Informationen über terra sports Ratingen - EMS Training

Mülheimer Str. 3b
40878, Ratingen
+49 2102 5537655


  • Montag: 09:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 09:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 09:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 09:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 09:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: 10:00–16:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: Geschlossen

Dein terra sports Studio für EMS-Training in Ratingen. Erreiche Dein Fitnessziel mit 20 Minuten Personal Training pro Woche.

Im Zentrum von Ratingen ist unsere terra sports Filiale in der Mühlheimer Straße 3b zu finden. Deinen zukünftigen Personal Trainer findest Du ganz in der Nähe vom St. Marien-Krankenhaus. Möchtest Du mit dem Auto anreisen? Dann findest Du ganz in der Nähe unseres Studios mehrere Parkplätze direkt vor der Tür. Aber auch die Anreise mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln könnte kaum einfacher sein: Die Busse der Linien 753, 760 und 773 halten wenige Meter von Deinem Ort für professionelles EMS Training in Ratingen entfernt. Durch die zentrale Lage sind unsere Personal Trainer aber auch fußläufig gut zu erreichen. Suchst Du nach einer sinnvollen Ergänzung zum klassischen Fitnessstudio in der Innenstadt von Ratingen? Dann bist Du bei uns an der richtigen Stelle. Bei terra sports wird Dir eine persönliche und auf Deine Vorstellungen ausgerichtete Betreuung zur Seite gestellt. Komm vorbei und überzeuge Dich selbst!

Dafür musst Du Dich nur zu einem unverbindlichen Probetraining anmelden. Das kannst Du entweder direkt über unsere Website tun oder indem Du einfach mal in unserem Studio in der Mühlheimer Straße vorbeischaust. Unsere Personal Trainer werden schnell einen Termin finden, der genau in Deinen Tagesablauf passt. Das gilt übrigens übergreifend für unser Konzept: EMS Training in Ratingen ist Deine Chance, innerhalb von nur 20 Minuten pro Woche Deine sportlichen Ziele konsequent zu verfolgen. Egal, ob Dein Wunsch im Muskelaufbau, im Abnehmen, in der Linderung von Rückenproblemen oder in der Rehabilitation liegt – Dein Personal Trainer berät Dich genau zu den für Dich passenden Übungen und erstellt daraus ein maßgeschneidertes Workout für Dich. Du wirst schnell merken: EMS Training hat nichts mit dem Besuch eines konventionellen Fitnessstudios gemeinsam.

Das liegt auch daran, dass wir in Ratingen zu Beginn Deines Trainings eine genaue Körperanalyse durchführen. So sind unsere Personal Trainer in der Lage, Deine körperlichen Voraussetzungen zur Grundlage für das anschließende Workout zu machen. Diese Analyse wird übrigens in jedem Monat Deiner Mitgliedschaft wiederholt. So weißt Du immer, wo Du gerade stehst und wir erhalten dadurch die Möglichkeit, Dein EMS Training immer wieder anzupassen. So werden immer die passenden Reize in Deiner Muskulatur gesetzt und Deine Trainingsfortschritte bestmöglich optimiert. Übrigens: Zu Deinen Workouts bei uns kannst Du Deine Sporttasche zuhause lassen. Alles, was Du für das Training benötigst, halten wir vor Ort für Dich bereit. An dieser Stelle könnten wir noch weitere Argumente für das EMS Training in Ratingen finden, aber letztlich zählt nur eins: Dein persönlicher Eindruck. Also komm vorbei und überzeuge Dich im Rahmen von einem Probetraining vor Ort von den Vorteilen unseres Trainingskonzepts.

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terra sports Ratingen - EMS Training hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

terra sports Ratingen - EMS Training: Stellungnahmen

4.9/5 (53 Stellungnahmen)
KingTi 28 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice, competent and friendly team. We recommend.

Arkadius Daab 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The team is great!

Yogi69 (Yogi69) 2 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: Tolles Angebot. Mitarbeiter teilweise nicht gut informiert.

