Informationen über jumpers fitness Würzburg

Rottendorfer Str. 67
97074, Würzburg
+49 931 46549550


  • Montag: 06:00–00:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 06:00–00:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 06:00–00:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 06:00–00:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 06:00–00:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: 07:00–22:00 Uhr
  • Sonntag: 07:00–22:00 Uhr

Tolle Community, professionelle Trainer, modernste Geräte. Jetzt kostenloses Probetraining im jumpers fitness Würzburg vereinbaren.

Deine Gesundheit steht für uns an erster Stelle. Daher kümmern wir uns natürlich darum, dass Du Dein Training bei uns jederzeit ohne Sorge fortsetzen kannst. Wir brauchen dazu jedoch auch Deine Mithilfe - denn nur gemeinsam kann das funktionieren. Bitte beachte bei Deinem Workout stets unsere aktuell geltenden Hygienehinweise und Regeln unter "Aktuelle Corona News" in unserem FAQ Bereich. Dort findest Du auch alle Infos dazu, was mit Deinem Beitrag bei einem weiteren Lockdown geschieht und welche Möglichkeiten Du hast.

 Du bist ein großer Fan von Cardiogeräten? Du powerst Dich gerne am Crosstrainer aus oder kommst auf dem Laufband so richtig ins Schwitzen? Perfekt, dann werden Dich unsere Ausdauergeräte von Technogym und LifeFitness begeistern. In unserem großzügigen Freihantelbereich kannst Du Dich so richtig austoben - alleine oder mit Freunden. Unsere Trainer unterstützen Dich auf Deinem Weg zu Deinem Traumkörper und stehen Dir mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Und wenn Du magst helfen wir Dir mit unserem Personal Training dabei, Deine persönlichen Trainingsziele zu definieren. Damit Du am Ball bleibst und nicht aufgibst. Hand drauf!

 Du bist ein großer Fan von Cardiogeräten? Du powerst Dich gerne am Crosstrainer aus oder kommst auf dem Laufband so richtig ins Schwitzen? Perfekt, dann werden Dich unsere Ausdauergeräte von Technogym und LifeFitness begeistern. In unserem großzügigen Freihantelbereich kannst Du Dich so richtig austoben - alleine oder mit Deinen Buddies. Unsere Trainer unterstützen Dich auf Deinem Weg zu Deinem Traumkörper und stehen Dir mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Und wenn Du magst helfen wir Dir mit unserem Personal Training dabei, Deine persönlichen Trainingsziele zu definieren. Damit Du am Ball bleibst und nicht aufgibst! Hand drauf!

Leben, arbeiten, trainieren - und das alles bei Dir um die Ecke? Das machen wir für Dich möglich in unserem 1.200 qm großen jumpers Fitnessstudio in Würzburg. Im Hubareal über dem REWE erwartet Dich alles, was Dein Fitnessherz höher schlagen lässt. Ein vielfältiges Trainingsangebot mit modernsten Geräten und Kursen, die Spaß machen und Dich so richtig ins Schwitzen bringen. Da schmilzt das Fett und wachsen die Muskeln. Und das alles zu absolut fairen Preisen. Ist das was für Dich? Dann vereinbare gleich mal ein Probetraining bei uns. Ganz unverbindlich und kostenlos. Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

Schon mal etwas von Vibrationstraining gehört? Damit trainierst Du ganz gezielt die tiefliegenden Muskelschichten. Sieht unspektakulär aus, ist aber super effektiv. Genau wie unser Functional Training. Hier trainierst Du mit Deinem eigenen Körpergewicht. Und variierst den Schwierigkeitsgrad Deiner Push-Ups, Lunges oder Burpees zum Beispiel mit TRX Bändern. 

