Informationen über Main-Fitness by Oliver Velevski

Alte Landstraße 2
97218, Gerbrunn
+49 1512 3210600


  • Montag: 05:45–06:45 Uhr, 18:00–21:00 Uhr
  • Dienstag: 18:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Mittwoch: 18:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Donnerstag: 18:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Freitag: 18:00–20:00 Uhr
  • Samstag: Geschlossen
  • Sonntag: Geschlossen

Wir helfen dir deine Ziele zu erreichen. Durch dass Cross Your Limits Trainingssystem von Oliver Velevski, wirst du selbstbewusst, stark und schmerzfrei!

Main-Fitness by Oliver Velevski - das ist geballtes Wissen, Leidenschaft und Know How von einem Team, das sich individuell auf dich einstimmt und stets auf dem aktuellsten Stand hält, um dich in deiner Entwicklung voranzubringen! Wir sind zertifiziert im RKC Hardstyle Kettlebell Training, Ring Strength Training, Strength & Conditioning, Gymnastics Training, Barbell Training, Calisthenics, Ernährungswissenschaft, Prä- & Postnatales Training, Biomechanik der Wirbelsäule und vieles mehr. Kontinuierliche, weltweite Fortbildungen von namhaften Experten sind dabei ebenso selbstverständlich wie praktische Erfahrungen, damit du bei uns in sicheren Händen bist.

Olis Training begeistert durch die perfekte Kombination aus Kettlebell-, Körpergewichts-, Barbell- und Ringtraining, wobei der Fokus immer auf der möglichst perfekten Technikausführung liegt. Durch sein fundiertes Wissen kann er dabei Jeden auf seinem individuellen Level abholen. Dieses Jahr stand für mich die HKC-Zertifizierung an, wobei ich mich durch Seminare bei Oli sowohl in Präsenz als auch durch seinen hervorragenden Onlinekurs vorbereitete. Egal ob live vor Ort oder "vor dem Bildschirm", ihm entgehen auch Kleinigkeiten nicht, hier bekommt man technischen Feinschliff. Absolut empfehlenswert, wenn man auf sein nächstes Trainingslevel kommen möchte.

"It is one thing to be a COACH, another thing to be a MENTOR, but a completely different thing to be a LEADER. I am proud to be led by a coach, mentor and leader LIKE YOU!" Shoutout to my great coach, mentor and leader Oliver Velevski. THANK YOU for being you. THANK YOU for being by my side since 2015, for helping me to reach my goals and for paving my road to Iron Maiden.

Oliver ist ein hervorragender Coach. Er sieht, was er einem zumuten kann. Übungen werden so skaliert, dass man immer ein Erfolgserlebnis hat und immer etwas mitnehmen kann. Er führt einen behutsam immer wieder über die eigenen Grenzen hinaus, ohne zu überfordern. Ich bin zur Zeit bei ihm im Summer Preps Programm (HSSP) und muss sagen, ich fühle mich selbst als Beginner zwischen all den jungen Athleten wohl. Es gibt keinen Druck, aber trotzdem holt er alles aus mir heraus.

Hätte niemals gedacht, dass das Mentoring Programm so schnell so krasse Veränderungen bringt. Dabei ziehen wir das ja erst drei Monate durch! Das Gesamtpaket Ernährung, Training und mentale Unterstützung hat dafür gesorgt das es mir so richtig gut geht. Ich bin Leistungsfähiger und dabei ausgeglichener! Dabei unterstützt Oli bei jederzeit bei allen Fragen. Man fühlt sich rundum super aufgehoben!

Durch die Bereiche Kettlebell Strength Training, Ring Strength Training, Gymnastics Strength Training und Barbell Strength Training ist Main-Fitness Vorreiter im Bereich des funktionellen Trainings.

Gesunde Ernährung gehört für uns zu perfekt geplantem Training und einem positiven Mindset dazu, um für ein gutes Lebensgefühl zu sorgen.

Jahrzehntelange Erfahrung, weltweit besuchte Workshops, Studiengänge und Know-How von den besten der besten - all das hat Oliver Velevski die letzten Jahre gesammelt und für dich aufbereitet und weiterentwickelt.

Programmiere dein Mindset auf Erfolg! Fokus und positives, zielgerichtetes Mindset im Training, deiner Ernährung und deinen Handlungen im Alltag können dein Leben verändern.

Wir helfen dir deine Ziele zu erreichen. Durch dass Cross Your Limits Trainingssystem von Oliver Velevski, wirst du selbstbewusst, stark und schmerzfrei!

