betreuen! Wer keine Lust auf das übliche Fitnessstudio hat, ist hier genau an der richtigen Adresse. Bis hoffentlich ganz bald. Eure Maschine

Inzwischen bin ich seit 4 Monaten in der Movement Area und bin MEGA begeistert vom Konzept und den Coaches. Ihre Begeisterung übertragen Sie an uns Member weiter. Das Training mit Robin und Chiara macht soooo viel Spaß, aber ist auch schweißtreibend. Sie holen das Maximum aus jedem Einzelnen raus. Ich habe in so kurzer Zeit mega Fortschritte gemacht und ein außerordentliches Körpergefühl entwickelt. DANKE Chiara und Robin

Mit einem Wort: "fantastisch" Ausgesprochen professionelle (zahlreiche Abschlüsse, Zertifikate und Qualifikationen) und liebe Trainer die auf jeden individuell eingehen und ein Konzept für die eigenen Ziele erarbeiten. Von Gesundheitssport bis Leistungssport wird alles abgedeckt! Man ist in ständiger Kommunikation mit den Trainern, sodass immer aktiv an Verbessrungen oder Schwerpunkten gearbeitet werden kann. Das Equipment ist brandneu und absolut hochwertig! Es wird viel Wert auf Sauberkeit und Hygiene gelegt und es gibt sogar einen Outdoorbereich im Open Gym. Alles in allem lässt sich sagen, dass dies ein neues Level an Personal Training ist. Ich würde es jedem weiterempfehlen, egal ob man mobiler, ausdauernder, schmerzfreier oder stärker werden möchte; hier erreicht man seine Ziele! Noch als letzter Einschub: selbst in Zeiten von Shutdown und Pandemie werden die Mitglieder mit Onlinecoaching, Videotutorials, Outdoortraining und Beratung unterstützt. Versucht mal irgendwo anders einen solchen Service und ein solches Engagement zu finden! Chiara, Robin und der Rest vom Team sind einfach nur genial!

Hier stimmt einfach alles. Mit Chiara und Robin habe ich erfahrene, top ausgebildete und menschlich großartige Coaches an meiner Seite, die es mit Ihrem individuellen Trainingskonzept schaffen, gezielt auf mich und meine Bedürfnisse sowie Schwachstellen einzugehen. Dadurch sehe und spüre ich viel schnellere Erfolge und positive Effekte. Danke, dass Ihr es Euch jeden Tag zur Aufgabe macht, die Menschen bei ihrem gesunden Dasein zu unterstützen und bestmöglichst zu begleiten!

Die Coaches der Movement Area sind sehr qualifiziert – ganz egal ob es um Stabilisierung, Kraft oder Ausdauer für den eigenen Körper geht. Auch die gesundheitlichen Aspekte werden berücksichtigt und das Training an die Bedürfnisse jedes Einzelnen angepasst. Außerdem ist eine große und tolle Auswahl an Equipment vorhanden. Das Training im Rahmen des Dienstsports des KOD macht immer wieder Spaß.

Obwohl wir uns in der Anfangszeit der Pandemie kennengelernt haben und dies eine  schwierige Voraussetzung war, war beiden Seiten klar, dass man gemeinsam die Chance nutzen will das gleiche Verständnis von Sport auf ein neues Level zu heben.

Ich habe in der Zusammenarbeit die Möglichkeit gesehen meine Vorstellung eines Fitnessstudios weiterleben zu sehen. Chiara und Robin zeichnen in der Zeit von Corona Flexibilität, Zuverlässigkeit und Ideenreichtum aus, was für die Zukunft nach der Pandemie jetzt schon Freude macht für die weitere Zusammenarbeit.


