Informationen über Yoga Schule Miriam Lütjen

Buschhörnstraße 11b
27442, Bremervörde
+49 4763 627668


Yoga Schule Miriam Lütjen hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Yoga in all seinen Facetten in stimmungsvoller Atmosphäre erleben

In meinem Yoga Studio am Rande der Moormetropole Gnarrenburg findest Du einen Ort der Ruhe welcher den idealen Rahmen für achtsame Bewegung, vitalisierende und regenerierende Yoga Praxis, bewusstes Atmen und Energiearbeit bietet.

Durch meine umfangreiche Ausbildung stehen alle Angebote unter dem Aspekt der Ganzheitlichkeit und des Ausgleichs auf allen Ebenen unseres Seins. Das Angebot umfasst Yogakurse, Meditation, Atemschule, Energy Dance, Reiki, Workshops zu speziellen Themenbereichen und Reisen. Tauche ein in die Welt der Klänge und Mantras und lass Dir von mir die Yoga Philosophie alltagsbezogen näherbringen.

Lass Stress und Alltag hinter Dir und schenke Dir Momente der Achtsamkeit und des liebevollen Umgangs mit Dir selbst. Kraft und Flexibilität bereichern Dich im Umgang mit den Dingen des Alltags. Klarheit und Gelassenheit geben Deiner Sichtweise neue Impulse. Ruhe und Stille erlauben Dir loszulassen.


Yoga Schule Miriam Lütjen hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Dienste, Maschinen und gerichtete Klassen


Yoga Schule Miriam Lütjen: Stellungnahmen

5/5 (11 Stellungnahmen)
Moormaid 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Miriam Lütjen's new yoga studio has it all: warm colors, a great atmosphere and enough space, even in Corona times. I attended the fascia yoga course subsidized by health insurance and learned a lot. I now continue to do yoga with her and benefit from Miriam's calm manner and voice, as well as singing bowls and explanations.

Christa Tietjen 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been with Miriam for many years. For me it's perfect all around. The atmosphere is very nice. Above all, Miriam organizes each lesson differently. She is very perceptive. Just great and I am happy to have such a great yoga teacher in our region.

Natascha Peimann 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Yoga was recommended to me and since I had already heard some positive opinions about Miriam, I also chose the Yoga Studio. I did a trial lesson first. It's great that she offers it - so you can see if it fits. I feel super comfortable there, Miriam does it really well, I find her voice very pleasant, the exercises are also great and there is something for everyone or an alternative is created if something doesn't go so well or someone wants something more. The studio itself is also well furnished and offers a nice atmosphere. The studio also has parking right outside the door. All the tools are there too. Mat, pillow, yoga blocks etc! So all in all absolutely recommendable - 5 stars absolutely deserved! Yoga is very good for me and I can only recommend it!

Sandra Prochaska 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Miriam is a wonderful and very competent yoga teacher. With her cordial nature, her thoughtful choice of words and gentle support, she manages to create an atmosphere of well-being and relaxation.

Andrea Ehmke 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Every yoga session with Miriam is balm for body and soul and looks like a short break! Professionalism coupled with soul make you forget about everyday work.

Manfred T 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Since eingen years I regularly participate in the yoga classes and fuhle me in very good hands. A thoughtful, varied and balanced education in a pleasant Atmoshäre under careful guidance. Good balance between powerful part strenuous and demanding exercises and Entspannung.Insgesamt highly recommended.

Sabrina Oerding 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A great yoga school with professional lessons. Here one learns yoga in a great and calm atmosphere and is really in expert hand A yoga school in which one works with a lot of love for the profession.

Hannes W. 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Everything is already said here. Feel very well cared for there and can highly recommend the yoga school. Namaste

Isabell Siering 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The more poet I come to this place of rest the more relaxed I am.☯️ And yoga class has not started then. I am glad that it gives you the yoga school, I am there from the beginning. Professional Goes on the different yoga levels of the individual no matter whether beginner or advanced. At yoga school Miriam Lütjen Are you in good hands? Namaste️

Britta Stolle 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Warm atmosphere and professional yoga lessons are offered here. The yoga instructor is sensitive, enters the group and also guides beginners very well. I would recommend these courses at any time.

Martina W. 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very enjoyable yoga class, which is carefully prepared and each course has coordinated lessons, the entire body is addressed. Quiet atmosphere in beautiful yoga rooms and friendly supportive guidance by the yoga teacher, who lives with heart and soul Yoga.

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