Wir helfen dir deine Ziele zu erreichen. Durch dass Cross Your Limits Trainingssystem von Oliver Velevski, wirst du selbstbewusst, stark und schmerzfrei!


Main-Fitness by Oliver Velevski hat seine Beschreibung noch nicht ausgefüllt.

Main-Fitness by Oliver Velevski: Stellungnahmen

5/5 (22 Stellungnahmen)
Christoph Kühnhauser 1 year ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Oli and his team do an incredible job here! Strength and conditioning is really lived here, whether with barbells or kettlebells. If you want training that gets results then you have to come here. And if you're a trainer and want to learn something new, you've come to the right place!

Anne Bollwahn 2 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: If you are looking for a super competent and fantastic Coach and Team: you'll find them here! Definetely! They know exactly how to increase your Performance, Training, Nutrition-output and love what they do! Never met better Coaches/ Mates...I love this guys!

Laura Wolf 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I was allowed to take part in Oli's kettlebell training as part of the occupational health management of the Bundeswehr for about three months and was thrilled after each unit. Oli has a lot of specialist knowledge, which he brings into practice in each of his units and you can learn a lot with a little prior knowledge in the field of sports science. The training is very structured and sensible, demanding, holistic and a great change from "normal" strength training. Exercising with the Kettelbell requires a lot of concentration, which I find a great aspect compared to equipment training, because here the thoughts really stay on one thing for an hour and do not constantly wander. I always had a lot of fun and although I only participated for 3 months, I felt a clear effect in my fitness. I have benefited a lot for my "normal" strength training in terms of exercise technique and knowledge and I am very motivated to continue to pursue the Kettelbelltraining. I can really recommend it to everyone! Especially for those who might want to try something new in the field of strength training and for whom training in the gym has become too boring. Try it out! :)

Heilmacherin Martina Korte 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I've been using Olli's online coaching for a year now. I feel professionally looked after and learn a lot both as an athlete and as a coach. Main Fitness offers are of the very highest quality, both the workshops and the trainings. If you are ready for the next level, then Olli is the right coach For you too

Franziska Kastner 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Oli as a coach and man mean concentrated power, passion and knowledge in what he does! I am with him in the personal coaching and now also in the training as a Strength and Conditioning Coach and while doing so I get to know myself and my body once again! I come from the fitness industry myself and have some licenses and training in the scene, but never with such a quality as Oli! Thank you to call you my coach and mentor :)

Christian Waegener 3 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I hired Oli as a trainer for a measure in the context of occupational health management in the Bundeswehr. With his absolute know-how in the field of training theory and his uncomplicated and friendly nature, he has managed to make the participants of our kettlebell course stronger with his exercises, skills and training aids within a very short time, to help them functionally and to transfer them into our daily work - and create everyday work.

Melanie Gras 4 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: If you want to get concentrated expertise from a great team with a lot of fun, you're in the right place with Olli!

K. Weiss 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I trained at Main-Fitness for half a year and during that short time I did not only learn a lot in sports, but also became mentally stronger. Through the training in the small groups, the coaches can respond individually to the individual participants, which has brought me extremely much and let me go beyond my limits.

M. A. 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The one and only Oliver Velevski!

Manfred Kroczek 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Personal advice at a very high level - thanks for the many tips also on proper nutrition ...

Stefanie Wolfahrt 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Here, as a sports muffle, I discovered the fun of sports. Great and professional training. Super trainer who pays attention to everyone. I always notice how an imagined limit, thanks to the training, moves upwards. The members are also great and openly accept new members!

Joe Cumiskey 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The very specific workout

Albert T. 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I did the Hardstyle Kettlebell (HKC) certification here. Some of the participants were also regular members, and they were all very well practiced and passed without any problems. Some girls also have difficult kettlebells when I use it comfortably :) The people were relaxed, friendly and helpful, including Oliver, who seems to be a very dedicated young fitness professional. Unfortunately I cannot become a member because I live in Austria, but I can recommend a visit to everyone.

Berta Brionis 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Modern, functional, high level and even greater know-how of the trainers. The slightly different gym with a lot of passion. HARDSTYLE!

Sabine Cumiskey 5 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Power training from a trainer who knows his trade. With a lot of patience and good explanations, I learned the technique step by step and am now looking forward to every training session and new challenges. Thank you, Oli.