Movement Area hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Movement Area: Stellungnahmen

5/5 (50 Stellungnahmen)
Libera Toma 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I had a great time, very nice and very helpful people, very addictive sport. I recommend it to everyone. Very satisfied

Andrea Stamm 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been training in the Movement Area almost since the beginning of the studio and I don't think there is a better studio. Always a challenging workout although you can control the intensity yourself. Alternative exercises are also available for those with disabilities or injuries. The small group format is just great and motivating and the coaches are both very experienced in functional training. Simply class

Tanja Krüger 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am super satisfied with the training and the support in the Movement Area. You can tell that the coaches are 100% behind it. Their commitment is reflected in the training courses and the wide range of offers. I feel very well looked after here and look forward to many more training sessions. :)

Toni Knezevic 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: It's also really fun you're not alone. Sport is more fun when you are with other people. . I also did a trial training first, and I enjoyed it. I've only been there since January 15th, 2022, the best decision ever to register there.

Jürgen Kraus 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been training at Movement Area for over 1.5 years. I particularly like that the offers enable individual training, it's always fun and my progress is correspondingly large. The trainer team is super flexible and reliable. You just feel comfortable and in good hands. Robin and Chiara are very competent and have a very comprehensive know-how. In the small group training sessions, each individual is addressed and instructed accordingly. All in all a great workout and better than any fitness center I've worked out at before.

Ann-Catrin Zirnig 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Clear recommendation: Sport is understood and taught here for the well-being and mobilization of the body. The trainers are super competent and also give tips outside of training if you have complaints or injuries. Keep it up!

Florian Kraus 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great guidance from both coaches. Training is always demanding and is adapted to individual performance. Better than any gym I've been to!

Svenja Fischer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A great fitness oasis with great commitment, hard work and the kindness of the trainers. They always set new stimuli and constantly offer their members something new in the form of new courses and offers. You can talk to them about anything and also express wishes that they respond to. They not only support you in training but also in the regeneration phase with tips and tricks. Thank you that you are not a typical "gym" and that you feel that you are in good hands with you and in small groups and that your own well-being increases after each training session. You are doing an amazing job !!! Until the next training :)

Kai Bechtle 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: There for almost 2 years now and still as happy as on the first day. For me, the clear group size and the professional training with great attention to detail on the part of the trainers are the greatest advantages over other studios. The familiar training feeling and really individual support during the group training make me really enjoy going into training for the first time. Booking via an app works great and you have access to the very wide-ranging training program at any time. Secret tip: also interesting for companies and agencies who want to strengthen their sense of community in groups and also want to do something for the health of their employees. If it were 10 stars I would give 11.

Vanessa P. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Contacting Movement Area was the best decision this year! During the Corona period, too many excess kilos had simply accumulated. My attempts to change something have failed miserably. I lacked the knowledge, motivation and perseverance to really change something. Since I've been working with Chiara and Robin, I've become noticeably fitter, leaner and more flexible. I like that they cater to each individual and not run through a run-of-the-mill program. There is a solution for every “little problem”. I regularly receive valuable tips, also outside of our meetings. The way to a healthier way of life happens little by little, without starving or giving up. The migraine attacks are also getting less and less. I just feel much, much better today, even if I haven't reached my goal yet. Professional and personable through and through! In case you haven't been able to read it out yet: Highly recommended and worth every penny!

Daniela Schäfer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: This is how sport is really fun :)! Super nice, funny and above all competent team! I can really only recommend it!

Marco Dötterer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I can only recommend it! No matter if competitive athlete or beginner - there is something for everyone. Personally, I do a lot of sports and it is particularly good for me and my body to get tips from Robin and Chiara to further optimize my fitness or to minimize back tension! The training has a quality level that is second to none. I've been with it for over a year and can only encourage everyone to have this experience. Keep up the good work your Marco

johanna güth 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The trainers in the Movement Area are very competent and friendly. The training is very effective and also uses my deep muscles, which I had not felt in training before. During training I am picked up at my performance limit and can improve well. All in all, I really enjoy training in the Movement Area and I go home with a good feeling every time :) And what I also find very positive, especially in the times of Corona, that there are online trainings and training videos for members of the Movement Area so that you can continue to train at home :)