Für Schönheit und Entspannung sorgen unsere hautschonenden Wellnessgeräte von Ergoline. Die Sonnenanbeter unter Euch werden unser Solarium lieben - und mit unserem Collagen-Booster Beauty Angel regst Du die körpereigene Collagen-Produktion an. Für einen super frischen und strahlenden Teint. Komm vorbei und vereinbare ein Probetraining mit uns! Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

Schon mal etwas von Vibrationstraining gehört? Damit trainierst Du ganz gezielt die tiefliegenden Muskelschichten. Sieht unspektakulär aus, ist aber super effektiv. Genau wie unser Functional Training. Hier trainierst Du mit Deinem eigenen Körpergewicht. Und variierst den Schwierigkeitsgrad Deiner Push-Ups, Lunges oder Burpees zum Beispiel mit TRX Bändern. 

Für Schönheit und Entspannung sorgen unsere hautschonenden Wellnessgeräte von Ergoline. Die Sonnenanbeter unter Euch werden unser Solarium lieben - und mit unserem Collagen-Booster Beauty Angel regst Du die körpereigene Collagen-Produktion an. Für einen super frischen und strahlenden Teint. Komm vorbei und vereinbare ein Probetraining mit uns! Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

Wir lieben unseren Job. Und die jumpers fitness Community. Wir helfen Euch dabei, Euer Leben zu verändern. Indem Ihr Euch bewegt. Egal wie groß, klein, alt oder jung Ihr seid. Wir finden für jeden von Euch die richtigen Übungen, um Körper und Gesundheit auf Vordermann zu bringen.

Wir sind so gut, weil wir uns ständig weiterbilden. Weil wir große Lust auf neue Trainingsmethoden haben und weil wir Euch ganz persönlich kennen und wissen, wie wir Euch am besten motivieren können. Damit Ihr am Ball bleibt und Eure ganz persönlichen Trainingsziele erreicht.

Na - neugierig, was wir bei jumpers in Würzburg alles so zu bieten haben? Dann klick Dich durch unsere Trainingsangebote oder lerne, welches Training für welches Ziel am besten geeignet ist. Wenn Du Fragen hast, kannst Du auch gerne jederzeit bei uns im Studio in Würzburg vorbei schauen - Jessica und ihr Team stehen Dir immer gerne Rede und Antwort!

Kennst Du schon unsere gemeinsamen Gruppenkurse? Wenn Dir mal die Motivation fehlt, oder Du alleine einfach nicht den nötigen Drive hast, dann schau doch mal zu unseren Gruppenworkoutzeiten vorbei. Denn gemeinsam macht's einfach mehr Spaß. Hier findest Du den Kursplan in Deinem jumpers Studio. Wir bieten Dir sowohl funktionelle Kurse als auch Ganzkörpertrainings für jedes Level an. Sowohl in der BASIC als auch in der PREMIUM Mitgliederschaft sind alle Kurse inklusive - der absolute Hammer, oder? Bei jumpers fitness musst Du einfach auf nichts verzichten...


jumpers fitness Würzburg hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

jumpers fitness Würzburg: Stellungnahmen

4.9/5 (53 Stellungnahmen)
Milo Bergmann 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym, you definitely have everything you need. It's not too crowded, the atmosphere is very pleasant and the team is always courteous and friendly. I feel very well!

Sarah Riedmann 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Registered in the gym for about 2 months and I feel really good! Staff will always help you if you have any questions and explain exercises in detail. First fitness studio and very satisfied, I can only recommend it

Віталій Іващенко 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The gym is always clean, not full and assistants are always happy to help. I truly enjoy working out here!

M. Windal 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Thanks to the young employee who did not let in a member who had a positive Corona rapid test, for the protection of all members. This member put extreme pressure on the employee and she remained steadfast and friendly despite this aggressive and intimidating behavior. She adhered to the existing regulations and did not act arbitrarily! Equipment, atmosphere, staff, cleanliness ... everything was great !! Best fitness studio in Würzburg.

oli B. 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great atmosphere in the studio, both on the part of the staff and the other trainers. Diverse range of exercise equipment and very rarely "overcrowded". You can actually always get the device you want, without long waiting times (and if you should wait, there are enough free alternatives;)). Overall a great studio and I DO NOT regret choosing it!

