Informationen über smile X Fitnessstudio Stuttgart – Rotebühlplatz

Rotebühlpl. 21-25
70178, Stuttgart
+49 711 6994970


  • Montag: 07:00–22:30 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 07:00–22:30 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 07:00–22:30 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 07:00–22:30 Uhr
  • Freitag: 07:00–22:30 Uhr
  • Samstag: 10:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 10:00–20:00 Uhr

Premium Fitness ab 6,99 € in Stuttgart Rotebühl: Effektives Training mit Komfort ✅ Echte Trainer ✅ Echte Kurse ✅ Fitness ohne Limit ➔ Teste uns jetzt

„Mir macht das Training im smile X einfach riesigen Spaß. Ich trainiere hier täglich und erreiche meine Ziele. Mein nächstes Ziel ist es einen Marathon zu laufen…das schaffe ich … keine Frage!“

„Ich habe schon lange an Geräten trainiert. Im smile X Trier habe ich zum ersten Mal BODYPUMP besucht. Ich bin total begeistert von den Kursen im smile X und der Motivation durch die Trainer. So ist das Training abwechslungsreich und macht super viel…

„Soffwechsel angekurbelt und 13 KG abgenommen…dank smile X. Körper gestrafft, Muskeln gestärkt, weniger Gelenkschmerzen… dank smile X. Viel jünger als mein alter… dank smile X.“

„Ich habe zwei künstliche Hüftgelenke. Das merkt niemand und mir geht es wunderbar, weil mir smile X die besten Möglichkeiten für mein Training bietet und ich diese konsequent nutze.“

„Mit meinem Training bei smile X bin ich 2014 Süddeutsche Meisterin und Vize Deutsche Meisterin geworden. Das geht nur mit eisernem Willen und weil smile X ein super Fitnessclub ist.“

„Dank smile X habe ich meine Freude an Sport und Bewegung wieder entdeckt und den richtigen Weg zu meinem Ziel eingeschlagen. Bisher habe ich in kurzer Zeit und dank der tollen Motivation schon 8 kg abgenommen.“

„Wir lieben Vibrationstraining und BODYPUMP. Diese Kombination macht schlank und straff… ohne viel Zeitaufwand aber mit richtig viel Spaß. Deshalb trainieren wir bei smile X.“

„Vor smile X habe ich nur an Geräten trainiert. Die smile X Kurse haben mich geflasht! Die Musik und die Choreos begeistern mich und die Trainer geben mir so viel Motivation. Kurse von smile X machen mir riesigen Spaß.“

„Nur junge Leute hier? Quatsch! Zu alt für Fitness? Das Alter ist total egal! Für Fitnesstraining ist es nie zu spät. Ich bin fit und fröhlich dank der Kurse im smile X...und viel jünger als mein richtiges Alter.“

*Nur in Verbindung mit smileX Basic & Wellness Abo, Laufzeit 24 Monate, zzgl. einmaliger Startgebühr und halbjährlicher Trainerpauschale von je 29,90€

smile X steht für Fitness mit einer riesigen Auswahl der besten Fitnessgeräte, abwechslungsreiche Trainingsmöglichkeiten und ausgebildete Fachtrainer, die für Dich da sind und Dir helfen Deine Ziele zu erreichen. Damit Du noch erfolgreicher trainieren kannst, stehen Dir in Deinem smile X Fitnessstudio Stuttgart Rotebühl mehrere Trainingsbereiche mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten zur Verfügung:

Du willst stärker, schlanker oder gesünder werden und trainierst lieber in einer Gruppe als alleine? Dann sind unsere Fitnesskurse genau das Richtige für Dich! In Deinem smile X Stuttgart Rotebühl erwartet Dich ein Kursangebot, das perfekt zu Dir, Deinem Fitnesslevel und Deinen Trainingszielen passt.

Lass Dich von qualifizierten Kurstrainern, Gleichgesinnten und passender Musik zu Höchstleistungen motivieren und erziele maximale Ergebnisse. Über 30 Kurse pro Woche sorgen für noch mehr Spaß und Abwechslung bei Deinem Fitnesstraining.

Wir von smile X Stuttgart Rotebühl glauben, dass Fitnesstraining das Leben jedes Menschen positiv beeinflussen kann. Dabei geht es uns nicht darum, aus jedem einen Spitzensportler zu machen, sondern Dir ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zu zaubern. Wir helfen Dir Training und Zeitaufwand so zu gestalten, dass es perfekt zu Dir und Deinen Möglichkeiten passt. Denn mit ganz wenig Zeit kannst Du bei uns schon ganz viel erreichen.