Katrin Hauser 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A great location and with the world's best trainers who look after each of their members with joy and competence! If you don't feel like going to the usual gym, this is the right place for you. Hope to see you very soon. Your machine

Saskia 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The concept of individually adapted training in small groups is exactly the right thing for me. The support provided by the two coaches Chiara and Robin is really great! You have made it so that after a long phase full of pain and injuries I can train almost without restrictions and pain-free. They are really professionals in their field and are always available to the members with their expertise, competence and great commitment. They also support you in lock-down with regular online courses and individual training videos. Absolutely great! The fun factor is never neglected in training, I can only recommend it! Thanks and keep it up.

Jacki Kliewer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super individual training. Whether in small groups or in personal training, the support of the two coaches is great, always highly motivating and of course sweaty. Even in times of Corona, it is well organized and strives to keep members fit through online training. A big thank you to you guys, keep it up :)

Julia La Greca 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great individual training! Robin and Chiara are doing a super great job! Thanks and keep it up !!

Sara 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great trainer with a lot of specialist knowledge! Did a training there (I'm a physio myself) & we were all thrilled! Great new input, thanks for that! :)

Paul Knopp 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The Swabian says that complaining is not enough praise. With Movement Area I would like to deviate from this rule a little. Up until the first lockdown almost a year ago, we were looked after by Robin for a long time in our company sport. In the years in which we had our fitness classes, the typical seasonal problems (winter time & sitting PC work) practically no longer occurred for me. I have to say, seldom have I had such an effective and valuable course. Never in the fitness area. The general fitness and flexibility were always at a very satisfactory level during the time with Movement Area. I notice the lack of training especially now after the restrictions of the past few months. I very much hope that the situation will improve in the foreseeable future and that we can pick up where we left off a year ago. I'm looking forward to it. See you soon!

Christiane Seybold 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Professionally very competent and personable trainers, pleasant atmosphere, very good guidance and support during the training, feedback desired and also asked for, all age groups and all training levels (also for beginners in all age groups), training according to personal needs, quick successes even with pain patients (own experience!), very motivating. In short, highly recommended, arrange an information conversation as soon as possible if you want to do something good for yourself!

F. N. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Our company sports group was supervised by Robin as a trainer until the beginning of the corona crisis in March 2020. The training was extremely entertaining and a good mix of exercises for strength, coordination and flexibility. It was very good for me personally. Robin always demonstrated all the exercises, and explained clearly what was important. Hope we can start again soon. Can 100% recommend Robin or the Movement Area.

Marc von Helibrunna 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I was always more of a sports grouch, registered in a studio, but the drive was missing. Training alone on machines, without guidance was not my thing. Through my colleague, I came to the Movement Area for a trial training session and it actually grabbed me right away! Chiara and Robin have created a unique personal atmosphere. Training takes place in small groups of up to 8 people. There is a weekly plan with different training units that can be conveniently booked via an app. The training itself shows success after a very short time, which is probably due to the personal support. I like going there three times a week and I am totally motivated to work on myself. Thanks a lot for this!

Robin Seybold 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: In a word: "fantastic" Extremely professional (numerous degrees, certificates and qualifications) and dear trainers who respond to each individual and develop a concept for their own goals. Everything is covered, from health sports to competitive sports! You are in constant communication with the trainers so that you can always work actively on improvements or focal points. The equipment is brand new and of absolutely high quality! Much emphasis is placed on cleanliness and hygiene and there is even an outdoor area in the open gym. All in all, it can be said that this is a new level of personal training. I would recommend it to everyone, regardless of whether you want to become more mobile, more enduring, more pain-free or stronger; here you can achieve your goals! As a last insert: even in times of shutdown and pandemic, members are supported with online coaching, video tutorials, outdoor training and advice. Try to find such a service and commitment somewhere else! Chiara, Robin and the rest of the team are just awesome :)

Anika Hempel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The best studio I know! Super nice and competent trainers, it's just fun! I can only recommend it!