000 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Such a great gym! The trainers are always friendly and will help you immediately! The studio is never overcrowded, you can train in peace without having the feeling that someone is looking at you all the time, etc. Overall, you really have the feeling that the entire gym community is like a small "family" :) In addition, the prices for students are really great. You only pay the monthly fee and there are no service and start-up fees.

Andreas Reuther 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Fitness center with the most relaxed atmosphere in Würzburg, no matter what time you can always do your program without the annoying queuing. In addition, cleanliness in all rooms and a friendly team on top.

Dmytro Ivashchenko 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: While other gyms in Würzburg are withdrawing from UrbanSportsClub platform, jumpers is still active there. Spacious, clean and modern - it’s very easy to find your way around. I’ve been coming here for a couple of months and so far I really like it.

M D 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very nice ambience. Super nice trainers. So far I've never had the impression that the studio was too full. The solariums and changing rooms are always clean. This is how training is fun. :)

Marius Schneider 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The best gym in which I was registered so far. Everything is clean, it is never overcrowded and the staff is understanding, always open to questions and friendly. Clear recommendation - lots of fun for athletes who want to train in peace.

Lasse Heims 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Top

Dominik Lober 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best studio in Würzburg! Never too full, you rarely have to wait for equipment, a clean studio and competent staff.

TZ 17 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice gym! Lots of space, very clean and nice staff! I would like to make a special mention of Julius. I had a nasty back injury and every time he sees me he asks about my health and shows me new exercises to really strengthen my back.

Benedikt Schneider 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really good studio. The equipment is great, it's not overcrowded and the very best thing is the staff. Always super friendly and happy to help with anything. The store is really awesome!

Miriam Piechowiak 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Quite new gym with all essential items you need for your training which are described also on their website. The staff is young, dynamic, super friendly and outgoing. All rooms are clean and you have opportunities to clean the equipment yourself after using them. A good tool is to check on the webpage how frequent the gym is visited by the time you wanna go, I recommend the later hours in the evening.

M. G. 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nice that there is a Jumpers in Würzburg! The layout is a bit more spacious and different than what you are used to from other Jumpers, but as a regular customer you will definitely get used to it.

Vladimir Stupnikov 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Fitness trainers always help and advise. I always enjoy sports

gameslash 1 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Good advice, very friendly staff, top quality equipment. The fellow trainees are also relaxed. The only thing that bothers me a little is that the handles on the lat pulldown don't fit so well in the hand.

Mike Schmitt 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: great studio Everything is always clean and tidy. The staff is very nice and will help you with any question. The appliances are new, all working and appear to be serviced. The atmosphere is good too. Come here to train.

Horo TW (Horo) 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Nice trainers who don't "hide" and a good atmosphere with enough equipment! Anyone who brings motivation will get more out of themselves here The location is of course also a huge plus point!

Katharina Z. 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I am very satisfied, the introduction was very competent and motivating. The prices are just great. Finally a gym that schoolchildren, students and others can afford. Well maintained, great concept.

Julian Müller 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Absolutely recommendable! The studio is very clean and the staff is always friendly and helpful. Also most of the people who go there are nice and considerate that there are rarely any problems. The devices (even if all of them are only available once except for cardio devices) are very new and well-kept. I like to train here and can only recommend the gym :)

Niklas Schwestka 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best gym in Würzburg! Everything great, clean and modern. The staff is very friendly, courteous and can answer any question! The atmosphere is very pleasant and even at peak times there are no long waiting times at the machines. Definitely recommended for me!

Kati Knoll 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice studio. Great atmosphere. Pleasant coworkers. Highly recommended!!

Lean Fiedler 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: -Everything is nice and clean -You feel very comfortable -Good atmosphere -Good and friendly staff -Snack machine with delicious protein bars and shakes I can only recommend it!!!

