Informationen über Yoga & Heilpraktikerin - Deine Zeit Ulm

Fischergasse 17/1
89073, Ulm
+49 731 7110722


  • Montag: 05:00–02:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 05:00–02:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 05:00–02:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 05:00–02:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 05:00–02:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: 05:00–02:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 05:00–02:00 Uhr

✓ Yoga in Ulm und Neu-Ulm ✓ Entspannung und Therapien ✓ Yoga in der Schwangerschaft, zentral im Fischerviertel in Ulm

Yoga ist eine wunderbarer Weg zur Selbsterkenntnis, Entspannung und zu mehr körperlichem Wohlbefinden. Hatha-Yoga ist ein mehrere tausend Jahre altes, ganzheitliches und bewährtes Übungssystem aus Indien. Ein großes Ziel der yogischen Philosophie ist es,  durch sanfte Bewegung, Körper- und Atemübungen sowie Entspannung und Meditation den Geist zu schulen und zu stärken.

Von der Craniosacralen Therapie über Psychokineselogie, Gesprächstherapie bis hin zur Yogatherapie: Alle meine Therapien sind ganzheitlich ausgerichtet und sprechen Körper, Seele und Geist an.

Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob Sie Anfänger oder fortgeschrittene Yoginis und Yogis, ob Sie alt oder jung, krank, schwach oder gesund sind: Jeder kann jederzeit mit Yoga beginnen.

Neue Situationen erfordern neue Denkansätze! Und da sich in Bewegung vieles löst, biete ich ab sofort eine Kombination aus Yoga, Meditations-Walk und Gesprächstherapie an.

Bei einem Lauf durch den Wald oder an der Donau entlang – bei dem wir gedanklich loslassen können – bietet sich die Gelegenheit, deine Anliegen zu thematisieren. Je nach individuellem Bedürfnis, kann es ein kraftvolles Gehen oder meditativer Spaziergang sein, bei dem sich Bewegung und Sprechen mit schweigendem Laufen abwechseln. Eine abschließende Atemübung zur Verinnerlichung und Entspannung rundet den gemeinsamen Spaziergang ab.

Hier lasse ich mich individuell auf dich ein, um Blockaden zu erspüren und zu lösen, Anleitung zur Entspannung zu geben oder mit dir an deiner inneren wie äußeren Haltung zu arbeiten.

Ich biete dir eine individuelle, persönliche Onlineberatung an. Ziel: Über deinen Körper und deine Atmung dir deiner eigenen Gefühle bewusst werden und gedankliche Klarheit erleben.

Jeder Mensch ist anders, jeder Körper reagiert auf Belastungen verschieden und jeder verarbeitet Emotionen auf persönliche Weise. Wir möchten für jede Lebenssituation, jedes Anliegen und jeden Wunsch die individuell optimalen Therapien und Anwendungen finden.

Sorgenbrecherlauf – Bewegung gegen DepressionYogatherapie im Freien oder IndoorHerzstärkende Gesprächstherapie (Online)Hatha YogaYoga in der SchwangerschaftYoga NidraYoga RückbildungEmotionale Erste HilfeBasic BondingGesprächstherapieHarmonische BabymassageBioenergetische MassageHonigmassageBreuss-MassageAutogenes TrainingProgressive MuskelentspannungCraniosacrale TherapiePsychokinesiologieWirbelsäulenbehandlungSauerstofftherapieVitamin C InfusionBachblüten

Sorgenbrecherlauf – Bewegung gegen DepressionYogatherapie im Freien oder IndoorHerzstärkende Gesprächstherapie (Online)Hatha YogaYoga in der SchwangerschaftYoga NidraYoga RückbildungBasic BondingEmotionale Erste HilfeGesprächstherapieHarmonische BabymassageBioenergetische MassageHonigmassageBreuss-MassageAutogenes TrainingProgressive MuskelentspannungCraniosacrale TherapiePsychokinesiologieWirbelsäuleSauerstofftherapieVitamin C InfusionBachblüten

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Yoga & Heilpraktikerin - Deine Zeit Ulm: Stellungnahmen

5/5 (21 Stellungnahmen)
Heiko Viersen 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The yoga school "Deine Zeit" is the right place for yoga exercises and relaxation exercises. Great atmosphere!

Stef Hammer 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: For everyone who wants to do something good for themselves and their baby! Sabine offers incredibly loving and competent support for mom and baby. Depending on what is needed, she helps with exercises to strengthen and relax the high-performance mum's body or helps to increase the coordination and well-being of the little ones with a baby massage. When I leave her beautifully located studio, I always feel lighter and my baby sleeps more relaxed afterwards. I am very grateful to her and wish I could have benefited from her wealth of knowledge during my pregnancy!

Sandra Born 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Pregnancy yoga is really good here. It's not just about yoga itself, Sabine is also very helpful in all other topics.

Sabine Richter 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Development of mental resilience with yoga - a new type of course This wonderful course made me feel safe. With a combination of ancient knowledge from yoga philosophy and resilience (inner resilience), which is now often read, Sabine Haußmann has designed a course that gives everyone the opportunity to use the key factors and disruptive programs learned and experienced in this course, which are used again and again for Suffering, consciously accepting it and bringing it into a good solution that is suitable for everyday use. Sabine Haussmann guides through this new type of course very authentically and with great expertise. I would heartily recommend this course to anyone.

