Informationen über H3O - Studio für Fitness / Physio / Ernährung

Wasserwerkweg 59A
87700, Memmingen
+49 8331 64904


  • Montag: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 08:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 08:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 06:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: 10:00–18:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 09:00–20:00 Uhr

Das H3O - Ihr Studio für Fitness, Physio, Ernährung, Wellness, Gruppenfitness, Trainingsdiagnostik und Gesundheitsprävention in Memmingen!

Wir sind DAS Studio für Fitness, Physio und Ernährung in Memmingen! Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihr individuelles Beratungsgespräch in Ihrem neuen Lieblingsfitnessstudio - wir freuen uns auf Sie! Entdecken Sie die Welt von H³O und erleben Sie unsere innovativen Angebote rund um Fitness, Figur, Rücken, Gesundheit und Wellness. Was auch immer Sie erreichen möchten, unser Team ist für Sie da - erleben Sie uns und sichern Sie sich JETZT Ihren Termin für ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch! Sie erreichen uns telefonisch unter: 08331/ 64 904 oder direkt hier:

Das Training im H³O gefällt mir hervorragend! Nach ca. 1 Jahr krankheitsbedingter Pause wird meine Kondition dank der freundlichen und kompetenten Trainer allmählich wieder besser.
Besonders positiv finde ich die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten und die großartigen Neuerungen. Und das alles in sehr angenehmer Atmosphäre. Das H³O kann ich weiterempfehlen, weil ich mich hier gut betreut fühle.

Das Training ist total klasse. Das H³O ist mittlerweile mein zweites Zuhause! Alle Trainer sind sehr nett und hilfsbereit. Macht weiter so! Durch das Training habe ich nun zwei Kleidergrößen weniger (von 42 auf 38). Außerdem haben sich Ausdauer und Wohlbefinden stark verbessert. Besonders positiv finde ich, dass sich alle Trainer um einen kümmern. Im H³O herrscht eine tolle Atmosphäre und die Geräte sind immer auf dem neuesten Stand. Das H³O kann ich weiterempfehlen, weil ich mich hier rundherum wohl fühle und jeder, der etwas für sich tun möchte, hier bestens aufgehoben ist!

Das Training im H³O gefällt mir sehr gut. Mein Wohlbefinden hat sich verbessert, ich fühle mich leichter, da ich von Anfang an abgenommen habe. Besonders positiv finde ich die gute Betreuung und die angenehme Atmosphäre. Sehr gut ist auch der Ernährungskurs. Das H³O kann ich weiterempfehlen, weil alles passt und ich gerne ins Studio komme!

Abnehmen wie ich es will -Mit myline habe ich es geschafft - 6 kg dauerhaft abzunehmen und mein Fettgehalt um 4 Prozent zu reduzieren! Gewichtsreduktion von 64 kg auf 58 kg. Dieses renommierte Diätprogramm unterscheidet sich von vielen anderen Diäten. Bei myline muss weder auf Lieblingsspeisen verzichtet noch gehungert werden. Die fettreduzierten Rezeptvorschläge von myline und fünf Mahlzeiten am Tag regen den Stoffwechsel stets an, wodurch das Abnehmen erleichtert wird. Im myline Kurs lernte ich alles über Ernährung kennen, welche Dinge ich verbessern musste und wie das Training im Studio mir dabei hilft abzunehmen. Durch die wöchentliche Gruppenbetreuung kommt man automatisch dazu sein gelerntes als gewohntes anzusehen. Man stellt seine Ernährung dauerhaft um und lebt deutlich gesünder und fitter. Auch in meinem Berufsalltag konnte ich myline hervorragend integrieren. Jede Büropause konnte ich mithilfe von myline Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln gesund und energiereich verbringen. Das durchdachte Abnehmprogramm und die fachkundigen myline-Coaches im H3o zeigen auch Dir wie du mit der richtigen Bewegung deinen Körper formst und die Fettverbrennung anheizt. Das myline-Konzept hat mich vollkommen überzeugt, dass ich es gerne an alle diejenigen weiterempfehlen möchte, die dauerhaft abnehmen wollen. Also meldet euch an und verspürt dieselben Glücksgefühle beim Abnehmen wie ich! An dieser Stelle möchte ich ein großes Dankeschön und Lob an die H3o Fitnesstrainerin Eva Hartmann (Studentin Bachelor in Fitnessökonomie) für die ausgezeichnete myline-Betreuung aussprechen. Dank Ihrer kompetenten Beratung und dem maßgeschneiderten Trainingsplan habe ich es geschafft, mein Wunschgewicht zu erreichen.

Im H³O Memmingen bieten wir Ihnen eine große Auswahl an Group Fitness Kursen. Werden Sie gemeinsam mit Gleichgesinnten fit, lassen Sie sich von unseren erfahrenen Instruktoren zu Bestleistungen motivieren und erleben Sie, wie viel Spaß das Training in der Gruppe macht! Egal ob Ausdauer, Kraft, Koordination, Beweglichkeit oder Entspannung - wir haben wirklich für alle Bedürfnisse einen passenden Kurs! Tauchen Sie ein in unsere Kurswelt und lassen Sie sich von der einzigartigen Gruppendynamik mitreißen!