Michaela Haerter 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nice, very different studio. Great concept with individual and lasting coaching. (Not only in the trial training.) I can only recommend it! Thanks for the great training!

Janis Claus 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: We recommend! Super training concept in small groups up to 8 participants. Personally and professionally great coaches with Chiara and Robin!

Lena Oßwald 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Concentrated competence, along with individual support and tailor-made training are definitely a rarity. But that is exactly what defines the Movement Area, everything is just right here. Keep it up!

Loredana P. 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great concept with unique coaches! The training does not only take place in small groups, Chiara and Robin manage to take into account the individual needs and limitations of the participants in each unit. A studio that does not exist in the vicinity. My first choice in the gym area! Passion meets quality, as well as extensive knowledge meets top athletic performance!

Larissa Wisniewski 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Before I started training in the Movement Area almost 2 months ago, I used every excuse not to have to go to the gym. In the meantime, I am looking forward to every training session and plan it into my everyday life. You can tell Chiara and Robin that they are passionate about it. They motivate, challenge and respond individually to everyone in training. I also really like that you almost never train alone, but actually always have colleagues with whom you can motivate each other. Big thanks to the two coaches who showed me that fitness training can also be fun!

Fion Halach 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very personal training: Courses take place with only one person, the two course instructors take a very individual approach (in my case rightly braking), many different training devices and exercises, modern equipment. Can only be recommended!

Paula Kleiber 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have now been in the Movement Area for 4 months and MEGA is enthusiastic about the concept and the coaches, you can pass on their enthusiasm to us members. The training with Robin and Chiara is sooo much fun but also sweaty you get the most out of each one. I made mega progress in such a short time and developed an extraordinary body feeling. THANKS Chiara and Robin

Maren Arndt 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The perfect gym for me. Professional, competent and ambitious coaches who lead the training with full commitment, heart and soul. Chiara and Robin offer holistic training for better mobility, muscle building and fitness / cardiovascular training in small groups. As a result, they have everyone in view and no mistakes can creep into the movement sequences. I am totally thrilled and satisfied. Also a great location with a great atmosphere. I feel very comfortable, in good hands and am always looking forward to training with them. Easy accessibility by public transport and very good parking for drivers. Come along and get to know the movement area personally during a trial training session.

Veronika Wagner 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Full 5 stars! Small group training - very motivated & professional trainers - well-kept location - varied training - family atmosphere There is no better way to take care of your health! You are a great team, thank you dear Chiara & dear Robin

Michaela Rieger 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been training in the Movement Area for 2 months now. My trial training at the time immediately convinced me that I signed up immediately afterwards. I have tried a lot so far and am absolutely not a typical studio student. The training with Chiara and Robin deals with each one individually and I like the training in the small group very much - almost like personal training. If you are unable to cope with an exercise, it is immediately adapted to the respective needs. My mobility and posture have improved a lot since I started training here. I am totally motivated to continue working on it. Thanks to both of you.

Marco La Greca 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great concept! Robin and Chiara deal with each one very professionally and individually! You can tell their great know-how and it's always fun to train with them!

Nadine Seufert 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: In the Movement Area you are in good hands, here everyone is treated individually, regardless of whether after injuries or to the best shape, something is put together for everyone and quickly gets fit again. The whole thing has almost a character of personal training. The trainers do such a great job and motivate you great and you can see progress quickly. I have never been so motivated in any of the other gyms and the exercise has never been explained so well.

