Informationen über Olympic Sportstudio GmbH

Kamenzer Damm 30
12249, Berlin
+49 30 7717052


  • Montag: 10:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 08:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 10:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 08:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 10:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: 10:00–17:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 10:00–17:00 Uhr

INJOY - Ihr Spezialist für gesundheitsorientiertes Muskeltraining, bessere Figur, Abnehmen, Rückentraining und Reha-Sport in Berlin

Wir sind Ihr Spezialist für gesundes Muskel- und Herzkreislauftraining an modernen Geräten oder in Kursen und von bestens ausgebildeten Fachtrainern angeleitet, deren fachliche und persönliche Kompetenz den höchsten Standards der Branche entsprechen..

Wir bieten höchste Qualität aufgrund unserer ausgebildeten Mitarbeiter. Wir helfen bei Beschwerden mit einem breiten, gesundheitsorientierten Fachwissen. Menschen jeden Alters kommen gerne zu uns, weil sie bei uns ihre Ziele am besten erreichen und wir eine außergewöhnliche und angenehme Atmosphäre schaffen. Unser Service ist exzellent, persönlich und fachlich auf dem neuesten Stand. Das Leistungsangebot ist vielfältig, individuell und gezielt.

Die beste Möglichkeit, das alles kennenzulernen ist ein unverbindliches Kennenlernen, bei dem sich ein Fachtrainer gerne Zeit für Sie nimmt. Jetzt liegt es nur noch an Ihnen, etwas für sich und Ihre Fitness & Gesundheit zu tun.

INJOY IST AUSGEZEICHNET! Auch 2022 wurde INJOY zur besten Fitnessstudio-Kette gekürt – und das bereits zum siebten Mal in Folge! Wir haben uns bei der Online-Befragung im Auftrag des Deutschen Instituts für Service Qualität (DISQ) und ntv zehn Wettbewerbern gestellt – und sind mit Goldmedaille auf dem Siegertreppchen gelandet.

Laut DISQ überzeugt INJOY mit der besten Leistung im Bereich Beratung und Probetraining. „Die Mitarbeiter beraten fachkundig, umfassend sowie individuell und erklären Geräte und Übungen ausführlich. Zudem überzeugt die Präsenz von Fitness-Coaches auf der Trainingsfläche, die auch aktiv Kontakt zu den Trainierenden aufnehmen", so die DISQ-Pressemitteilung.

Ein Erfolg, den wir unseren Mitgliedern und ihrer Zufriedenheit mit INJOY zu verdanken haben. Wir sagen „Danke!“ für dieses großartige Kompliment!

Hier haben wir einige Kommentare unserer Mitglieder für Sie zusammengetragen. Übrigens: Es handelt sich hierbei um ECHTE MENSCHEN, mit ECHTEN MEINUNGEN aus unserem Studio.

Ich trainiere seit Februar 2015 im INJOY. Ich habe mit dem Training begonnen, um meine Rücken- und Schulterprobleme in den Griff zu bekommen. Nach 6 Monaten Training haben sich die ersten Erfolge schon eingestellt. Heute sind meine Schmerzen zu 99% verschwunden. Ab Mai 2016 habe ich mit dem Ernährungscoaching begonnen, bei Karl-Heinz. Bis heute habe ich ca. 16 kg abgenommen, fühle mich großartig, habe mehr Energie und Lebensfreude.

Ich bin seit März Mitglied im INJOY. Ich kam aufgrund einer Empfehlung neu in den Club und hatte vorher schon in einer anderen Einrichtung trainiert. Von Anfang an bin ich begeistert von der netten Atmosphäre im Club, dem freundlichen, kompetenten Mitarbeiterteam, den tollen Trainingsmöglichkeiten und auch der Sauberkeit und der geschmackvollen Dekoration. Für mich ist ein Besuch im INJOY immer wie Urlaub. Ich werde das INJOY immer weiter empfehlen.

Nach dem Tod meines Mannes habe ich mich im INJOY Fitnessclub Berlin angemeldet, um auf andere Gedanken zu kommen und etwas für meine Gesundheit zu tun. Inzwischen sind 21 Jahre vergangen und ich geh immer noch gern ins INJOY, weil mir das Training Spaß macht und körperlich gut bekommt. Für Körper und Seele die beste Therapie! Am liebsten trainiere ich in den Gruppenkursen mit Gleichgesinnten.