Damit Du das Maximum aus Deinem Training herausholen kannst, sorgen wir für echte Abwechslung, höhere Motivation und mehr Spaß! Mit unserer Vielfalt an Premium Fitnessgeräten und lizenzierten Fitnesskursen bieten wir Dir genau die Trainingsmöglichkeit, die Du brauchst – und das zum günstigsten Preis. Unsere qualifizierten Trainer stehen Dir mit Ihrem Know-How in Trainerterminen so oft zur Seite, wie Du es wünscht. Von unseren Experten bekommst Du einen persönlichen Trainings- und / oder Ernährungsplan, um Deine Ziele zu erreichen.

Impressum: smile X Stuttgart 2 GmbH • Rotebühlplatz 21-25, 70178 Stuttgart • Geschäftsanschrift: smile X Stuttgart 2 GmbH c/o Fitness First Germany GmbH • Hannauer Landstraße 148a • 60314 Frankfurt am Main • Telefon: 0711 6994970 • E-Mail: stuttgart-rotebü[email protected] • Geschäftsführer: Vincent McHardy • Registergericht: München • Registernummer: HRB 251071 • Umsatzsteuer-ID: folgt in Kürze


smile X Fitnessstudio Stuttgart – Rotebühlplatz hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

smile X Fitnessstudio Stuttgart – Rotebühlplatz: Stellungnahmen

5/5 (51 Stellungnahmen)
Aygul Zagidullina 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Regular gym-goer to this Fitness First Women club and love it! Modern equipment, awesome classes (my current favorites are Hot Iron, BBP, BodyFit, Bodycombat), helpful trainers who are almost always available to give you a great tip or explain how to use one or another machine, and nice atmosphere overall. I'd definitely recommend this place to everybody who's powerful and obsession-worthy goal is to get or stay fit.

Christian - 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Bright, well maintained studio with the latest machines. Dumbbells and barbells also for demanding training. Men's room could be cleaner.

Mustafa Ahmad 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Everything is very nice here, very nice coaches and very helpful

Konstantinos Chatzitheodorou 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: This studio is very clean. Very nice and competent employees. I like coming to training every day and I feel good. Keep it up!

Michael Tichy 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Ein sehr schönes Studio. Allerdings muss man gezielt auf die Trainer zu gehen um einen Trainingsplan zu bekommen. War bei mir nicht nötig, dass ich schon lange in einem Studio bin und weiß was ich machen muss. Aber unerfahrene Personen hätten es schwer. Also nachfragen. Manchmal wünscht man sich mehr persönlichen Kontakt. Man wird quasi nie korrigiert oder indirekt überprüft. Das sollte verbessert werden. Sonst passt alles, vor allem ist es sauber und nicht überlaufen. Sogar eine Klimaanlage tut bei sehr hohen Temperaturen ihren Dienst, außer es macht wieder ein Kunde due Fenster auf, dann funktioniert das System logischerweise nicht. Ich kann das Studio empfehlen!

Rasmus Krigström 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very friendly staff! Super solid facility in a great location!

Mike Gorgolewski 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I was welcomed in a very friendly manner and shown around on my first visit. The devices are totally modern and the atmosphere is relaxed and professional at the same time. I can only recommend!

László Iváncsó 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really nice place, really nice staff, perfect location! absolutely recommended if you are in the area!

Jan-Christoph Münch 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have recently been a member and I am extremely satisfied: high quality equipment, everything very clean, tidy and well maintained. On top very friendly and courteous employees, keep it up!

HT C 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Everything is super. Devices are like new and clean. There is also a sofa, a coffee machine, a water machine, a sauna, and fitness classes. Of course, the coaches are friendly!

Ghxst Skin 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Staff are top notch. Equipment is top notch. Sauna is lovely. Changing rooms are spotless. 5 out of 5 stars. *****

Daniel Heisler 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The fitness studio in the heart of Stuttgart (50m from the Stadtmitte stop) has its own charm compared to the other locations. It is a bit smaller than others, but almost all devices are available that can also be found in larger studios such as Esslingen. What is special here is the staff, who look after the studio with a love of life and motivation that I have never experienced before. The employees usually approach you and make sure that you feel comfortable and that you have a good start into training. The other equipment such as the sauna, solariums and water dispensers are in a neat condition and work perfectly. One point of criticism, however, is the sauna days for women, which is justified by the fact that this studio was an all-women studio in the past. These exclusive sauna days were introduced to ensure a smooth transition to the mixed studio. Over time, the days will dwindle so that everyone can use the sauna at any time, of course during opening hours :).