A. R. 3 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: Nette Mitarbeiter, aber das Training war zumindest für mich langweilig und den anfänglichen Fitness-bzw. Körperfett-Test bzw.dessen Auswertung habe ich als unseriös empfunden. Ich bin Humanmedizinerin, 41 Jahre alt, 175cm groß, wiege 65kg, trage Kleidergröße 36/38, mache mein gesamtes Leben Sport, früher auch leistungsmäßig Radsport und musste mir dann nach diesem Test sagen lassen, dass sowohl mein Gewicht, als auch mein Körperfettanteil an der oberen Grenze lägen und ich dringend was machen müsse. Sorry, aber hier geht es nur darum, den Kunden zum Vertragsabschluss zu bequatschen und dafür werden dann auch schon mal die Fakten verdreht bzw.falsch ausgewertet. Unseriös !

Martin Jordan 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Gute Erfahrung - kompetente Begleitung

Kartal Sevin 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio trainer top one is very well taken care of a high quality studio. Recommend everyone to try it.

Johan Talden 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: super short us crisp training ️♀️ Once a week I visit terra sports in Ratingen and can recommend it with a very good conscience you do a great job Team Ratingen - thanks

Tayfun Dilanka 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been testing for 1 year here in Ratingen super atmosphere

sinan dalgi 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A familiar studio here makes you feel right at home. I do the Ems training once a week and have achieved success in a very short time. It's a strenuous but fun intense workout. the personal trainers here in Ratingen terra sports are very good here you are in good hands and are completely supervised for the 20 minutes, they pay attention to my posture while I do the exercises correct me, reinforce the exercises and motivate me. I am very happy to have found this studio. Big compliments to the staff, you are great, you will try it yourself you will not regret it :-)

karahan sibel 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Try it out, it's worth it and I'm so happy that I signed up here, it's fun and I achieve my goals, what more could I want :-)

Pia Salbart 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Regularly once a week I am with the ems training and notice how it does my body good thanks for the super competent care

Nicky Touglo 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super studio super dear employees, it's always fun to work here!

Karim Kalbocha 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Exercise with my buddy at Terra Sports, both soccer players use the unit to improve our speed and gain muscle growth. In a short time, muscle mass is built up and fat percentage is reduced - this is what a successful workout should be. Team is super convince yourself

Katja Sacken 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Have been looking for a reasonable Ems provider for a long time. Was a long time with another provider, this one wore out. Since terra sports had a cooperation with them, I received a call inviting them to a trial training session. Before the actual training, I got a consultation that was completely tailored to me, you quickly noticed that the trainer was interested in my goal. The advice was top notch. Then I got a special measurement that determined my fat percentage and muscle mass. We wrote down my goals. Then we started with the 20 minute training. I was really surprised and quickly realized that I had trained completely wrong with my ex provider for 1.5 years. I had no success with my ex provider but did it for 1.5 years because it was still good for my back. I've been with terra sports Ratingen for about 5 months now and I'm finally getting closer to my goal from week to week. According to regular measurements, I've already lost 4 kg of pure fat and even built up muscles. I am so satisfied and happy that I signed up here in the studio. You are a great team! See for yourself and make an appointment for a trial training session

Konstantin Mächler 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super awesome workout! I always look forward to coming back to training.

Mona Schroka 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A very nice team, the atmosphere is very good. The training pushes me to my limits once a week and it is always done with a personal trainer

Jürgen Tellermann 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Sore muscles greetings :) You are doing great! Looking forward to my next EMS unit next week

Bea Tinz 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A very modern studio. I am very convinced of EMS training, you shouldn't underestimate this type of training. In the 20 minutes I feel all the muscles I have :-) Try it out yourself :-) You team have been rated simply unique

Karl heinz Tomphson 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I definitely recommend this studio to others. Super clean super trainer makes fun here

Daniel Krumm 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: When I first entered the Terra Sports store I was admittedly skeptical about what to expect. I had no experience in Ems training. However, this skepticism disappeared very quickly, the extremely friendly and attentive staff picked me up emotionally and we were on a wavelength. I was shown everything in detail and explained and also detailed questions could be answered very precisely and conscientiously for Koch. The store was very attractively designed and extremely clean. The staff as already mentioned very friendly and professionally competent. The training was really an experience in itself, I can only recommend everyone to stop by and to gain their own experience.

kader kanbolat 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super great studio, try it out it's fun and the results are visible in less time. I am very happy to have found this studio. The trainers are very competent and always challenge me to my limits once a week. Stay like you have been since Team Ratingen, you are wonderful

Britta Dagli 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Exercise with my fiancé together it's fun and we achieve our goals. I have already lost weight and my body is significantly tightened by the Ems training.