Lira Lora 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: General: The Movement Area has a very modern training room with two very dedicated and professional coaches Chiara and Robin. Chiara and Robin approach each member individually. This creates individual exercises that are perfectly aligned for you. It's definitely more fun than exercising on the weight machines in the regular gym. The training runs under the motto: "Our passion is your training!". You can definitely feel that! There is also a lot of laughter - there is a positive and open atmosphere! This makes sport even more fun. Rooms: Modern training equipment, lots of space, bright rooms, cozy chill lounge, modern changing rooms, beautiful and hygienic showers, water dispensers, fresh fruit, free parking spaces, great connections! Training: effective, exhausting, relaxing! Especially as an office sitter a relaxing feeling in your back after training! Conclusion: Top

Antonino Ciuoffo 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The perfect studio to shape your body and improve your fitness. Under the constant supervision of highly qualified coaches Chiara and Robin who accompany you during the training, you shape your body and increase your fitness with each training session. Very modern appliances, price / performance is very balanced. Highly recommended, try it.

Obert99 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Who wants to achieve his goals is just right. With the help of Chiara and Robin success succeeds faster than ever. Can I only recommend to everyone.

Carsten Gieck 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Personally, I think this training concept is much more thoughtful and, above all, more effective than what you usually know. A lot of training with your own body promises much better and more effective training success, because we participants in a training group will be individually addressed in the training process, so that you can specifically work on his own personal weaknesses and thus improved kontiunierlich. I just think it's great and recommend it!

Franziska Riedl 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super great training concept! Chiara gets everything out of one, goes into each participant and strengthens everyone in what he can. Is a great balance to the job and everyday life. Chiara and Robin are also very open and nice that has already developed a friendship. :) I am very satisfied and can only recommend it to anyone. Keep it up!!

Veronika Laengrich 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Everything is just right here. With Chiara and Robin I have experienced, highly trained and great human coaches at my side, who manage with their individual training concept to respond specifically to me and my needs as well as weak points. As a result, I see and feel much faster successes and positive effects. Thank you for making it your daily mission to support and support people in their healthy lives!

Lukas Tobler 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Highly recommended for those who not only want to work out, but also want to live stronger and more enduring lives. Most effective thanks to functional training design and competent and close coaching.

Yannick Härter 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: With the help of the very competent coaches Robin and Chiara you can reach new levels of performance! Here you not only learn to lift heavy weights, but how the body, in its entirety, works functionally the best and most powerful! I highly recommend it!

Heiko Haerter 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really a top studio, that was missing ... under the competent (permanent, not only the first time ne instruction) instructions from Chiara and Robin to get closer to his goals quickly. Simply TOP! You can only recommend, absolutely try it out ...

Christopher Schäuble 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: That was missing in Lubu! Finally, competent trainers away from the stupid barbell! Robin and Chiara know how to do it and have put up really n Brett Brett with the MovementArea! So who wants to be fit and healthy must go here ☺️

Elena Eckert 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I can recommend this studio with a clear conscience. It was not only focused on vielfätige various exercise equipment, but also put a focus on the feel-good atmosphere and the personal touch. The training is perfectly coordinated, you get the best support and above all a personally tailored care. New training methods and above all the comprehensive competence of the two coaches complete the offer! Nice that there are such studios still. Keep it up!

Udo Beck 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Finally I found my studio !!! Each training session is meticulously prepared with alternating exercises and the participants are personally guided by the present trainers Chiara and Robin according to their capabilities and beyond. With their eagle eyes, the exercises are tracked and mistakes corrected immediately. Here you just feel in good hands. The studio has been lovingly designed and is up to date. Great location, ample parking, great changing rooms, generous showers and free drinks and fruit.

Thea Jäger 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Robin and Chiara are not only "great" coaches but also very valuable people! The training is extremely versatile, the two are always new to a perfectly tailored training options, which are not only effective, but also really fun. In doing so, they are very sensitive to one and, above all, pay great attention to physical limitations. Despite the effort a lot of laughs in the training, so that one feels at the end of a unit not only physically, but also mentally top.

Justyna G. 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A great, thoughtful concept, great equipment and location and excellent, skilled coaches who know what they're talking about. Definitely recommended! An extra star is available for the morning courses!

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