Testen Sie uns ausgiebig und entscheiden Sie sich dann für Ihre maßgeschneiderte H³O Mitgliedschaft - denn bei uns zahlen Sie nur das, was Sie auch wirklich nutzen!

Es ist nie zu spät, mit dem Training zu beginnen und etwas für seine Gesundheit zu tun. Unser qualifiziertes Team steht Ihnen mit umfassender Diagnostik und individuellen Trainingsprogrammen, die immer wieder angepasst werden, in jeder Lebenssituation zur Seite.

In unserer Physiotherapie sind Menschen mit Beschwerden bestens aufgehoben. Kommen Sie noch heute ins H³O und starten Sie mit uns in ein aktives, fittes Leben, unser Team freut sich auf Sie!


H3O - Studio für Fitness / Physio / Ernährung hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

H3O - Studio für Fitness / Physio / Ernährung: Stellungnahmen

4.9/5 (51 Stellungnahmen)
Georg Gschwind 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best gym ever. Here the trainers take care of you individually and don't just sit at the reception and drink protein shakes. Super friendly staff and just great atmosphere. Can only be recommended

Ronald Haas 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: We have been working with H3O for years. Super nice studio, nice competent staff. Great working atmosphere. A place to feel good!

Irene Conzelmann 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great care! You train on the most modern equipment and can put together your individual fitness program and have it changed/adjusted at any time. => Training in a pleasant environment and in fully air-conditioned rooms with a filter system and air exchange

A K 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really great, clean, nice

Billa Czarnecka 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Mega great studio, newest equipment. All trainers are very nice and helpful. Large parking lot available. Really to recommend.

Reiner Klotz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: top thing. Everything fine. Only to recommend.

Vivi Snowflake 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The advice at H3O was really great! I received exactly the right offer tailored to my needs and am very pleased with the friendly and dedicated staff :) A great studio with atmosphere that I can recommend to anyone who wants to train with quality. Thanks very much.

Stefanie Dengler 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: It's clean, the staff is nice and not that busy

Fabio Scaturro 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very professional reception as a new customer and, moreover, expert staff, who appear with friendliness as a matter of course.

Anja Wolf 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best advice and in good hands. Nice atmosphere super nice team. ☆☆☆☆☆ by me.

Wolfgang Rödler 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Optimal advice and a very nice relaxed atmosphere

Melanie Schnur 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super great team, perfect advice and always friendly

Valentina Glöckle 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The trainers are very nice and will help you with everything. If you need help, please feel free to ask. The equipment is new and the circles are also very good to start with.

CoSma Consulting 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio, friendly staff, verz modern.

York Pelz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very good staff, trainers and physiotherapists. Good and varied courses, large fitness center with very good equipment.

Julia Watzlawik 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: More is not possible. Everything on site what you could want. Always open to questions.

Jochen Villinger 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: An all-round successful concept that those responsible have developed over the years and are constantly developing! Admittedly not cheap, but worth every single euro, quality has its price! There is something suitable for every taste and every form of the day! I can only recommend it, for me every training session followed by a visit to the sauna is a little break from everyday life!

Jürgen Pauli 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Professional friendly advice, great modern equipment. There is no gym here, but a health-oriented fitness and health center.

Angie 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The staff are very friendly and competent. There is a pleasant atmosphere in the whole studio and it is fun to go there.

Dany 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Here you are never left alone as a member. Top trainer in the equipment and in the courses. And the service staff is always friendly and helpful. Hygiene has always been top not only because of the current situation. Active, varied range of courses via zoom even during mandatory closure. Price performance for me absolutely okay

Vanessa B 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The h3O fitness studio is very recommendable. Numerous points speak in favor of choosing this fitness studio: 1. Constant motivation from the trainer 2. Family atmosphere 3. Care and support to achieve the personal goal 4. Diverse offers 5. Qualitative training equipment It's fun to work out in this gym!

Cristiana Lorenz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The H3O is a very special fitness studio with very friendly, competent staff, a sensational range of equipment and courses and a large wellness area. The concept is great, the people are nice, the atmosphere is great. You rarely find a studio like this

Matina Willenbrock 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The best studio I've been a member of so far. Very competent and very committed and friendly employees.

Alex Kracklauer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best studio in Memmingen. All very nice and the studio very clean. I like to go there

Theresa Wassermann (thefashmetic) 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: In itself, I always found the studio great. Great programs / courses and nice staff. But that you start a contract, although the gym is not open and thus the contributions are debited, is not at all. I hope the communication works here and I get my money back. Addendum: After a short and friendly correspondence, everything could be cleaned up and clarified quickly. You have to take care of it yourself, but the gym tried very hard to take care of everything and was super friendly.

Janet Seidel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Competent and friendly team, huge range of courses with highly motivating trainers Everything top

Daniel Hegemann 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very good advice, great devices, all very modern. Highly recommended.