Pascal Struwe 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: really cool training i like the concept very much team is also really fit!

Aguel Spz 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Highly recommended, great studio, I feel good about everything you're doing great. Just try it out, it's fun :)

luis salbeck 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very cool studio, you feel in good hands here. Training once a week is enough

sandra küpp 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very satisfied, I didn't think that 20 minutes a week would be enough but it works perfectly!

Taki Salikas 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Since I've been doing EMS I haven't had any back problems, my mobility has improved and my muscles have built up, and I've lost weight. I'm very satisfied. A very neat studio and excellent personal trainers.

Sandra Kett 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I feel a lot better since I've been with terra sports. I had extreme back problems in the lumbar region for 2 months. Ems training, my back is much better.

Franz Jacobs 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice team and a good atmosphere in the studio. The training is very strenuous and recommended. I'm excited!

Niko Manoussis 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have often done Ems training but I have never had such intensive Ems training Really a top studio with a top trainer!

Mark Wittenberg 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Replaced my complete units of strength training with one unit! Combine it with running once a week just very good! Convince yourself!

Thomas Hellbach 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio and a very personable and competent team. The studio manager Elmas brings a smile to everyone's face.

Elias Mell 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really good ! You really feel how everything is getting tighter. In general, I also feel a lot fitter than before .. simply TOP! ;)

Bxbxnz Hdhxnhxx 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great experience here I am very happy to have Terra sports ratings in my life as a helper for my body, thank you !!!!!!!

Rene Durbatchs 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I recommend with very good conscience You are great until next week dear team

Ali Can 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A short, effective workout once a week will train all of my muscles. I've already lost 5 kg of pure fat and I'm very proud of it - a big THANK YOU goes to the team in the Ratinger studio that always motivates me

Christos Kalimera 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The training is the best solution for me, because I travel a lot for work, it is great to train here for 20 minutes once a week. If you give it a try here in the Ratinger studio you are really in good hands, 10 stars go to the trainers :-)

Karina Petrovska 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have been training here with my husband for 7 months and both have already had our first successes.

Andreas Pipas 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A very effective workout. I train here once a week and I'm super satisfied. Here you can train the whole body in just 20 minutes, convince yourself ;)

Frank Strufe 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: It's just fun to train here. Funny, effective, what more could you want.

Derya Camlidere 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great service, great place you really enjoy it. I am very satisfied with everything ... I can really recommend Top Studio

Melly Sadriu 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best training, best trainers and a great atmosphere! I was in many studios but none of them convinced us that the Terra Sports Studio in Ratingen! Highly recommended! ♡

Thomas Mandlik 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super trainer - great training. Very effective ! Highly recommend it.

Ili A 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice and competent trainers! My training sessions are tailored to my problem areas. My back pain has gotten better

Christian F. 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Top location, top trainer, top training! Always happy there

Firas Ftouni 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best training - best trainer - best service! Simply the best: D

Ben 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great team. Professional advice. It's just fun. I recommend it !!!

Ali Kanat 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very good trainers. Centrally located. Good service

Zeynep Reiher 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very good advice top team just keep going Recommend

Milena A 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great training! And mega motivated trainer :)

Maria Bogiatzi 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I did Ems training for the first time. At the beginning I didn't know how it was going to work. It started with a very detailed consultation so no 0815 consultation but really detailed afterwards measurement and then the training started. The trainer was so responsive to me in training that I call personal training I felt so comfortable. Afterwards I had a nice muscle ache I can only recommend it, give it a try and the people who can’t really imagine anything under Ems just do it it’s awesome top studio

Janine Kunz 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: A super brilliant relaxed and young team. Open to everyone. Feel-good factor 10/10. I can only recommend. Great advice and fun guaranteed.

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