J. Zeggay 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: What can I say - apart of come and sign up. You won't be disappointed! It's a clean and well equipped gym which means enough equipment for everyone and very little to no waits to use them. Enough lockers and the big changing room is a great +! What makes the gym so great is the amazing staff! They are all very friendly and welcoming and you can feel the positive vibe! Only thing I can suggest is to come and try it out yourself as and I know you will agree! Thank you smile x team you are all so amazing!

Quirin Obernitz 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: No fitti makes you bigger than smileX. Super staff, always tidy and a good atmosphere. Sauna can also really do something. love it

Emily RS 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Absolute top gym and funny nice trainers

Jennifer Hermann 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very friendly, committed and competent studio management! Very clean and nice studio, pleasant atmosphere and centrally located.

Leo Tg 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Top equipment and friendly staff. Only to be recommended

Bartosz Irrek 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Top gym, the equipment is really good (Technogym latest models) & the staff are competent and friendly. Highly recommended for beginners and advanced

Senka Plecko 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym! Well equipped. Clean. Great atmosphere. Nastasja and your team, super nice, competent, helpful, just great. I feel very comfortable here. I would choose this studio again and again

Laura Stoduto 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A really great gym, clean and well equipped. Above all, I would like to commend the entire team, who are always helpful, honest, friendly and always there for you when you need them. They also look after you if you are training properly. I would recommend this studio again and again.

Dr.Fisch 200 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Everything very clean. The employees super nice.

Anna Kaufmann 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really nice studio, cool equipment and a really good atmosphere. Feel free to add more mirrors :)

Dennis Wert 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I really have to say the people are all really cool, you have fun and you really like coming here!!! I can only recommend it to everyone to watch here.

Claudia Vetter 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Top studio, great staff and a wide range of courses

Priya B. 2 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: Im Gegensatz zum Fitnessstudio von smile in Bad Cannstatt wesentlich kleinere und dunklere Räume. Team ist aber genauso freundlich und professionell wie in Bad Cannstatt. Gut gelegen wenn man in der Stadtmitte trainieren will.

Daniela Zuber 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I was on a trial training session with Veronika today. She gave me great advice and felt more like a friend than a trainer. So there was a very familiar atmosphere between the employees. The devices are all perfectly usable and clean. It was very quiet, but it was also a Sunday. The pluses for me are the drinks, the solarium and the small sauna. I am surprised for the price. thank you very much

Hamza Salama 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really nice staff, and a very clean studio. The studio lays so perfect that you can train in the morning and then go to university in a sporty way. Can't be better. Glad to be on Smile X ;)

Nastassja Neitzel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I can only recommend this gym! Great atmosphere, you feel like you are in your own living room! The trainers are super competent and always very warm and in a good mood! I feel that I am in very good hands and everyone is in top shape professionally! As far as the devices are concerned, there is everything your heart desires! Keep it up!

Leon Ojdanic 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Smile is an amazing place to workout and the staff is super helpful, encouraging, and friendly. Their group classes are challenging and fun. Gym is extremely clean and equipment is all new and has high standards of quality, perfect both for amateurs and more advance trainers. They have the best mix of functional fitness with traditional gym equipment. I highly recommend this place to anyone who wants to get in shape. Smile

Kevin Schlude 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice and clean gym to feel good! The employees are very motivated and helpful, I can only recommend them!

Jakob König 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really pleasant to train there after the renovation Actually have everything you need for a good workout and the location is ideal

Leisha Bakhru 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Positive: Professionalism , Quality The gym is clean, it’s usually not very full which is very nice! Some of the associates working here are super nice and helpful. I enjoy coming here and highly recommend this gym!

Lisa-Marie Wanninger 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really nice studio in a great location. The staff are really friendly. The equipment is great, something for everyone!

Robel Mesfun 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Positive: Professionalism Coole Studio and definitely Place to be

Jule H 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio! The team is super nice and always available to answer any questions. The trainers are very competent and always have an open ear. That's the way it has to be!

Sophia Emme 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super cool studio. I feel very good. Top devices and very competent employees. Would highly recommend the studio.

DANNY K 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice, tidy and clean gym in the heart of Stuttgart! You feel very comfortable and in good hands. The staff is very friendly, helpful and open. Would never visit another gym again! Highly Recommended!