Ich freue mich immer auf die nächste Stunde Wirbelsäulengymnastik bei Angelika oder Katja und bin gespannt auf das, was sie wieder schönes mit uns macht. Nach meinem Kniescheiben-Bruch hat mir Angelika sehr geholfen! Ich bin seit mittlerweile 18 Jahren Mitglied und immer noch begeistert.

Ich mache seit 16 Jahren im INJOY regelmäßig Muskeltraining. Im März 2009 hatte ich eine Rücken-OP. Die behandelnden Ärzte und die Physiotherapeuten waren von meinem muskulären Zustand begeistert. Im Oktober 2012 folgte eine Hüft-OP und erneut wurde meine gute Konstitution gelobt.

Bei meinem letzten turnusmäßigem Fitness-Check im April 2012 hat das INJOY-Team deutliche Unregelmäßigkeiten bei meinem Cardio-Scan-Check festgestellt und mir einen Ausdruck für meinen Arzt mitgegeben. Der hat mich ins Krankenhaus eingewiesen, wo eine Absolute Arrhythmie bei Vorhofflimmern festgestellt wurde. Ich wurde dort erfolgreich behandelt. Ich bedanke mich noch einmal ganz herzlich beim gesamten INJOY-Team für seine gründliche und fürsorgliche Betreuung.

Bei meinem jährlichen Fitnesstest fiel einem Trainer eine Unregelmäßigkeit des Herzens beim Ruhe-EKG auf und schickte mich zum Kardiologen. Dort stellte man fest, dass ich dringend eine neue Herzklappe benötige. Mittlerweile habe ich die Operation und die Reha gut überstanden. Mein behandelnder Arzt erwähnte mehrmals, dass ich nur aufgrund meines hervorragenden körperlichen Zustands (kein Übergewicht, keine Diabetes) die Operation so gut überstanden habe. Nach 3 Monaten trainiere ich jetzt wieder im INJOY und fühle mich gut betreut.

Leider erst nach meinem aktiven Berufsleben bin ich mit 65 Jahren durch das Internet auf den Fitnessclub INJOY aufmerksam geworden. Davor war Sport und Fitness kein Thema für mich. Nach meiner Kontaktaufnahme hatte ich eine sehr freundliche und aussagekräftige Beratung; professionelle Hilfestellung und Einarbeitungen an den Geräten. Ein sehr freundliches und engagiertes Team kümmerte sich nunmehr um mich; und das jetzt schon seit 3 Jahren. Hier fühlte ich mich von Anfang an wohl. Ein sehr empfehlenswerter und moderner Fitnessclub, den ich nun drei Mal in der Woche regelmäßig aufsuche. Ich trainiere an ständig wechselnden Geräten incl Hanteltraining und fahre zum Schluss immer noch eine halbe Stunden Fahrrad. Zur Stärkung folgt eine Power Proteinshake. Nicht nur, dass es mir sehr viel Spaß bereitet, gesundheitlich fühle ich mich besser und mein bisher erhöhter Blutdruck muss nun nicht mehr behandelt werden. Mein Fazit: Nie mehr ohne INJOY hier in Lankwitz!


Olympic Sportstudio GmbH hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Olympic Sportstudio GmbH: Stellungnahmen

5/5 (51 Stellungnahmen)
Marianne Schwienke 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been here for 9 years and I'm very satisfied. You have a very individual program in which the trainers respond to your own wishes. I did the fit in 50 days program with Marco and was satisfied. We have decided to continue the nutritional coaching, so I am very excited to see what we will achieve together.

Hassan Demiroglu 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I really like training there. The entire team and the atmosphere are very friendly, I particularly like the concept of INJOY. I can only recommend INJOY 100%.

Daniel Garbuz 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Actually come from another injoy but was welcomed here "warmly" and advised just as well as in my home studio very nice and helpful employees. Thanks for the great guest visit!

Jozef Dziubek 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nice team, I am satisfied

YouTube Account 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Good service and the trainer team is very nice and competent.

Kerstin Hitthaler 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Training at a high level? Then go to Injoy Berlin. Very competent, helpful trainers who can be contacted at any time. The training is customized. Great entrance with service area and a large training area. I feel very well looked after at the Injoy and can warmly recommend it.