Felix Yukio Ruttmann 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: We are there on recommendation because we wanted to do something for a long time but these classic Pumperbuden are not what we want. After a super first conversation with Tobias, we started right away with our program and are absolutely thrilled. Have an 8-time coupon and will most likely stay longer afterwards. The equipment is great and the atmosphere totally relaxed. The coaches come only briefly and see if everything is okay and have a small tip if necessary. Anyone who wants to pay attention to his health is right here. We feel very well so far and will be entertained in any case about the further possibilities after the voucher. Worth a recommendation for anyone who wants to overcome DEN pig

Dieter Hoppstaedter 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been training in this studio for 13 years, you always have motivated and knowledgeable staff who are at my side with tips, recommendations and, if necessary, corrections to my exercise execution. This also applies to changes in my training due to injuries. The devices are of good quality and always well maintained. I also have enough space for free exercises. If that is not the case or I need more space, I use the PURE. I can definitely recommend the H3O after many years of experience.

Andrea Klink 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been training there for four weeks and can only recommend it! The trainers are all very friendly, competent and always available. The studio makes a clean and well-kept impression. There is a wide range of courses in addition to modern equipment. Super is also the child care and the Mamafit courses to which children can be brought.

Stephanie 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio, great team and the courses are great too. I'm looking forward to the next course!

Horst Welz 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I like to train in the H3O Great team and great family atmosphere Thanks for the good care I can only recommend

Astrid Ruttmann 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I'm very satisfied. Nice and competent staff. Pleasant atmosphere and great courses.

Karin Klossock 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym, when you enter you are always greeted with a friendly smile. The trainers are very well trained, the support is great, everyone is constantly looked after, with a lot of patience. Everyone is very friendly! The studio is equipped with high quality equipment, it is very clean everywhere. There is a varied range of courses and a wonderful wellness area. One can only recommend the studio!

Johanna Wersig 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Fitness is well organized, clean and bright. With each training, someone comes by and asks if everything fits. Regular feedback discussions also take place.

Chris 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been here for half a year. For muscle building, cardio training and rehabilitation sports. The atmosphere is very calm. Really good for relaxing. The staff are extremely friendly and always keen to find the right training for everyone, thus providing top support. I find it very positive that there is always good ventilation. The changing rooms and showers are extremely clean, modern and attractive. It's true, the price is higher than other fitness studios, but the selection of trainers, the equipment, the mega clean environment (that also needs to be cleaned) fits the bill. In short, I can only recommend it to everyone!

Daniela Paul 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio with personal and professional support. The range of courses is varied, the changing rooms and showers are always clean and the equipment is up to date. I can only recommend it !!!!

Ramona Schmiedt 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I highly recommend this gym. When entering, you are always greeted in a friendly manner. The entire area is always very clean. If you have problems with the devices, you will be helped immediately. The devices were set precisely for me and my physical complaints were taken into account. If something did not go right with the setting of the devices, they were immediately repaired until it was perfectly tailored to me. The staff are all very friendly. And there is even childcare. I haven't used this yet.

Iceman108 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: nice and friendly staff who explain everything exactly! also had the impression that you know what they are talking about! Always go back! We recommend!!!

Martin Krick 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: not cheap but especially worth the price. High qualification, friendliness. It's fun (mostly anyway )

Chun Mee 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Excellent, very well-kept gym. Very good and competent advice and the creation of an individual training plan. Initial control during implementation. The staff are very friendly. I like it there.

Salina 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio! Super nice care, always helpful and friendly staff there =) the equipment, changing rooms and showers are also pickobello! We recommend!

Photodesign Wölfle 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The H3O can't get any better. The devices are in top condition. The staff knows what you want to achieve. The flair is simply great.

Dan Kleinau 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Top studio with professional instruction and support. Reasonable price / performance ratio. High quality equipment.

Christine Müller 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice sports studio .. Good atmosphere and top staff .. here you feel comfortable and there is simply fun

Voltmaster Modellbau 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am with the full program for about 2 months and must say: the price-performance ratio is 100%. Super nice staff, everything is well explained (often even if you did not get it on the first time :-)), a lot of variety with many events, great and varied courses, new and well maintained equipment, clean changing area and showers,. ... It does not get boring and you do not have to worry that you are training "wrong". Overall, everything was great, so 5 stars.

Siegfried Leonhard 7 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been there for about 2 years and very satisfied. My back problems are not completely gone, but I feel in my movements not so limited. Overall, I can definitely recommend the H3O. ,

wolfgang eberspächer 7 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: My complaints (shoulder and knee) are almost zero. A great studio, leaves nothing to be desired, you feel comfortable.

Max Herz 7 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: For almost 8 years I train in the studio. Feel very well and would like to take this opportunity to recommend the varied courses to everyone! Care and service ...... just great! Can only recommend to anyone: "If you in the H³O your body drifting to the rehearsal` stay!" (In H³O) Best regards Max heart

Christel Hawrannek 7 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A great studio, everything fits. Here everyone will find the best ways to strengthen their fitness and health. Friendly, competent contacts at all times. Recommendable!

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