Fabian Seifer 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym with a nice team. Always clean and not too crowded. The only thing that could bother you a bit are the few devices, but it's rarely so busy that you can't go through with your training

Marija Tadic 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: So I have to praise everything here! A really nice gym with everything you need, awesome price, awesome hours and really the best staff! I have to highlight two names here: Viktor and Maximilian: Extremely nice, extremely helpful, just brilliant. I also love the fact that everyone who works there trains regularly and is fully involved. I will definitely recommend to everyone, best gym ever!

Mausmanno 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Best gym I've been to so far. Always space. Sufficiently large areas for free and equipment training. High ceilings and very well lit. Always clean and welcoming. Convenient drinks bar at the counter. Regular, well-attended group training sessions. Everything a gym needs. On top of that massage table and friendly staff. Would pump again.

Adrian Mazurkiewicz 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Spacy gym with a lot of machines. Staff is super friendly and often give their tips for workouts and how correctly do some exercise. I'm coming there for over a year now and it always keeps a good level!

Lena 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The staff is always super friendly. It's all nice and clean and there's a wide range of equipment. I like coming to train.

Benedikt Dreier 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio, super friendly staff. You always feel welcome. Relaxed atmosphere and very good functional area.

Evelina Schiopu 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really recommend this gym. The staff are all very kind and helpful. There is so many new equipment to use. So many facilities to use iswell.

NH 2 years ago

Positive Erfahrung: Ich mochte das Fitnessstudio anfangs wirklich sehr, die Trainer sind nett und das Studio ist super sauber. Nur wurde leider gefühlt dauerhaft irgendwelche Angebote für Neukunden gemacht, was dazu geführt hat, dass das Studio ab 16/17 Uhr bis 20/21 Uhr total überfüllt ist. Meist ist die Auslastung auf der Website bei 35-45%, was schon so voll ist, dass alle Cardiogeräte besetzt sind und die anderen Geräte, die teilweise ja nur einmal vorhanden sind, schon lange Wartezeiten haben, bis diese dann mal wieder frei sind. Ich frage mich, wie sich diese Auslastung berechnet? Wie soll es dann bei 60-80% aussehen? Das finde ich wirklich sehr schade, dass man trotz dessen, dass das Studio ja schon zu den Stoßzeiten sehr überfüllt ist, weiterhin dauerhaft Angebote macht. Es gibt leider Menschen, die auf die Stoßzeiten angewiesen sind, so macht es allerdings keinen Spaß. Ich werde daher wohl nach Ablauf des Vertrages leider auf ein Studio zurückgreifen, dass mehr Geräte (bzw. Geräte mehrmals) hat.

Thomas Wahler 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Das Team ist sehr nett,als Anfänger fühlt man sich super aufgehoben. Man kann jederzeit Fragen stellen und auf das Team zukommen. Sehr zu empfehlen!!!

Muhammad Ali 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Subba

Markus Müller 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: All in all a very good fitness studio, nice staff and a very diverse selection of equipment. I would only be happy if the opening times Andean holidays would be on the front door.

Medin Nuhija 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Modern studio with very nice employees. Always helpful and courteous with questions. It's also nice that there are regular events. I love coming here to train!

Tobias Pérez 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very decent gym. The Jumpers in Würzburg is a rather small gym because it is above the REWE. Therefore, the space to train is somewhat limited, which means that not every machine comes in a triple version. Nevertheless, everything you need for an extensive workout is available and there is at least one of every important machine. The training atmosphere is super relaxed, there are fewer "chavs" and posers running around here than in other fitness studios, you meet more students and there is a friendly atmosphere. The whole team is young, super nice, in a good mood and competent. Whether you are registering, explaining a new exercise or acting as a spotter, the staff will be happy to support you. Distributed throughout the gym are stations with disinfectant wipes and rubbish bins to clean the equipment after training. Employees from the team also go through the changing rooms, toilets and massage room at regular intervals to maintain hygiene there. On the one hand, the location of the fitness studio is very good, on the other hand, it is also a bit inappropriate. The studio is close to the university, so you can train before and after university or work (there are also showers in the changing rooms!). You can also go shopping after training, but you should pay attention to the time here, as you are not allowed to park in the parking lot for more than 3 hours... The less convenient location is the Rewe under the gym. You can look down from the top of the studio, as well as from the bottom up and thus partially look into areas of the studio. It takes a little getting used to at first, but after the first few weeks it didn't bother me that much, but I didn't want to leave this aspect unmentioned. The basic program costs just under €20 per month, but you can get by with it just fine! I can use all the machines and the showers with it - that's all I need to train. The premium subscription also includes isotonic drinks, the massage room, the solarium and so-called power plates (vibrating plates on which you can do exercises...), this costs €30 a month. Conclusion: a top gym if you don't want any frills and are simply looking for a good place to train. I'm very satisfied :)