Benedikt Dreier 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: In order to clarify my rating, I have to go back a little bit. I came to Main Fitness via the internet, or my girlfriend. She started there in front of me as she was trying to balance her work. My sport at that time was basketball and running. Through her I thought about whether I could do "strength training" once a week. Gyms had never really appealed to me before, or I didn't last long there. So I signed up for a trial training session at Main Fitness. My goal was to build an extra power unit once a week to build speed and bounce for playing basketball. At the beginning I had some doubts whether I would be able to endure this kind of training at all. For the past ten years, I have had knee pain from an injury that I contracted at some point. In the meantime, I had lost confidence in doctors because nobody could help me to become pain free. So I regularly took one, rather two Voltaren tablets in front of each sports unit. Playing basketball has also caused me to suffer multiple ligament tears in my right ankle over the years. The tapes were so "worn out" that I already twisted on an uneven road. I could only play basketball with bandages on my ankles. So again a compromise. That was my prehistory now. During my trial training I noticed the special atmosphere at Main Fitness. The focus here is clearly on sustainable improvement. Both in the area of ​​mobility and strength building. I would particularly like to emphasize the training with the kettlebell. Thanks to the countless hardstyle kettlebell swings, I quickly became pain-free in my knee. This technique strengthened / developed muscles in the thigh, which now ensure that the knee is evenly loaded. The process went relatively quickly. I felt the improvement after just a few weeks. It was the same with the ankle joint. Due to the many swings or squats, the muscles / ligaments have developed so that I can completely and without fear again pursue my second favorite hobby basketball. In addition, my total strength and reaction time have improved significantly as a result of whole body training. The training is always varied and does not make it boring or monotonous. Sometimes heavy weights are lifted, then you work with your own body weight (pull ups, dips) and the next step is handstand. So very versatile! You are always brought to your limits in a controlled manner and can therefore safely test and exceed them. True to the motto: "Cross your Limits"! Main Fitness also helps me to relax after a stressful working day. During the training time, I can super hide everything else and just concentrate on the training. So for me the perfect balance to my job. In conclusion, I can only say. I feel more fit and healthy than I have in a long time. The once a week has now become three times. :-)

Rodrigo Reza 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Main Fitness offers a high quality training. I was satisfied by both the training and the results obtained as well as the trainer's expertise (Oliver). Regular useful seminars and programs are offered which improve the training technique. With some extra ativities (like grilling in summer) Main Fitness does not only offer a training place but also a friendly atmosphere. Not living in Würzburg anymore is the only thing that stopped me from continuing my training there.

Frank Potschka 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: I have long wanted to get started with kettlebell training. After doing some research on the Internet, I came across Main-Fitness and Oliver Velevski and decided to take part in the Enter-the-Kettlebell seminar. It was totally worth it. I would recommend such a seminar to anyone who wants to start kettlebell training. Oliver communicates the content really well. Even those who think they have a good body feeling have many eye-opening experiences and the fun factor is not neglected either. Really a great seminar.

Anna Saettler 6 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Thanks to Main Fitness, I now have physical and mental strength that I could hardly have imagined a few years ago. The recipe for success for this? Trainer Oliver Velevski combines the highest training quality with individuality and applies this in team training sessions in which he achieves a lot of fun, motivation and success in every individual. A big thank you to Oli and everyone at Main-Fitness who keep pushing me and motivating me to achieve top performance!

Julian K. 7 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Until a year ago, accompanied by years of knee pain and surgery, the training at Main Fitness Knee pain are blown away. Oliver adapts the qualified training according to strengths, weaknesses, injuries and impairments and thus responds to each individual. The high motivation, the ambition and the fun is not neglected at Main-Fitness. The motto "Cross Your Limits" has made new demands on my body and motivated me even more for the training. Just come by and have a look!

Achim Wolf 7 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: Excellent coach! Great training is great fun.

Jochen K. 7 years ago

Fantastische Erfahrung: The trainer Oli Velevski offers a very individual training in small groups with up to a maximum of 10 participants. The group training takes place mostly in the evening. However, individual lessons can also be booked. The mood during the training is really great and the training in a group motivates immensely. In addition to exercises to increase the flexibility of an hour always contains two parts of force and a "finisher", where you can spend yourself again properly. The coach Oli Velevski works alone and therefore knows all personally. He also knows the strengths and weaknesses of each individual. In connection with the training in small groups, this guarantees, in my opinion, a really very individual care. Oli is always available for personal questions. He gives tips for proper nutrition and gives exercises to correct personal deficiencies or minor ailments in the hand. I have been training for about 3 months and I'm really excited. The progress that I have already made is really remarkable. Other types of sports - like running - have a positive effect on training, as this functional training ultimately trains the whole body. I can only recommend the training at Main-Fitness to anyone else without reservation! I was already convinced by the trial training!

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