Meltem Aslan 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice studio, small but nice. Great equipment and super competent and nice staff. The studio provides parking spaces, which is very important to me. It is also very centrally located, easy to reach. The prices are great too. I can really recommend it .

Nina Wester 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym! Very helpful employees and a perfect training environment. There is a large selection of equipment and free weights area, so there is something for everyone. I would never go anywhere else.

Luca Borsi 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio with ingenious equipment and location! The staff are all helpful and in a good mood! Regardless of whether you like courses, strength training, endurance, wellness or functional training, there is everything! I can only recommend it!!

Phil M. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: high quality and new equipment. very nice staff. clean and modern gym. the course room is quite large

Giuseppe Civetta 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I recently moved to Stuttgart, while looking for a new studio I came across the Smile X !!! Great location and state-of-the-art studio, I was welcomed very well and perfectly advised by the staff! Whether training on the surface or relaxing in the solarium / sauna, it offers everything! Definitely recommend !!! P.S. perfect connection with public transport and plenty of parking!

Jessy Lindermair 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym. My colleagues and I were here for a trial training session for the first time, the trainer welcomed us so warmly and immediately offered us a coffee :) who can say no. Nothing is pretended and our plan is directed exactly towards us. I was super positively surprised ☺️ People like to go to the gym :)

Tuan Au 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Friendly, courteous team and a professional gym. I can only recommend!

gianni salvucci 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really nice gym and the staff is extremely friendly and competent! I am so happy to have found this very welcoming gym in the city! Keep going this way “smile X”

Leony Lebeda 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super friendly staff! Did a trial and I could all questions were answered. Besides, the studio is very clean and bright! Will sign up to 100%

Susa Prospero 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I used to go there and after some wacky light through various other studios for the first time in a long time for a trial training session and I have to honestly say: There is by far the best price-performance ratio in all of Stuttgart! The opening times are based on professionals, it is nice and bright, the staff is through the bank as service staff should be, namely simply nice, competent and customer-oriented, and the price is really very fair compared to the competition and measured by the offer , I think I will register there again.

N. Law 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: One of the best gyms in Germany! I have been a member for five years and since day service and coaching team. I moved a lot and had a direct comparison to other studios in Germany. But in no one do I feel as at home as here. :) The team always strives to adapt to the wishes of the members and suggestions for improvement are openly accepted and communicated by the cordial club manager (Alex). There were great events, for example, Christmas party, etc. I have never been offered in the form. For me there is a clear recommendation !!! ☺️

Marc-Aurel Rudolph 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super studio. My girlfriend just wants to come here and I am very right, as it is a pure women's studio. Perfect for us is also the child care! Thank you Karina for the great introduction of my girlfriend, now she has packed the sports fever.

Elif Sonal 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The Fitness First Ladies is a large, well-equipped studio with very good equipment. You have a large selection of equipment and the opportunity to take part in varied courses, there is something for every taste! Also the freestyle Area is the top hammer! In any case, I am happy to go there every time! And find it all the better when the trainer motivates you (which really always happens!) I always say that the coaches are great. I am happy to write it here again that a training plan will be created exactly according to the wishes. In addition, you are abnormally motivated and know that you can always contact the trainer if you have any questions or problems. The price-performance ratio is very fair. There are campaigns for trainees, students and even collaborations with companies that make the membership fee more attractive. I also have to say that cleanliness is also very important (which is not a matter of course in many studios these days). The club manager and the great girls at the reception are incredibly warm and friendly! It is a very personal run studio and you immediately feel at home. Personally, I think it's very nice that the staff is responsive to all members. Be it with problems, difficulties but also with the "motivation". This shows me very clearly that the WELL-BEING of the members is very important to the staff. And so I can say that I feel more than comfortable! So as soon as I enter the studio, I am greeted warmly and the sun rises for me :-). I have now been with Fitness First Ladies for five years and in no way regret that I made the decision. I can warmly recommend the studio to everyone, because I can't imagine any other gym! From the modern equipment, cleanliness, opening times, child care, great courses, trainers, to the staff, I can tell you that you are at the right address at Fitness First !! My dear Fitness First Team, thank you for the incredibly great time and look forward to the time to come with you in the studio! We will rock it! Favorite member Elif :-)

nastya nastya 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nice studio, staff is always friendly, trainers are always ready to help, it’s clean (also shower and sauna area)

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