Nina Jobst 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Yoga workshop - resilience development with yoga I am very satisfied with the first workshop on resilience development with yoga. Sabine presented the content in a very understandable way, broken it down to the most important things and underpinned it with individual practical exercises (self-reflection, physical exercises, yoga exercises, etc.). It was a safe place for me (small group of women with a warm "vibe") and I was able to fully engage and take a lot with me. Be sure to come to the other dates!

Jennifer Stöckler 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I was already doing pregnancy yoga with Sabine and now also doing yoga with a baby. I really enjoy my time there - a good balance between the needs of mums and babies. Sabine is genuinely interested in the physical and emotional well-being of her participants. She is also happy to give brief theoretical and practical everyday input on dealing with babies, since as a naturopath she also specializes in emotional first aid. She also explains well and pays attention to the correct execution of the exercises. Thank you Sabine!

Martina Henning 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Since the birth of my baby, I have been attending the yoga postgraduate course followed by a baby massage with Sabine and I can only recommend it to every mother! At first, we mothers and babies were able to take part in the practice, but Corona has turned it into an online event, which is not a disadvantage at all. On the contrary, sometimes the timing with the baby from home is even better. Sabine helps with all questions, concerns and fears with her caring, sympathetic, funny, warm-hearted and calm manner and above all with her professional competence!

Vera Jaenich 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: At the beginning of my pregnancy I contacted Sabine about pregnancy yoga. I immediately liked her! Since then I have been practicing yoga with her and the group once a week via Zoom and it is sooooo good. Sabine does not have a fixed program, but goes into each time individually to the respective complaints of the pregnant woman. So every hour is very varied. In addition, she is always ready with her specialist knowledge and you can easily feel how much she enjoys her work. Just last week I had the partner evening to prepare for the birth and both my husband and I were absolutely thrilled. Sabine addressed the emotional bond with the baby and gave valuable tips for the upcoming birth. First of all, how to best cope with childbirth as a couple :) I am looking forward to all the yoga classes that are coming up and I am sure that I will also take part in one or the other course after my pregnancy;)

Nora L 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Sabine is THE specialist in Ulm and the surrounding area in matters of emotional first aid for babies (baby sleep, writing support, everything that concerns the mother's heart and baby heart). With her professional competence and calm manner, Sabine was able to help me a lot, as my little one had difficulty sleeping and often cried. Sabine was able to help us through several sessions (which are absolutely necessary because it is a complex topic and you have to devote yourself to it calmly). My son is much more balanced and has more confidence in me, so he can find sleep more easily. The postnatal training course followed by a baby massage is also very good for both of us. You simply feel that you are in good hands with Sabine and you can tell from her manner that she is wholeheartedly involved.

Ines P. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I attended yoga with Sabine for six months during pregnancy. Initially in presence, then later online - which also worked wonderfully. For me it was always one of the highlights of the week. The lessons are very varied, as Sabine always responds to the wishes / problems of the participants. I highly recommend it!

Juliane Engel-Haas 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Sabine is a great naturopath and yoga teacher. When you come to their practice, you immediately feel comfortable. She always takes a lot of time for one, is patient and conveys an incredibly pleasant calm. I personally can only recommend you.

Bianca Kuhn 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great yoga lessons I do not want to miss! Fast and competent help with back problems after birth. I can warmly recommend the baby massage course with Mama-yoga to all newly minted moms - learned on many levels! You can feel the years of experience and everything here with heart and soul is addressed!

Elfriede Geiselmann 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice, demanding and varied yoga classes are offered. The small group size and the premises are very pleasant. The website is informative and clear. To recommend all around.

Sara Halici 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I can only recommend! Feel in good hands‍♀️

Carolin König 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Yoga with baby works thanks to Sabine Spitze and the baby massage enjoys my little one every time.

Binglu Gu 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I discovered baby yoga with baby massage thanks to Sabine. I think it's great that as a young mother you are offered an opportunity to do something for yourself and at the same time have a good time with your baby: such as a relaxing massage for the little one at the end of the course. The atmosphere is great, Sabine integrates super crying babies into her course and you don't have the stress that the baby has to lie there all the time. Really recommend it!

Sarah 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: During my pregnancy, I discovered Sabine's practice and went to yoga there. The hours were always the highlight of the day and the perfect mix between excitement and relaxation. Sabine always had an ear for "her" pregnant women and shared her great knowledge with us. She has contributed to a large extent to the fact that I was well prepared and safe to go to birth. With baby, I am now with her in the back training yoga / baby massage. Sabine looks to us that we Mamis not come too short and strengthens us very - physically, mentally and with good tips. In dealing with the babies one notices her experience and her knowledge, which she shares with us again quite uncomplicated. I can only highly recommend Sabine!

Thommy R. 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: It's a lot of fun, both on site and online at Corona times. I look forward to the monthly yoga relaxation every week.

Karina Siskind 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: very nice studio, great location. The yoga classes are always varied, not too lax but still relaxing. Sabine does it great!

Yvonne Weiß 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Your time is only recommended. Especially if you want to do something good for yourself and your baby

Jasmin Neudörffer 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I was super prepared for the first birth and v.a. also brought well by birth. I'm back at the second Ssw and can only recommend it again!

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