Catherine Hitthaler 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym. Helpful staff, here everyone is advised individually and here the focus is on the health of the body. I can only recommend everyone

Steffi G 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice team. The trainers are competent, take the time to answer questions and are very helpful. The studio is clean and tidy. I felt I was in very good hands from the very first conversation and I don't regret having registered there after 1 year.

Tina Engel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A sports and health studio where I feel well looked after

Sven “Sö” Erbe 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great fitness studio which is also suitable for normal / beginners. Sympathetic interaction with one another and an appealing, well-kept studio. Trainers always keep an eye on everyone and everything without appearing overzealous or annoying. Advice and prices are great, many variants are possible when drawing up a contract. Many courses that are also very good are offered, and the Corona handling is 1A

Olga Zietek 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Place to be in Lankwitz!

Dirk Schulz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Cool studio, professional support to do something for yourself, under the aspects of health. A mixed crowd, a great concept and a committed and super motivated team

Cathi S. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice staff, great qualified trainers: inside! Everything was very clean and tidy. You feel very comfortable and enjoy coming to training. Here you go individually to the goals of the individual. Great studio, can only be recommended.

Krist Ina 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: We are new to the studio and feel very comfortable even though we are more of a sports grouch. ;) From the first consultation to the first workout to a delicious shake. All about a pleasant atmosphere and competent, individual advice. You feel in good hands. Thank you, Patrick! There is usually enough space for everyone, the sauna area is relaxing and invites you to relax. The range of courses is also diverse. We stay there! Best regards Kristina

Jennifer Schulz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: As a newcomer to this field, I was initially very skeptical whether I would like it, but they convinced me there. Nice people who are always at your side and help if necessary. Thank you !! I can only recommend it :-)

Natascha Fischer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym, nice team, good atmosphere, I'm very satisfied ...

Moni Thiel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I like it very much because it's a small studio where the trainers look at you and correct the exercises if necessary, and it's personal. Everyone is very friendly and accommodating!

MasterPi 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Hello, I recently registered there. I think that the trainers take care and explain the exercises very well. Extra time is taken for this (e.g. with the circle). The previous analysis was also positive and informative. + Water in different flavors is included, as are the saunas. + It's clean. + Up until now it has never been so full that you have to wait a long time for a device and I am a professional. + You can get shakes there too. + Strong bonus program, so that you stay on the ball for a long time and, especially at the beginning, overcome the weaknesses.

Amanda Matalqah 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Friendly and competent staff, adequate equipment, extensive range of courses, rooms always clean and tidy, the highlight is the sauna - overall like a second home. I just feel good every time, especially because of the incredibly lovely team of coaches. Thanks for that!

Martha Fieber 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very friendly staff, whether the trainers or the staff behind the counter. Pleasant family atmosphere. I can only recommend it.

Ruth 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Gut das man wieder trainieren kann

Marie Kl. 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I feel very comfortable in this studio. I have everything I need! Particularly friendly staff.

Anke Heinze 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am now a member for a year and feel well and well looked after with you. The staff are always friendly and are always available for questions. The studio is always neat and clean. Thank you

Nele 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've always said that I would never go to the gym for two reasons. 1. because I don't see it after 3 weeks to lose motivation and still pay for a subscription all year round that I don't use and 2. because I would feel uncomfortable between pumps anyway. Well, I was brought to InJoy by my friend and can say that the two arguments are invalid here. The training plan is customized and once you have been there 4 or 5 times, many trainers know you by name. The offer is varied, everything is clean and the atmosphere is totally pleasant. Personal coaching ensures that you stay on the ball, whether you like it or not . And as far as the other members are concerned: everyone stays nice for themselves, there is no gaping or judging. So above all a tip to the "Fitness? Not for me!" Thinkers. If you somehow think about it, try here!

Pascabostroph 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been a member of Injoy for over a year and I am completely satisfied, I have already extended my contract! The training is put together individually, the studio, equipment, changing rooms and showers and the sauna area are clean and well-kept, the trainers are very friendly and happy to help, there is a cheaper rate for trainees and students and it is rarely overcrowded. Therefore well deserved 5 stars

Thomas Hilsberg 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I was a member of Injoy a long time ago when it was still on Seydlitzstrasse. I was very happy at the time. Now I have landed there again and it was the right decision. At my first appointment, the so-called check, it is determined exactly what is necessary and possible. My trainer Anica has created a perfect training program for me, which explicitly addresses my health and physical problems. When training, there is always someone there who corrects immediately and provides help when necessary. You are not just left alone. The studio is clean and well-kept all around. Just feel good !!! The INJOY is literally "inexpensive". Which does not mean that it is cheap, but always worth the price. I can recommend in every sense.