Lars Haukenfrerichs 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super studio, super equipment and everything you would expect in a well sorted studio. Friendly and competent staff. As a day guest, I really feel in good hands there!

Michael Braun 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Very well equipped gym with competent advice. The hygiene is also good. The audience is student-dominated and really very nice. Everything great!

Martina Gomes Afonso 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice gym, great, super nice team that is always there for you if you have any questions. Very clean and the hygiene rules are always observed. Super tasty mineral drinks. This is how training is fun. Use the massage table after exercising and simply feel good

Paula Meier 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Modern studio in a pleasant training atmosphere and new equipment. It is always kept very clean and hygiene concepts are also adhered to. The team is competent and always available to answer any questions. As a rule, the studio is not overcrowded, so that you can train in a relaxed manner.

Patricia Kahle 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great studio, mostly not overcrowded, clean and nice, trained staff. What more do you need?! The devices are always in top condition and modern. After training you can also relax for a few minutes on the massage bed! The members are also 99.9% pleasant people and it's fun to train here as a woman too. I always enjoy coming back to jumpers fitness Würzburg!

Luisa Wa 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I always love to train here! The equipment and the studio are very modern and, for me, perfectly equipped. The trainers were always super friendly and extremely helpful, which is why I quickly signed the contract. A gym where the atmosphere is right and I always enjoy working out!

Philipp K. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Modern fitness studio with all equipment and free weights you need. Everything was very clean, clear and not too crowded. Good changing rooms, free water and whoever wants massage tables. Together with nice staff, a studio as it should be.

Christian Fleischmann 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The team is super friendly, helpful and is also very well trained. The studio is modernly equipped and offers a variety of devices. Cleanliness is very important here. Plenty of free parking spaces are available.

Ulrike Briele 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Super nice team, all very competent and friendly. Very pleasant atmosphere. Never overcrowded, everything is super clean. Good introduction to the equipment. The members are all nice too. And after training on the massage table a dream. I am completely satisfied.

Thomas Q. 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Really a great fitness studio, very competent and trained staff and also chat a little with people which, in my opinion, increases their liking. The studio in general is very well maintained and kept clean, there is new and modern equipment. Price-performance ratio fits great, stand out from the competition. I like coming here and I would also like to recommend Jumpers :-)

Jan Sauerstein 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been to two other gyms so far, but I especially like the jumpers. A modern studio with a young, ambitious team behind it. I always felt comfortable here and was able to train in the pleasant atmosphere. The quality of the equipment is also great & you can relax on the massage table after training, or pick up your portion of light in the solarium on the darker winter days. I think I'll be with you for a long time to come.

Jones Balou 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have never been looked after in such a nice and warm manner in a gym. The trainers really take care of you and help every second! The team and the studio management are really great and I always look forward to training here again and again. Have you found my oasis of balance! Many thanks to Jessy and her team

Annalena 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been training in jumpers for 2.5 years and I'm really very satisfied. The staff are all super friendly and helpful, everything is always clean and hygienic and the studio is very modern, so that you just feel very comfortable. I can recommend Jumpers to everyone and I have nothing to complain about :)

Camilo Andrés Reyes 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Great gym with great machines and excellent customer service!

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