Informationen über Aqua Fitness Unger

Picassoring 63
56626, Andernach
+49 2632 490116


Aqua Fitness Unger hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Lt. aktueller Corona-Verordnung gilt für Schwimmbäder folgende Regelung:Kinder bis einschl. 12 Jahre + 3 Monate: Kein Nachweis erforderlichKinder / Jugendliche von 12 Jahre + 3 Monate bis einschließlich 17 Jahre: 3GPersonen ab 18 Jahre: 2G+ Für die Aqua Fitness Kurse in der Deichwelle gilt Folgendes: Teilnahme nur für Personen mit Booster-Impfung!---Die Betreuung von Selbsttests vor Ort ist uns leider nicht möglich. Testbescheinigung von einer Teststelle ...

Die Betreuung von Selbsttests vor Ort ist uns leider nicht möglich. Testbescheinigung von einer Teststelle oder vom Arbeitgeber, sofern dieser den Test unter Aufsicht durchführt und bescheinigen darf. Das gilt auch für Eltern, die nur den Umkleidebereich betreten wollen.

Tragen Sie sich gerne online in die Warteliste ein, damit Sie ggf. nachrücken können. Nach Beginn der Kurse schauen Sie bitte gelegentlich auf unserer Internetseite nach, ob die nächste Kursstaffel online gestellt wurde. In den Details finden Sie dann eine Info, ab wann die Kurse online gebucht werden können.

Wir suchen dringend Kursleiter/-innen für Babyschwimmen, Kinderschwimmen und Aqua Fitness! Bei Interesse sende bitte Deine Kontaktdaten per E-Mail an: [email protected]


Aqua Fitness Unger hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Dienste, Maschinen und gerichtete Klassen


Aqua Fitness Unger: Stellungnahmen

4.7/5 (13 Stellungnahmen)
Andreas Nohles 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: If available, I book swimming courses for my children through Aqua Unger. Good and dedicated staff. It's always fun.

Claudia Hebeler 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Tolle Kurse für jedes Alter... Absolut empfehlenswert!

Christiane Hessel 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Ich gehe seid vielen Jahren zu Aqua Unger. Kerstin ist eine ganz tolle Dozentin und bei ihr macht Sport richtig Spass. Aqua Gymnastik ist gelenkschonend und gut für den Rücken. Ein Sport den man bis ins hohe Alter ausüben kann. Ich kann es nur empfehlen.

E. Göbel 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: We have been going to the baby swimming lessons, mini, maxi and bambini courses for two years, and are completely satisfied. Both coaches we have met so far (Tauris and Altententrum Andernach), are highly motivated, empathetic and with a lot of heart ♥ ️ here.

Manuela Lanser 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: It's fun, very nice staff, great trainers,

Isla B. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The course we attended was really great, our daughter had a lot of fears, but the trainer was very sensitive to it. Many thanks to Christina for the patience! We had a lot of fun, we would have liked to have continued, but unfortunately we couldn't get a place for the new course, the new course places were booked out within seconds. Too bad.

S 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Baby swimming in the wave of the dyke on Wednesdays was a lot of fun. The trainer was great, the process was great and the water was usually very pleasantly warm. My husband and I were allowed to take turns taking part, which was very beneficial to us, as we would actually have liked to attend the course together (of course not possible due to Corona). We would really like to take the course from 9 months, unfortunately there are not enough places. We hope to be back soon. Thank you so much, it was so great.

Jennifer Welsch 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: This park is highly recommended. First of all I have to mention how clean it was there. Sanitary facilities are available almost on every corner and are very clean. There are also sinks every few meters to wash your hands properly. Top. Some of the attractions are more for older children, but there are so many things for smaller children. Great. The playgrounds are beautifully designed and some of them are also covered. There is also a water playground, but unfortunately it was probably not intact due to Corona. Just like the big wave slide which was a shame. The highlight are of course all the rides. There is a small deduction for this, which is often measured according to inaccurate body size. My son was less than 1m at some rides although he is already taller than 1m, which often meant that he was unfortunately not allowed to ride. That should be improved times. It is really a shame that attention is paid to it so meticulously and that the unit of measurement was then hung up incorrectly. But nevertheless it is a super nice park in which you can easily spend a whole day. I can only recommend it.

Petra Bölts 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: It's just fun

Rafael Schmiel 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very great and capable swimming school. Our 7 year old daughter was very anxious and we did not think that she would be able to take this fear. After a few appointments, she swims almost without aids and has a lot of fun swimming. Best decision to choose this Aqua Fitness Unger. The swimming instructors are all top. Many thanks.

Andre P. 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great courses, great team, excellent service. I have been attending several courses a week for years and am very happy there. The courses are varied, I enjoy it a lot and funkionieren in virtually every fitness level. If I was dissatisfied with something, then very quickly a satisfactory solution was found for me. I can recommend the courses throughout and will continue to visit them if possible.

Nuwe Kọ 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Fantastic empathic and motivating trainers who enjoy their job! A great troupe with a lot of fun and concentration! Highly recommended to book a course there!

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