Anisu G. 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: For a 3/4 year I am now here and feel really well there. The atmosphere is calm and enjoyable, the training is fun and the reward is> sauna all the more :)

Clau dia 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: You get a very good briefing and will not just be thrown into the cold water. The training plan is created individually. The coaches are always approachable and pay attention to the correct execution. Good that we chose this studio.

Laurentius Mertius 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The distinguished team, with a high level of professionalism in a family environment, offers every member the opportunity to achieve truly sustainable success. You can always rely on a personal and pleasant advice. Everyone who really cares about their health is in the right place at Injoy Berlin. Chapeau!

Alina Delater 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am glad to be a member of you now :) the coaches are all very nice and always open for questions or similar :) Thank you! You feel very well and the trainers are for you because you feel well looked after ☺️ ... I can only recommend you as there is nothing negative to say about you! Big praise I find it a pity that you have not opened soo long on saturday .. but otherwise everything is really great make it up

Stefan Schiller 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Was a member of another Injoy studio and was warmly welcomed. Thanks again and see you next time. Best regards.

Marie 13 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Everyone is there mega nice❤️ You can ask questions at any time. The coaches are always open, you will always be warmly welcomed. It feels like a big family ❤️ It would be really cool if it had been open for a longer Saturday I'm glad to be a member of you :)

Christian Koppel 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Quiet and nice atmosphere. Experienced trainers and many courses, something for everyone. I can only recommend

Fabian Wittig 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A gym as you wish! You will be cared for and get a great atmosphere I can only recommend it

Detlef Fiolka 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio, never thought I would stay on the ball for so long and continuously. Why? Coach and personal care top, lots of courses of all kinds, parking lots, and and and .....

Alexander Manns 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice gym with many appliances, good all-round care, spa with light therapy and 3 saunas. I feel very comfortable there because not so much going on.

Jörg Opel 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am a member of the INJOY Berlin-Steglitz (Lankwitz) since March 2015. It was my first and best gym! A very friendly and meaningful initial consultation; professional assistance and training on the devices. Very friendly staff. Here you feel comfortable from the beginning. A very recommendable and modern fitness club. I say that now after 4.5 years of intensive training (3 times a week) still. Never again without INJOY here in Lankwitz!

Kevin Kuderer 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Top Studio! For 1 ½ years I train in Injoy Berlin and look forward to the rest of the time. The studio covers everything on equipment, what you need for training. Great attention is paid to order and cleanliness, all appliances are kept in good condition. Especially you have to highlight the great support of the coaching staff !! All questions are answered at any time, tips and individual training plans are of course for the coaching staff! Friendly and family atmosphere make the training again and again to a great event a day. Despite many years of experience, I was able to significantly improve the performance of various exercises and knowledge about the topic of weight training.

Heiner Heinze 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I was looking for a gym, which advises and cares for me well and above all during the training sessions. The INJOY Berlin absolutely convinced me with his team. Here a holistic and healthy training is taught, which has already paid off for my muscle and fitness structure. I feel physically good! All facilities (fitness equipment, spa area, changing rooms) are always in a good and clean condition. Special thanks to Anica (with C and an N). She has created a training plan specifically geared to my "problem areas" and motivates her to keep going. Thanks and keep it up INJOY

Angela 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am excited about this studio. Never before have I been informed and introduced so comprehensively in advance. The staff is very friendly and helpful. All around I am very satisfied and happy that I followed the recommendation of my neighbor. I am looking forward to many more training sessions.

Jens Schneider 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Modern and spacious studio with a varied range of courses. Very good support, which is reflected in the high number of qualified trainers. The wellness area with its various saunas and relaxing quiet zones is a nice way to end an effective workout.

Fred und Uschi Bauernfeind 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Addendum: we feel very well here, which is due to the competent training support and great employees. The atmosphere is very good; the offer, the equipment and the wellness area: also very good.

