Informationen über CrossFit HitBody

Fuchseckstraße 21B
70188, Stuttgart
+49 176 21523461


  • Montag: 06:00–07:00 Uhr, 17:30–21:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 17:30–21:30 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 17:30–21:30 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 06:00–07:00 Uhr, 17:30–21:30 Uhr
  • Freitag: 06:00–07:00 Uhr, 17:15–19:30 Uhr
  • Samstag: 11:00–13:45 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 11:00–13:45 Uhr

"Genau das war es was mir gefehlt und einen neuen Reiz gesetzt hat". "Ich bin fitter, wacher und habe deutlich mehr Energie über den Tag." Erfahre mehr...

Unsere CrossFit Box lebt durch seine Community, den Spaß am gemeinsamen Training und der motivierenden Atmosphäre. Du profitierst von CrossFit, evidenzbasiertem und leistungsorientiertes Kraft- und Ausdauertraining, olympischem Gewichtheben, Neuro Athletic Training, Mobilitätstraining sowie Ernährungsberatung und Personal Training. Die Leistung definiert dabei jede Athletin und jeder Athlet selbst. Das Training in einer kleinen Gruppe oder als Einzeltraining ist immer individuell auf Dein Trainingsniveau angepasst. Somit kann eine neue Athletin oder ein neuer Athlet direkt neben einem Wettkampfsportler trainieren. Ziel ist dabei immer den größtmöglichen positiven Übertrag auf Dein tägliches Leben außerhalb der Box zu erreichen. Also fitter, mobiler und mehr Energie im Alltag. Hör auf Dich mit anderen zu vergleichen und tritt gegen Dich selbst an. Verschiebe Deine eigenen Grenzen. Werde besser als Du es gestern warst.

Du möchtest CrossFit HitBody unverbindlich kennenlernen, mehr über die Philosophie hinter CrossFit erfahren und an Deinem ersten Workout of the Day (WOD) teilnehmen? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig. Nach einer kurzen theoretischen Einführung geht es mit dem gemeinsamen Warm-Up richtig los. Direkt im Anschluss beim WOD lernst Du das gemeinsame Training in einer kleinen Gruppe, immer reflektiert durch mich einen erfahrenen und zertifizierten Trainer, sowie Deine eigenen Grenzen kennen. Das gemeinsame Cool Down schließt die Einführung in den CrossFit Sport und den Überblick über das Angebot von CrossFit HitBody ab.

Inhaber Steve Strauch TrainingFuchseckstr. 21 B70188 Stuttgart‍OfficeIsarweg 570376 Stuttgart‍So erreichst du uns+49 (0)176 / 215 234

Zentral im Stuttgarter Osten gelegen kannst du uns problemlos per Auto oder öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichen. Kostenlose Parkplätze stehen im Kübler-Areal zur Verfügung. Wir sind mit folgenden Bussen oder Bahnen zu erreichen:Bus: Ab Hauptbahnhof mit den Buslinien 40 oder 42 bis zur Haltestelle „Wagenburgstraße“. Von Cannstatt aus mit der Buslinie 45.U-Bahn: Linie U4 bis „Ostendplatz“, von dort aus mit der Buslinie 42 eine Haltestelle weiter bis zur „Wagenburgstraße“.


CrossFit HitBody hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Dienste, Maschinen und gerichtete Klassen


CrossFit HitBody: Stellungnahmen

4.9/5 (12 Stellungnahmen)
Lisa Morgenthaler 2 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: Nice box in the east of Stuttgart and perfect for CrossFit beginners. Every week there are basic lessons with a focus on technique and in the class many different ways of performing the exercise (scaling options) are shown. Also very cool weightlifting lessons several times a week. There is also the possibility to track your results in an app and see where you are making progress. There are only 4 stars because there is unfortunately no opportunity to train for yourself during the opening hours (unfortunately, a CrossFit box in Stuttgart is not spared from the lack of space).

Jason Reiff 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I was new to crossfit and very much out of shape. After a long time away from the gym and intense training, I was unsure if Crossfit was right for me. Coach Steve made me feel right at home with specific instruction on how to get ready for class, how to travel to the class, and what to expect from the class. I truly believe that Coach Steve has forgotten more about exercise and nuitrition than most of us will ever know. He sees everything, and he catches everything. Coach Steve corrects every weakness, and encourages every strength. Since I began with Crossfit Hitbody, I have lost weight, but have realized many more benefits in addition to losing a few kilograms. I am more strong, more flexible, and just more fit in every way. I highly recommend Coach Steve and the wonderful, friendly, supportive community of Crossfit Hitbody. It doesn't matter if you're a fitness veteran or a novice walking into a gym for the first time. You will realize your own peak fitness potential with Coach Steve at Crossfit Hitbody!

Johnny Wise 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Was able to do a drop in at this Gym while traveling. I can't say enough about how welcoming everyone was, from the coach to the members. They were also able to tailor the workout for my injuries and concerns. Gym and equipment are well kept and modern. Thank you again for having me CFHB!

Gabo 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Was at a WOD training with Silvia and I really liked it. Although I'm a complete beginner, she made sure I came with her. I'll be back :)

Cleo A. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I can really recommend the box to everyone!

Sandra Holte 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Varied and well-developed training with great support from the coaches! Highly Recommended. Clean sanitary facilities & even lockers (with their own lock).

Heiko Lindner 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Outstanding CrossFit Box. Top Features! And Steve is an institution! Technology has the highest priority. Game sore muscles!

Ika 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very, very cool box. Top trainers - they cater to individual needs with competence, motivation and extensive knowledge. Newcomers are immediately involved in a friendly and open manner. = 6 stars, at least.

Michele Assenza 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Simply outstanding! Steve is an extremely good trainer and has a lot of knowledge. Furthermore, he not only prepares the workout very well and just holds the training, but he also takes care of each individual participant, makes sure that the exercises are carried out correctly and that nobody gets injured in the process. I really appreciate it! It's like personal training, only a lot better! I have been with us for 2 months and have already lost over 6kg and have been able to get my body on course for definition. Thank you Steve for your encouragement and patience!

Dustin Ullmann 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very good crossfit box. The box is very modern and versatile. All equipment and materials are available that you need for a good workout. The trainer Steve is super nice, very experienced and takes good care of the needs and problems of the athletes.

Emma Mirrors 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best CrossFit Box in Stuttgart! The perfect place to train both as an experienced athlete and for beginners. + Great community, everyone is welcome. + Dedicated and competent trainers. + Balanced workouts that bring success to all training sessions, no matter what level you are. + Heavy strength units + Demanding endurance training + Learn proper technique in all exercises.

Patrizio Napolitano 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I can only recommend the Crossfit Box. There is a great atmosphere and you feel welcome from the start. Steve is very attentive as a coach and always has very good tips ready, especially when it comes to improving one's own performance. He puts the focus more on the clean execution and thus prevents injuries. My recommendation is mainly for the 6 o'clock class ;-)

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