Middens Monday 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been in the studio for about half a year and am very satisfied. I was initially very good and nice advice and also had the feeling that I wanted to bob up something. The rest of the staff (trainers and service) are all very nice and competent. After having your first check-up, an individual training plan will be created and each exercise will be shown, well explained and asked if the exercise is ok (eg no painful that can do the exercise well). It is also looked at time and again, if the exercise is done correctly and if not you will be corrected. Even with questions you always get a good and understandable explanation. In addition, the studio is very clean. There is also a large selection of courses, which is still growing, there are also three different saunas, two beauty and sun loungers, a relaxation area and a room where massages are offered. Everything is free except for the Beauty and Sun loungers and the massages. The only thing I think is a pity that it is very warm in summer. Otherwise keep it up :)

Manfred Kroll 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: We have been club members for many years. Great service, great deals, it's just fun. Recommended! Manfred and Regina

Daniela Samsen 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great fitness studio with a family atmosphere. Professional support by friendly and well-trained trainers, always a contact person on the training area. In addition, a good course program, loving child care and a beautiful wellness area. Everything was always clean and well-kept

Denise Wandmaker 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Absolutely recommendable, if you do not go there is your own fault! Yes it is not the cheapest, but the price / performance ratio is great. the offer ranges from equipment, courses to sauna u solarium. The staff is competent and friendly (I was never "pushed" there). So the mood in the injoy as under friends. Yes, and yet you conclude a contract and if I have the underlay or cancel too late I have to live with it, but honestly, that's nothing to worry about ... cell phone, apartment, abbos etc. there it is exactly the same, in my opinion, no reason here to write a bad rating. You do not need to carry drinks as a beverage bottle is included, which is not only practical but also delicious. If you want to have with the injoy a partner on the side of one helps to realize his goals, I have already lost over 20kg and am convinced that everyone with the offer there can achieve his goals. I am always very happy in injoy and can only recommend it to anyone.

Markus Schluszas 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: To stand out as a fitness center from others, it takes a lot more than just writing test winners on your side. In many studios, "pumped up" trainers in muscle shirts roam the area and are annoyed when you ask something because they interfere with posing. But that's exactly what Injoy does differently. The complete package is just right. It starts with the tasteful and functional furnishing style and ends with coaches who really take their time and respond to their own individual wishes. There is also a little chat on the side, if you like it. The whole team is great, they understand how to motivate and inspire them. The sanitary facilities are always great and the sauna area invites you to linger. The devices look modern and there are always innovations that are integrated. All in all I am very satisfied even if there are two points of criticism that are undeniable: 1. The opening times, I give everyone their end of the day and that everyone wants to go home but at 5:00 pm on the weekend is simply no longer timely, even if said again and again is that there is no need for it. 2. Costs, I am aware that everything has to be paid for in the studio (rent, energy, personnel and so on). I am happy to be a member of Injoy and I also see that the higher monthly fee is justified - but I still find it annually a fee for the administration or whatever to add. Then you quickly span the bow. But only in passing, because I knew that beforehand. But an evaluation without criticism is only half an evaluation. Best regards

Ben Molder 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nothing for Pumper. Costs more than the average studio and has a higher average age. The staff are top-motivated and friendly. The training support is great. Overall, great emphasis is placed on an individual training program instead of mass processing. About courses I can not say anything, but the circuit training with devices that remember the user settings I can highly recommend. The rumors about no own drinks are conditional, but since in the membership unlimited use of mineral water (with or without aroma) is in it, put that into perspective.

Dennis Konrad 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: After a short time you feel at home here. The employees speak to you by name and this immediately creates a familiar atmosphere. When I registered I was impressed by the excellent cleanliness. The devices are all in perfect condition and all employees are very competent and helpful. Filling the bottle is very quick and the drinks taste very good. The path between the individual devices and the path to the refill station is very short and the studio (including the parking lot) is never crowded. The wellness area also offers enough space and is very clean. Clearly 5 out of 5 stars!

André P. 7 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A great fitness club with a very nice spa. Since I had severe back problems and overweight, I signed up here over a year ago. When I started, I had a very extensive health check, which again motivated me extra, because it turned out really bad. But one has the feeling that the people are really interested in me and my "problems" !!! I got a really great program and I like to go there 3 times a week, I'm always greeted by name and feel really good. My back is doing much better and I lost 15kg thanks to the good support and motivation in one year. Meanwhile, the girl at the reception even knows which shake I always drink after training. I can only recommend the Injoy in Lankwitz !!!

CLA Prautzsch 7 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great health oriented gym. Very relaxed audience, no waiting for equipment, not as crowded as some other studio. Nice and competent trainers, I can always contact someone and ask questions. I feel good and pay a bit more than elsewhere

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